20 August 2013

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Paths 2 Empowerment
Five sessions – 60-75 minutes each
Online in the Evolution Center
There is no need to register for this free event.

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Days 2- 5- Premium Event- Registration Only
August 23, 27, 28 & Sept 5
All classes are at 11:00am in U.S. Pacific Time
check your local time

Plan B- Igniting the Seed of Magic

Stop the presses! The group has just dropped in new information they want out now. They told us that August 19, 2013 would be a very special day for all of humanity on planet earth. That and we would all begin to breathe a little easier by the middle of the year 2013. We thought our next move was going to be to learn to Live in Grace after the Magnetic Heart Codes series and the Quantum Community Grid. Well, in a private meeting with Steve, (the group loves the idea of formal meetings discussing business!) they shared with him this next level of information and energy we are about to receive.
They wish to work directly with us over 5 days to "Ignite the Seed of Magic" that has been laying dormant within each human on planet earth; waiting, sleeping, protectively tucked away until the fate of the human race was determined. "Will humanity end the game of free choice and return home? Or will human beings collectively raise their consciousness and begin to remember they are God." And so they tell us, we each carry this seed of magic, that was to be awakened and ignited only and if we as a human collective passed through the 12-12-12 portal and grounded our Light in the 5th Dimension. This is essentially the Plan B contract for all of humanity. In Plan B we can  learn to walk in our own light.  What would it be like to be able to command inspiration instead of waiting, hoping it will hit us?  This is not magic of force but magic of harmonious attraction.
Now, more is being revealed as the group, Elrah and the Keeper of Time in live channel take you on a journey of exploration of your inner powers and how to ignite this seed that you planted long ago. As we are all firmly seated in a 5th dimensional reality we have new capabilities. Additionally humanity is passing an important marker of critical mass that will be reached on August 19th 2013 and as a result we all have more access to our own personal magic. All of earth will breathe a little easier as each individual becomes more empowered. This is the perfect time to activate the seed as you will have the natural alignments of the universe behind you.
On August 19th all of biology will begin the process of integrating light and the filling of all human bodies with more of the natural light of their spirit.  The group first spoke of this day on the 12-12-12 and their view is that it is a day of true wonderment and one to be celebrated. Spirit will be celebrating our human advances on that day completely free of charge and we will join in that celebration through our hearts online in the Evolution Center.
On August 19, 23, 27, 28 & Sept 5 we will locate, awaken and ignite that seed within us.
What does that mean?
It means we will activate our individual Plan B contracts post 12-12-12 to step into the work we said we would do if we were able to raise our consciousness enough to remember.
It means we have the chance to walk with the wind at our back now, (a welcome change!) feeling supported and experiencing "perfect opportunities" arriving right at our doorstep magically.
It means we will see and feel and hear differently, being attuned to the delicate frequencies of the higher dimensional rhythms.
It means we will become magical in ways we secretly dreamed of but never quite manifested.
It means you will activate and ignite others as they awaken, to the new levels of consciousness.
On August 19, 23, 27, 28 & Sept 5 we will locate, awaken and ignite that seed within us.
The majority of the course will be given in live channel with specifically targeted channeled Activation Journeys at the close of each session except the end of the final day which is reserved for Q & A. Sessions will run approximately 60-75 minutes each.


Day 1- August 19 FREE EVENT
There is no need to register for this free event.

Click here to be taken to the access page

Registration for  Day 2-5 Premium Event
August 23, 24, 27, 28 & Sept 5

Seminar Fee: $195
OverLight Facilitators receive $25 discount (please enter “Family25“  discount code at registration)
Light Masters & Lightworker Metaphysicians (Ordained within the Lightworker Organization only) receive $50 discount
(please enter “LightMaster50” discount code at registration)
Payment options available.
Copyright © 2013 Paths2Empowerment.com*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 34838
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133
United States
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We promise to keep you inspired and amused with all the antics of Steve, Barbara and the group.
We make no promises to keep a leash on Elrah however....

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