24 August 2013

Lydia  ♥ admi…
Check out the blog post 'The Grand Sextile- Aug.25th 2013'

Blog post added by sylvia h.:

The Grand Sextile – August 25th – The Solomon ’s seal – Theme – TRANSFORMATION – Pleiades By annamerkaba on August 19, 2013 • ( 23 )      ...

Blog post link:
The Grand Sextile- Aug.25th 2013

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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23 August 2013

Another day in paradise..........hello brothers and sisters!

I'm still laughing at how mad I got about my electricity bill, I know how much pain and suffering there is in the world as my lesson on the electricity is just another form of insensitive companies being able
to wrought the system to there advantage and to hell with the customers............I'm alright Jack has
gone on for far to long!

The electricity company has kindly allowed me to make fortnightly payments, so on top of rent that is just peachy!  So work hard as they need the money more than you do, to bad if you are already struggling to make ends meet they need it more.

I had to laugh as last night Sydney was brought to its knees via the illustrious electricity board, I normally don't watch TV or very little TV as I'm sick of all the negativity that is on board let alone the re runs the TV stations have going...........they must really think we are dumb, or we all have Alzheimer's.

I always thought that people went into politics to help make the world a better place........boy have I learn't that lesson, how wrong I was.  I also thought that they would monitor the companies doing the wrong thing by over charging there customers...........God! wrong again!

I think the older I get the more I realise that humans can be so cruel to one another!  The gap between rich and poor is wider than it has ever been, doesn't it make you wonder where all this is going?

We are in a position to make our votes count in 3 weeks.........don't make a donkey vote as that means
you are in no position to say anything about the treatment you receive at the hands of our most illustrious Politicians and the games they play with your life and lively hood.

Between Councils, Politicians and large corporations we need to put paid to there greed and corruption and change there games by all of us either meditating or praying!   If we the people pray for Peace, Love and Harmony the sooner the game change and the Greed and Corruption can be alleviated!

22 August 2013

Hi everyone....I have just received my electricity bill of $754.34 for one person, what a joke!

I think it is time that we all pulled together to make electricity companies held accountable for
there astronomical charges....billing....it is legalised bullying, as there is no recourse! 

I looked up the ombudsman for electricity and the first thing you see is that one must contact
the company to find a solution.  I contacted the electricity company and must pay regardless!

If you or I ripped people of the way these multi conglomerate companies do, you or I wouldn't
have a business.  They get away with it as it is a necessity, and one is as bad as the other!

About 2 years ago I strived to have an Aged Care Facility looked into and told there is no video
evidence so it wasn't true!!!!!!!!!

Remember these are Government run agencies............looking into facilities....care factor????

From one human to another let us join together to make people and companies held accountable.....non violently by pulling together to overturn what is unfair and a basic human right!

20 August 2013

are loved beyond measure.
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Paths 2 Empowerment
Five sessions – 60-75 minutes each
Online in the Evolution Center
There is no need to register for this free event.

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Days 2- 5- Premium Event- Registration Only
August 23, 27, 28 & Sept 5
All classes are at 11:00am in U.S. Pacific Time
check your local time

Plan B- Igniting the Seed of Magic

Stop the presses! The group has just dropped in new information they want out now. They told us that August 19, 2013 would be a very special day for all of humanity on planet earth. That and we would all begin to breathe a little easier by the middle of the year 2013. We thought our next move was going to be to learn to Live in Grace after the Magnetic Heart Codes series and the Quantum Community Grid. Well, in a private meeting with Steve, (the group loves the idea of formal meetings discussing business!) they shared with him this next level of information and energy we are about to receive.
They wish to work directly with us over 5 days to "Ignite the Seed of Magic" that has been laying dormant within each human on planet earth; waiting, sleeping, protectively tucked away until the fate of the human race was determined. "Will humanity end the game of free choice and return home? Or will human beings collectively raise their consciousness and begin to remember they are God." And so they tell us, we each carry this seed of magic, that was to be awakened and ignited only and if we as a human collective passed through the 12-12-12 portal and grounded our Light in the 5th Dimension. This is essentially the Plan B contract for all of humanity. In Plan B we can  learn to walk in our own light.  What would it be like to be able to command inspiration instead of waiting, hoping it will hit us?  This is not magic of force but magic of harmonious attraction.
Now, more is being revealed as the group, Elrah and the Keeper of Time in live channel take you on a journey of exploration of your inner powers and how to ignite this seed that you planted long ago. As we are all firmly seated in a 5th dimensional reality we have new capabilities. Additionally humanity is passing an important marker of critical mass that will be reached on August 19th 2013 and as a result we all have more access to our own personal magic. All of earth will breathe a little easier as each individual becomes more empowered. This is the perfect time to activate the seed as you will have the natural alignments of the universe behind you.
On August 19th all of biology will begin the process of integrating light and the filling of all human bodies with more of the natural light of their spirit.  The group first spoke of this day on the 12-12-12 and their view is that it is a day of true wonderment and one to be celebrated. Spirit will be celebrating our human advances on that day completely free of charge and we will join in that celebration through our hearts online in the Evolution Center.
On August 19, 23, 27, 28 & Sept 5 we will locate, awaken and ignite that seed within us.
What does that mean?
It means we will activate our individual Plan B contracts post 12-12-12 to step into the work we said we would do if we were able to raise our consciousness enough to remember.
It means we have the chance to walk with the wind at our back now, (a welcome change!) feeling supported and experiencing "perfect opportunities" arriving right at our doorstep magically.
It means we will see and feel and hear differently, being attuned to the delicate frequencies of the higher dimensional rhythms.
It means we will become magical in ways we secretly dreamed of but never quite manifested.
It means you will activate and ignite others as they awaken, to the new levels of consciousness.
On August 19, 23, 27, 28 & Sept 5 we will locate, awaken and ignite that seed within us.
The majority of the course will be given in live channel with specifically targeted channeled Activation Journeys at the close of each session except the end of the final day which is reserved for Q & A. Sessions will run approximately 60-75 minutes each.


Day 1- August 19 FREE EVENT
There is no need to register for this free event.

Click here to be taken to the access page

Registration for  Day 2-5 Premium Event
August 23, 24, 27, 28 & Sept 5

Seminar Fee: $195
OverLight Facilitators receive $25 discount (please enter “Family25“  discount code at registration)
Light Masters & Lightworker Metaphysicians (Ordained within the Lightworker Organization only) receive $50 discount
(please enter “LightMaster50” discount code at registration)
Payment options available.
Copyright © 2013 Paths2Empowerment.com*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 34838
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133
United States
You are receiving this email because you registered for a Paths2Empowerment Seminar.
We promise to keep you inspired and amused with all the antics of Steve, Barbara and the group.
We make no promises to keep a leash on Elrah however....

13 August 2013

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

I Love this message from ArchAngel Michael. It gave me "goose bumps". It is fun to discover your personal sacred geometry~~oh and the colors! Magnificent! I'm having fun with this meditation from ArchAngel Michael. ZaZuMa! (Sirian for "Heartfelt gratitude")
Colors must be up for us to embrace. Part of Sheldan's webinar, Our Ascended Masters, is devoted to the Rays (color/frequency/intention) many of our Ascended Masters bring to assist us with our ascension. Fascinating! The Starseeds will be working with certain Ascended Masters in educating the masses on the shift in consciousness we are all experiencing.
St. Germain reminds Sheldan and I to remain positive and clear in our intentions, fill our hearts with Joy by getting excited for the coming changes, let go and enjoy the day!
Selamat Ja!

Your Personal Sacred Geometry

by Archangel Michael

*Channelled through Natalie Glasson - 07-08-13
Multi-coloured rainbows of light from the Angelic Kingdom pour into your being and surroundings creating pockets of joy, bliss and divinity to inspire the same to activate within your being. The Angelic Kingdom are extremely present at this time upon the Earth, our energies are assisting and supporting in building a new energetic fabric and foundation for the Earth and humanity but we are especially assisting in enthusing the consciousness of humanity with vibrations of truth from our souls. If you are able to consciously link into our vibrations of truth transmitting into the general consciousness of humanity, you may find yourself being deeply inspired with vibrant information and new exciting insights allowing you to gaze upon yourself and reality with fresh eyes. Never before has so much wisdom from the Angelic Kingdom been shared so openly and poured into the consciousness of humanity. The bond between the Earth and the inner planes, humanity and light beings is enhancing as separation and illusions pour away. Many of you are now able to receive our wisdom, understanding the truth and inspiration we are sharing, being able to transfer the knowledge you receive into action and experiences on the Earth. As this occurs more regularly, separation and illusions will give way to truth, inspiration and high vibrational consciousness equalling that of the Angelic Kingdom.
During meditation you can be of service to yourself and to humanity by calling upon the multi-coloured rainbows of light from the Angelic Kingdom to surround you completely, breathing this light deeply into all aspects and parts of your being.
Imagine or create a symbol of your own consciousness, you may sense that your consciousness extends from your soul but you may wish to include your mental body as an interpreter and transmitter of your consciousness. Imagine, sense or acknowledge the multi-coloured rainbows of light flowing into your soul consciousness, your mental body and mind.
Imagine the consciousness of humanity, you may visualise it as a cloud that hovers above all of humanity, flowing into their beings. As you breathe deeply, imagine that the multi-coloured rainbows of light are flowing into the consciousness of humanity, settling and
drifting into their entire beings.
With each of these processes you are opening up to the energies of the Angelic Kingdom, say out loud, ‘I open myself as a divine receiver and channel of the multi-coloured rainbows of light of the Angelic Kingdom, connecting with and receiving the sacred truth, inspiration and high vibrational consciousness of the Angelic Kingdom. Support me in interpreting the wisdom and insights in the most perfect way to further assist my ascension process. Let it be so.’
The more that you connect into the energies of the Angelic Kingdom you will notice your own energy vibrations accelerating to equal the vibration and light frequency of the Angelic Kingdom.
Our purpose of anchoring light into your being and inspiring you to exist beyond separation and illusions is to encourage deep
awakenings and activations within your being. Your entire being is already transforming in numerous exciting ways especially with the influence of the new energies now anchoring as you have consciously moved into a cycle of love and experience of the Creator’s vibrations. Throughout the entire year of 2013 your vibrations are soaring but you are also undergoing a process of stabilizing within your energies which is in preparation for magnificent activations to occur within your being which will transform you in many ways beyond recognition. Your body and energies are akin to an alarm clock waiting to sound, once it is the perfect time and your alarm begins to sound deep activations within your being will occur. There can be over a thousand major activations and energetic shifts waiting to erupt from within your being, this will be your body, energy and soul adjusting itself to align as and with the divinity of the Creator. It is possible that even your physical body will alter, the way that you eat, the functions and even the appearance of your body could alter drastically. Your perspectives may alter as your consciousness and mind link into all dimensions of the Creator’s universe; you will also be able to receive and transmute abundant volumes of light allowing you to exist as a power source. In many ways you are a species known as humanity which is developing into a new species upon the Earth that is significantly more at one with the Creator.
Due to the transitions that are and will occur especially at a physical level we remind you of letting go of attachments particularly to your reality, appearance, perspectives and desires. It is your soul that you can rely upon to offer you feelings of familiarity, security, protection and unconditional love.
All shifts and activations will come from within your being and will sometimes ripple through your chakras as powerful emanating light. With the presence of the Angelic multi-coloured rainbows of light and due to the divine timing of the Creator, a beautiful activation is occurring or can be invoked from within your being. The activation of your personal sacred geometry, this is the sacred geometry of your soul, akin to powerful symbols of light that ignite further awakening remembrance and illumination within your being. The sacred geometry flows through your chakras but especially your heart chakra. The more that you can encourage and focus upon your chakras being cleansed, healed and illuminated in and by light, the easier it will be for your soul’s sacred geometry to flow through your chakras.
It may be that only a few symbols flow forward, entering into your conscious being upon the Earth through a certain chakra that denotes and enthuses their energies and purpose. Each person’s experience may be different as the soul will bring forward, whether you are aware or not, sacred geometry symbols which will form almost as an imprint or structure within your chakras and auric field to aid the development of your divine purpose upon the Earth. This process is extremely powerful as it is akin to a new map or directions being given to guide you forward upon your divine path. The symbols will also offer strength where and when it is needed, increasing your light quotient and energetic vibration. They will also awaken a new cycle in your spiritual growth that is greater aligned to your soul.
It is not required for you to be conscious of this activation process occurring within you but it is a breath-taking experience if you choose to be conscious with patience, inviting these powerful aspects and tools from your soul to unite with your entire being, thus creating a further merge of soul with all expressions of self. You can invoke this process to accelerate your spiritual ascension.
‘Archangel Michael and the Angels of Ascension, I call upon you to surround and bathe me in your multi- coloured rainbows of light, support and protect me as I move through this most beautiful and enlightening stage of my ascension process. Assist the light of the Angelic Kingdom to move through my chakras creating a process of cleansing, healing and purification. I connect deeply into my soul and invite my soul with divine timing to transmit its most appropriate sacred geometry symbols or patterns through the most appropriate chakra or chakras within my being. Assist and support me in being conscious of this deep awakening process occurring within me, so that I may be able to view, sense and acknowledge the sacred geometry of my soul, understanding its meaning and purpose to aid my ascension process and my purpose at this time on the Earth. I allow the activation of my soul’s sacred geometry to begin and unfold within my being. Let it be so.’
You may find that you are able to draw the sacred geometry of your soul, furthering the process of conscious awareness of yourself and soul. It is also likely that one of the symbols that comes forth is a symbol of physical body renewal, transformation and divine alteration which will assist in what I spoke of at the beginning of this communication.
With joyous support from the Angelic Kingdom,

Archangel Michael


Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar


In this Webinar, Sheldan discusses how the Ascended Masters are supporting us in our transition to ascension and the actualization of our true destiny.

Topics include...
• Which prominent Ascended Masters are guiding our transformation?
• Will Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed return to be part of it?
• How did they become Ascended Masters?
• St. Germain and the 12 Rays of Creation.
• Ascended Masters and our spiritual destiny:
How are they bringing our compass back to its true direction?
• How are they helping the Galactic Federation?
• Fulfilling our predestined roles in Gaia's spiritual revolution.
Sunday, August 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
and /or
Thursday, August 29, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited...Register Now!
Click here to register: Our Ascended Masters
Cost: $15.00 U.S


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09 August 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the video 'Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful'

Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful
Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful
Published on 12 May 2013 Truly insightful, deep and powerful. Oprah Winfrey via her incredible OWN network, talks to Thich Nhat Hanh about...
Video link:
Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh Excerpt - Powerful

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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08 August 2013

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

I Love dolphins and whales. Everyone I know loves dolphins and whales. Wayne Pacelle, who has done his homework, is making it one of his goals to free whales from Sea World and other captive places. As he states, "In short, SeaWorld clings to a 19th century-approach to putting animals on exhibition, and it’s high time to change the business model." I agree. Times, they are changin' ~~ as our consciousness rises. If you are interested in knowing more about this subject, follow the links (in red).
Selamat Ja!

Belugas, Orcas, and Doublespeak

by Wayne Pacelle: A Humane Nation
You probably heard the news that SeaWorld recently hired a big-league PR firm to try and counter the bad publicity resulting from the movie expose “Blackfish.”
Well, let me say that SeaWorld’s image troubles cannot be addressed in their entirety by throwing money at public relations. Even with the best spinmasters in the world, it’s very hard to reverse the growing public perception that whales should not be contained in sterile swimming pools.
More and more, the public is becoming aware that SeaWorld, which is an innovator in so many ways, has fallen behind the times – decades behind, and more with each passing year. As a consequence, majestic animals suffer in environments that cannot meet their behavioral and social needs. In short, SeaWorld clings to a 19th century-approach to putting animals on exhibition, and it’s high time to change the business model. There’s some strong nature education that SeaWorld conducts, but that doesn’t offset the archaic treatment of the whales.
For one thing, SeaWorld executives are quick to note that the orcas they put on display are not taken from the wild. That statement is, in itself, recognition that the only thing worse than trying to keep such large, intelligent and social animals on display in miserably small, artificial containers of water, is capturing them in the wild. But if SeaWorld recognizes that fact, then what can we say about the recent effort by the Georgia Aquarium and other partners, including SeaWorld, to import wild-caught beluga whales, another majestic marine mammal, to put them on display in parks?
Here’s what we can say: Thank heavens for yesterday’s decision by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. After tens of thousands of Americans raised their voices, the agency refused to bend the nation’s two-decade old policy of “no wild capture” of whales. As a result, the import permit for 18 wild-caught belugas, some of them destined for SeaWorld, was denied.
And we can also say this: The movie “Blackfish,” plus David Kirby’s important book “Death at SeaWorld,” build on years of work by The Humane Society of the United States and other respected organizations to bring an end to the captive display of whales by eliminating breeding and allowing whales the opportunity to live in large sea pens. The public would learn more about whales by seeing them in more natural settings. Never in our nation’s history has there been a better time for the promotion of humane, environmentally sustainable education about marine mammals. As SeaWorld should know by now, that is earned with real leadership not with a PR contract.
And for those of you familiar with the great Canadian children’s songwriter Raffi, let’s give him the last word on what to say. He knows where beluga whales belong, and it’s not in a cement pool:
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free.

I Love Elephants too!


Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for August


In this Webinar, Sheldan discusses how the Ascended Masters are supporting us in our transition to ascension and the actualization of our true destiny.


Topics include...
• Which prominent Ascended Masters are guiding our transformation?
• Will Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed return to be part of it?
• How did they become Ascended Masters?
• St. Germain and the 12 Rays of Creation.
• Ascended Masters and our spiritual destiny:
How are they bringing our compass back to its true direction?
• How are they helping the Galactic Federation?
• Fulfilling our predestined roles in Gaia's spiritual revolution.
Sunday, August 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
and /or
Thursday, August 29, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer

(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!
Click here to register: Our Ascended Masters


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Also, Please remember to add galactichumans@yahoo.com and galacticheart1@comcast.net to your address book or safe list for uninterrupted delivery. Thanks!

07 August 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Nancy Guajard…

http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com ~ Please watch in HD and use headphones To rise your light-quotient in the process of ascension it is th...
Video link:

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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