30 September 2013

Over 8 million American women have been told that they just have to “live with” osteoporosis.
Hundreds and thousands of them are choking down drugs and risking dangerous side effects such as heartburn, joint pain, low energy, nausea and rotting jaw.
No woman should have to go through this!
That’s why Vivian Goldschmidt, founder of Save Our Bones — the world's largest natural osteoporosis community — wants to make sure that every woman knows how to treat osteoporosis naturally, starting with you.
Save Our Bones.png
Vivian has helped over 200,000 people who suffer with osteoporosis and osteopenia to naturally increase their bone density without pills, pain, or cost.
Her revolutionary Save Our Bones program is jam-packed with pure, unfiltered natural osteoporosis content based on studies that she has uncovered, compiled and synthesized… 
Giving you simple actions that you can start applying right now to reverse bone loss and get your freedom back.
One myth that Vivian wants to dispel is the common belief that the secret to strong, healthy bones is drinking milk and taking drugs.
Vivian says that's a huge misconception, and she wants you to know that milk is actually a brutal bone thief!
Here’s why… 
Everything you put into your body gets processed and alters its acid/alkaline balance. And like everything in nature, your body tries to correct the imbalance… 
So because milk has an acidifying effect, your body automatically pulls calcium out of your bones to neutralize the acid attack.
Why calcium?
Because calcium is a potent neutralizer. That's why the main ingredient in many antacids is calcium.
Think of milk entering the body like a raging forest fire and your body's natural processes is the team of brave firefighters. 
Your body jumps into action and uses calcium to put out the acidic attack. And even though milk contains 300 mg of calcium in one cup, unfortunately, the net result is a calcium deficit in your bones.
So what should you drink instead?

Vivian recommends drinking almond or rice milk as a delicious alternative to milk. And unsweetened fermented or cultured dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and sour cream are okay to enjoy.

Exposing the fact that excess milk is not good for bone health is just some of the shocking information in Vivian Goldschmidt's Save Our Bones.
Vivian details how to give your bones what they need and exposes the bone thieving foods and drinks you need to avoid so you can have the bones you had when you were younger — without the help of your doctor and of drugs.
It’s time to join over 200,000 people who have found success with Save Our Bones, and get your freedom back!
Enjoy :-).

You Are Remarkable,

The It's All About Women Team
Dedicated to Making Your Life Even Better!
Copyright ©2013 It's All About Women

29 September 2013

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The Saul message (below) reminds us that we live in a duality reality. This means that some of us came here to experience being a victim and some of us came here to experience being the victimizer. Most of us have lived many lives on this planet so we have had the opportunity to experience being both the victim and the victimizer.
Saul reminds us to remain focused on our task to be loving always ~~ this is how we help humanity to awaken. As more and more of humanity turns to Love the numbers of miracles will also increase as will their significance, reinforcing and strengthening our awareness of them.
During Sheldan's webinar, Fulfilling Our Life's Contract, he helps us understand that before we incarnated here in this life (or any lifetime) we chose certain roles and missions.
To learn more, check out Sheldan's webinar archive. Also, click here to view his youtube preview: Starseeds as Boosters for Humanity
Enjoy your weekend and Selamat Ja! ~ Be in Joy!

NOW AVAILABLE ~~ Ready for downloading


Webinar 41 Archive PPoint Slide

Sheldan discusses humanity's true purpose and how we are realizing our life's contracts at this extraordinary moment in Gaia's history.

To order click here:


Attendees report:
Hello you beautiful beings!!! Writing to tell you Thursday's webinar on our Life's Contracts was absolutely outstanding!!!!
All I can say is that YOU give me the ability to have peace and to keep moving on ~~ it is my Life's destiny. Thank you! ~~ SK
Thank You for keeping hope alive. You and the messages you give help me to carry on. I am so anxious for the changes to come ~~ You keep me patient and Thankful ! My Love to You and Colleen ! DM
Dearest Sheldan,
I have been following your information for over 25 years and am so grateful for you being a voice to the truth and our star brothers and sisters existence. Your messages have been my lifeline as I have never felt at home in this 3-D craziness. ZaZuMa! BS


by John Smallman ~ 09/27/2013

Any blame, shame, or punishment hurts all of humanity!

The awakening of humanity is almost upon you. Yes, you have been hearing this for some considerable time, and that is because you, through humanity’s collective intent, is bringing it about and you need to be regularly reminded to hold the intention for it to happen. You also need to hold the intention to be constantly loving as you release all within yourselves that is not in alignment with the divine field of Love that forever embraces you. The vast majority of you want to be loving, nevertheless, many also hold a deep desire to see the “wrongdoers” on your world exposed and shamed, and even possibly punished for their nefarious activities.
You have all at some time been wrongdoers, and over many human lifetimes you have learnt that by being wrongdoers you hurt yourselves as much as you hurt others, but it is easy to forget that when you are incarnate as humans – amnesia is one of the limitations with which you have to deal. Consequently, we keep reminding you so that you remain focused on your task to be loving always and thus help humanity to awaken. Many of the present wrongdoers are being exposed, but you must release your charge on seeing them blamed and punished for the various atrocities that they have perpetrated – REMEMBER all are one! Any blame, shame, or punishment hurts all of humanity!
You are all divine creations of infinite value, infinitely and unconditionally loved by your heavenly Father – who wills only Love and never punishment for His children – and in order to return to His Presence you must release all that is not in harmony with His loving intent for all of His creation. Many of you have discovered that by daily making the intent to be only loving your stress levels and your fears and anxieties have been considerably reduced. When you are at peace within it is far easier to be loving, which is why it is essential to your well-being that you enter your quiet inner space frequently, even if only for a moment, to renew your intentions. When you feel truly at peace you have no desire to attack, punish, or shame anyone. And regular meditation, or just relaxation, as you rest in that place of inner stillness strengthens your ability to remain peaceful even when there is chaos all around you.
Your loving intent, your loving presence is extremely powerful; it acts as a profoundly stabilizing influence on those in your vicinity, calming the energies of fear that can lead to conflict and encouraging all to seek peaceful solutions to issues that concern or worry them. And in your energy field, that you hold and share with those around you, miracles will occur. You desire miracles, you can create miracles, so intend to do so. Expect them, and enjoy the results. As more and more of humanity turns to Love the numbers of miracles will also increase as will their significance, reinforcing and strengthening your awareness of them.
Miracles should occur frequently because your nature is Love, and Love loves miracles because they are God’s Will for you. You open yourselves to creating miracles when you open fully to Love and let go of fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety are negative intentions that prevent miracles, so let your faith in your divine nature intensify until you feel very secure in it, then there will be no space for fear or any of its unpleasant aspects. When you let go of fear, all sense of need for security or defenses evaporates because you are then aware that you are secure and that no further precautions or defenses are required to provide something you have always had.
Fear expects things to go wrong, that accidents or catastrophes will happen, and it encourages you to take precautions to limit the damage that may occur. But focusing your attention there is akin to intending that things go wrong, and the power of your intent is awesome. Many of you have experienced this, when things you greatly feared came to pass. Where you focus your attention is where you focus your intent; so focus on Love.
In this New Age, the field of divine energy enveloping Earth and all her inhabitants is far stronger and more effective than it has ever been in your entire history because humanity has made the decision to awaken from the illusion. That decision is irreversible. It means that the corner has been turned from fear to Love, and the effects of that decision are being seen more and more clearly all over the planet. Situations that had seemed insoluble or likely to extend humanity’s suffering are losing their fearful intensity, their sense of impending conflict, and they are recasting themselves as situations in which those involved find themselves opening to Love and allowing compassionate discussion to supersede any desire for competitive confrontation that would lead to winners and losers. Instead, an arena in which all will win has replaced the arena of mistrust, betrayal, and war that humanity has used for so long that it had come to believe that there was no other adequate way to resolve conflicts. Even though those ways never worked!
You are fully enveloped in the New Age with its light and loving energies. You know that! Deep within yourselves you do know, and when you enter your space of quiet inner peace you can feel it. Focus on it, remind yourselves that it is true, and then wholeheartedly accept and embrace the Love that is sweeping and swirling all around you, and intend that all of humanity feel it and engage with it, and bring yourselves and humanity out of the dark dream that has brought you so much suffering.
With so very much love, Saul.


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22 September 2013

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Message from SaLuSa

thru MADAD ~ 9-20-13
meditation on Earth
Those who worked on their clearing will feel enormous bliss in coming days and will be able to relax once again in their own peace of mind, but we can tell you that this feeling will be different from previous one, as it will come from your pure soul energy. With this will come awareness that you have been changed completely and nothing stayed within the old ways, you will be able to communicate with your Guides and All those from Higher realms that are with you on your journey, very clearly and your quick understanding of their messages will surprise you. You will no longer use only words for expressing yourselves, but your pure intentions and feelings will allow you to add the right energy to the communication, and you will feel it the same way when returning to you. Some of you already experienced this way of “talking”, for them it will become natural and most enjoyable way of sharing their thoughts and energy and no longer will they need to find the right words, as the feeling they will send out will tell the other all.
This way you are able to share so much more of your energy with others and they will feel either blissful in your company, or just will want to walk away as soon as possible, because they will feel great discomfort due to your Light shining on them directly and showing them all that heavy baggage they are still carrying around. You will help them to finally decide whether they want to move with others into the Light and Love or they want to stay for more experiences. That will be a very powerful moment for them, because they will be connected to their higher wisdom and the answer will be so clear. Remember not to push anyone, even when it is one of your family or loved one, because they would not understand this as help, wait for their call and when they are ready, surely they will let you know.
Each moment we feel how your understanding is growing and your reaction to it bring us great joy, and we are intensifying our connection with you, as we know you are ready to receive more. We say only more and not adding explanation of what that is, as each of you have different wish and vision of what that should be and we want to let you know that we are able to fulfill your greatest expectations and dreams in no time, so focus on them, and make your intentions clear without worries that they might be too good for you. You have worked very hard and the time of new wonderful experiences is here, you just need to let them come to you and accept them as your new, or higher reality and we know you understand the meaning of it. Feel the Freedom, the true Freedom that this realization is bringing to you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the Light is so bright now around your planet that it shines very far, and whole Universe is feeling the changes that are occurring right at this moment within you, within Mother Earth and within your Galaxy. You are to be fully awakened into your true potential of Light Being in every sense and way you can think of with the wisdom you are now carrying.
Channeller: MADAD

21 September 2013

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Rather Shave Your Head Than Speak in Public?   
You’re not alone! As women, one of our greatest challenges is putting ourselves out there in front of the world and owning our voices.
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There are shining stars hiding in every audience, afraid of becoming the supernovas their SHE - Soul’s Highest Expression - is calling them to be!
Click here to watch this inspiring Breaking News segment to learn about
women just like you - who sat in the audience at last year’s RISE event and
are now courageously taking the stage at RISE 2013!
BraveHeart Women PO Box 1557 Ventura, California 93002 United States (866) 432-7819
carole --
This is us just a few hours ago at McDonald's HQ in Chicago delivering your 97,000 signatures on our change.org petition. 
In front of a huge media pack including NBC, ABC, Fox News, CBS and others, they refused to shake our hand or even touch the petition -- instead McDonald's representatives told media they are suing our community for our 'own protection' and support local communities. 
No joke. Now we're even hearing that PR executives are starting to background journalists in an attempt to justify their plans -- that somehow targeting kids with their junk food by building next to a primary school is fine because there are other local businesses nearby...
They're taking the fight to us now -- a clear sign our campaign is working. So while our delegation here in Chicago continues to contact McDonald's shareholders, investors and do a heap of media interviews, can you help us to pressure McDonald's on every front by contacting their HQ in Australia too? 
Leave a quick message with their HQ in Sydney by calling them on 02 9875 6666 -- it can be as simple as ringing and saying "Hello. I'm calling to ask you to stop targeting kids with your junk food by building the store in Tecoma. Thank you."
Be sure to also watch and share our Sunrise interview from this morning just posted here: http://on.fb.me/18c8lTD 
Thanks for being with us in this fight,
P.S. Drop us a note on admin@burgeroff.org or on our Facebook page to let us know how the call went!
lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Steve Hutchin…
This Cosmic Re-Integration Chamber of Light takes all the Soul Consciousness aspects of yourself at a multidimensional level and anchors them through your body, energy field and hologram in this Now..

Discussion posted by Steve Hutchinson, Admin.:

Chambers of Light are three dimensional rectangular grids of Light brought in by different core groups of Christed ETs  in order to assist...

Discussion link:

About LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
Let us UNITE and transmute back all misqualified energy into pure Divine Potential! We connect 4 times a day weaving a Net of Violet Light.
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20 September 2013

Dear BeWellBuzz Reader:

      Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Health Sciences Institute. They have some important information for you.

Wishing you abundant health,
Larry & Oksana

Dear Reader,

THIS JUST IN: An insider near Washington D.C. has just blown the lid off the 7 Deadly Drugs the U.S. Government can't wait for you to swallow.

I wish I could say this was just a conspiracy theory, but this whistleblower has concrete evidence "the powers that be" are shoving pure poison down your throat... and laughing all the way to the bank, while you're carted off to the graveyard.

Who knows how long this list will be up before "Big Brother" catches on... so don't wait a moment longer. Click here now for the full list.

To knowing the truth,

Paul Amos
Associate Director, HSI

P.S. You won't believe what innocent little pill rounds out the list at #1. If you're taking it regularly, you're 530% more likely to die TONIGHT. Make sure its not in your medicine cabinet. Click here for the full list.

18 September 2013

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This article from ArchAngel Michael through Celia Fenn is a great reminder to honor all life including the elements: Earth, Water, Wind/Air, Fire and Spirit. Gratitude will serve us well as we ride the waves of change.
As we approach the September Equinox, we will find that the imbalances and chaos will begin to settle, as the powerful new Energies of the Lion's Gate are integrated and the New Earth Dream begins to take shape on the Earth.
By developing a Consciousness of Gratitude and Honor for All Life we will begin to create another kind of Earth ~ based on Love and Oneness.
Selamat Ja!

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for September

Sheldan will cover what happens to us before and during the Announcements as well as what happens to us after the Announcements? Join us!

webinar 43 ad3

The Divine Partners:

Spiritual Hierarchy - Galactic Federation - Ascended Masters - Secret Sacred Societies (Earth Allies) - Agarthans - Gaia - Humans

A host of events must unfold before the reality shift can be fully manifested. By working together as partners, we are bringing ever closer the moment when each event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.
Topics include...
• How we are working together.
• Why has it taken so long to coordinate the shift?
• What can we do now to help make it happen?
• What happens to us before and during the Announcements?
• What happens to us after the Announcements?
• How can we be more patient while we wait?

Sunday, September 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, September 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

(California Time)


Seats are Limited... Register Now!

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
Cost: $15.00 U.S.



The New Earth Energies September 2013

Beloved Family of Light, the New Dream is emerging on your Earth in the Vision and the Voices of your young people, the Indigo and Crystal Generation. At the same time, the Old Dream and the Old Energies are falling into chaos and confusion as their energy recedes and they no longer know which way to turn. You may have noticed how, at this time, there seems to be so much chaos as the energy of the New confronts the Energy of the Old.
Beloved Ones, do not be overly anxious and fearful at these chaotic energies. Understand that it is a process that you might call healing and cleansing. You are confronting very old patterns of manipulation and illusion that are attempting to once again pull you into slavery and submission, but this time you are learning to say "no" as you connect with the Power and Empowerment that derives from your true connection to your Divine Light and your Godself Energy.
It is simply a matter of standing in your own Light and Strength, and not allowing those who would pull you into fear to succeed. The old ways of creating fear and manipulating people through fear are no longer working. The New Path of Openess and Transparency and Clarity is bringing to Light all that is not clear and open. Beloved Family, it is your work now to use your Discretion and to be able to see clearly what is in your best interests and what is not serving you at this time.
As each one of you makes the Choices that will determine your future path into the Higher Consciousness Energy of the New Earth, remember always that you are Earthkeepers and Elders, and that your choices are connected to the Choices and the Future of your Planet and of all Living Beings on the Planet. As Galactic Consciousness emerges, you understand that you are not simply Humans, but Galactic Humans, and you know yourself to be a part of the Galaxy and a part of the Divine Energies that create Pattern and Form and Existence on the Earth. You see that it is this movement of Energies and Light in the Cosmos and in the Galaxy that is called "Divine Will" and "Divine Intelligence", and that it is this energy that determines the unfolding of all Life and Evolution in the Galaxy. From the great Starfields to the tiniest atom, everything follows the patterns of the Divine Heart in Love and Wisdom.
For you, Beloved Ones, as Intelligent and Sentient Life Forms, gifted with the ability to make choices and decisions and to co-create with the Divine, it is now more than ever important that you exercise Wisdom and Judgment in your lives, and that you are not pulled into the manipulations and illusions that are so common in the old energy on Planet Earth. It is a New Cycle and a New Age that is birthing, remember to focus on the New.
Remember also, that this new energy is based in the Heart Energy and in Love. Love is always Awake and Aware and Present in the Moment. It is Love that allows you to Love yourself enough to say "no" when there are those who would manipulate your energies and draw you into fear and anxiety. It is Love that allows you to stand up and say "no" when there are those who would try to enforce the old energy and ways on you, and it is Love that will allow you to say YES to the New Dream and the New Earth of Life, Abundance and Peace. We know it is not easy, but it is Love that will give you the Power and the Strength to pass into the New Earth Energy and be part of the Manifestation of the New.
It is the Elemental Energies that will be assisting you in the Manifestation of the New Earth, together with the Light Beings, the Angels, the Celestials and the Fairies and Elves. All these Living Beings on many Dimensions of Light who have an interest and a part in the Manifestation of the New. But, Beloved Family of Light, it is YOU who are the Primary Creators of the New Earth. What will you choose for yourself and for your Earth at this time?
earth being kissed


The Earth is your home and the Planet on which you live. It is your Physical home while you are on the Earth in a Physical Body. It was designed to be a Paradise Garden of Abundant Food and Shelter for all Living Beings. Your body was also designed to be a healthy and happy vehicle for your Soul and Spirit. A part of your Awakening has been to understand how you have fallen away from the original design because of fear and manipulation, and how you can begin to find your way back to this state of Joy, Abundance and Clarity.
Beloved Ones, it has to be a Choice. This is a Galaxy of Free Will and Choice, and this is a Sacred Principle. You are not Slaves and you were never meant to be. The Energy of Love is not Slavery, it is the Energy of Balance and Abundance. There are those that would try to convince you that you have no choices, but in fact you always do. You begin with the choices of how you live day by day. It always begins with YOU and with the small choices that you make, such as what to eat and how to spend your time. You get to choose....
The small choices determine the bigger choices. If you feel empowered in your life, then you will not be fearful and you will not be afraid to stand up and make choices that will create peace on your Earth and in your Lives.
Beloved Ones, do not waste you time being angry because you feel you have no control over your lives! Rather begin to see how you can begin to make small choices every day that can make the Earth a better place. One by one you can begin to make the changes.
Make an effort to look after your physical body and to choose the best and most nutritious foods, because you love yourself! Make an effort to get exercise and sunshine, because you Love your Body. Make an effort to make your environment clean and harmonious, because you Love yourself and the Earth, and every little bit counts.
You see, Beloved Ones, as you make the effort to create Clarity and Beauty and Flow and Health in your own life, so you raise the Frequency all around you. You create a little "zone" of the New Earth, and all those little "zones" add up to a powerful frequency. More and more people are joining in to raise the Collective Frequency on Earth through Love and Caring in very practical ways.
We ask you to work with the Earth Elementals in caring for the Earth and your Body. Become aware of the food you eat, the water you drink, the place where you live and bringing the highest frequencies to that place.
This is what we call Love. Being Awake and Aware and fully Present in your life as a Human on Earth.
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Beloved Family of Light, the Oceans, the Rivers and the Waters of your Earth are so important to the Future of your Planet. Your planet is 80 percent water and your body is also. You are a Water Being, and before you were a Being that walked on the Earth, you were a beings that lived in the Oceans. The Oceans are a part of your History and you are a part of them.
Your Earth as designed to have both Salt Water Oceans and abundant Clear Fresh Water on the Land. And yet, there are those who are polluting your water sources and trying to cut you off from fresh water. Beloveds, we wish you to know that there are certain "myths" in your scientific communities that are being used to control your access to resources. One of these is that there is a lack of water on the Planet. There is abundant Fresh water, and water is continually coming into the Earth in the form of ice from space. In fact, water is continually being replenished through a circular access from the "outside"/deep space. In the beginning you had a "firmament" that kept the water within the "bubble" of the Earth environment, but this proved to be unsatisfactory, so the Elohim creators removed it to allow for the free access of water from outside the Earth environment. This High Frequency water replenishes the Earth's land and Oceans and is designed to keep the frequency high on the Earth and in your bodies. But, if you do not have access to fresh and clear water, then you do not have access to these frequencies.
If you drink fresh and clear water from the Earth, you will immediately notice the difference to bottled water or "treated" water.
Beloved Ones, the voice of Love says it is time to work with the Water Elementals and Angels and begin to seek for the fresh and clear water that you deserve and that is your birthright. That fresh water will assist you in raising the frequency of your physical body and finding alignment with your Higher Self. It will also assist you in cleansing old energies and toxins from your bodies, and bringing your emotional body into alignment. The emotions are closely connected to the magnetic flows of water on the Planet, and the clearer the water the more able the being and the body to allow the flow of emotions without blocks and imbalances.
Beloved Ones, Love asks that you Love yourself and your Planet enough to begin to seek Clarity in youselves and in the water that you drink. Work with the Water Elemetals, work with Blessings, work with Crystals, work with any way that you know to bring Clarity and Purity back to the Waters. As you do thid you will be creating a path of Love for the raising of Frequency into the New Earth. Every little action helps to create a larger field of Clarity and Focus. Each one of you can contribute in your own way.
woman celetrating life


The Wind is the Air that you breathe. Each breath that you take supports your life and the life of all beings on the Earth. Beloved Ones, have you ever stopped to think of this beautiful gift, and of the Air Elementals and the Plants and Trees that make it possible for you to breathe fresh and clean air?
Every day, the Elementals and the plants are working to clear toxic gases and produce oxygen for you to breathe. But, on your Earth you are making it difficult for them as you continue to produce toxic gasses that must be cleaned and cleared at a rate that puts pressure on the entire system.
We ask you to work with the Air Elementals, and to be conscious of the quality of the air in your home and in your environment. What can you do to ensure that the air remains fresh and clean and supports your health and your growth and allows you to move back into optimum health and happiness.
You were designed to breathe fresh and clean air, and the plants and trees are there to help you. Do what you can to support clear air in your home, and by planting trees if you can. Each little piece helps to show the Air Elementals that you are making an effort to be a part of the New Earth Energy by contributing to the health and well being of the Whole.
Beloved Ones, you can also teach your children to be aware that the Air that you breathe is also a living being that is cared for by Elemental Energies and that it needs their Love and Support. You may even find that your children know this already!
You can teach then how plants and trees support your lives by producing Oxygen and converting toxic gasses. This is Love that the Air and the Air Elementals show to you. Is it not gratitude to show also Love to them by supporting their work with appreciation?


Beloved Family of Light, the Element of Fire also works with you every day to ensure that your lives continue on the Earth. Every day the Sun rises for you and fills your Earth with Light and Life. The Fire Elementals ensure that this light and energy fuels the processes of Transformation and Synthesis that are so necessary for life on your Planet. This Light is used by Plants in the process of Photosynthesis to create food that energizes your bodies and your lives. Without this element and the Energies of Fire on the Earth there would be no life!
Beloved Ones, can you not honor the Element of Fire with respect and recognition? Can you not also see that this is a powerful Element and this misuse of this Element can be very destructive, not just in large scale wildfires that are the result of bad agricultural practices, but also in Nuclear "accidents" that are the result of poor planning and lack of foresight. How many cities are built around or close to Nuclear Power Plants, and how much life, human animal and plant, is put in danger by this misuse of the Fire Element.
Beloved Ones, there are so many other ways to power your World. The Indigo Crystal Generation is here to lead the way to sustainable sources of Energy and uses of "Fire" that respect Life and the Planet. We urge you to listen to them and their voices and ideas. They have so much to offer. Do not refuse them until they become angry and take on their "warrior" energy. For, the Indigo Warrior will stand up for what they believe, it is their way to fulfill their purpose, which is to bring the Transformation of the New Earth.
Love asks that you begin to find ways to use Energy that are non harmful and supportive of all Life on Earth.


Beloved Family of Light, Spirit has entered your World in a new way since the beginning of the Ascension process. As you activated your Light Body, you invited your Soul and Spirit to anchor in your Heart. Your Body raised its Frequency on the Cellular level and became the vehicle for Higher Consciousness. As you clarify your Body, you allow for the Free Flow of Love and Divine Compassion into your World, you become a means of transmitting Higher Consciousness and awareness into the Earth and the New Earth Grids.
As you raise the Frequency in your Body to match the Frequency of Light in your Light Body, you will feel the need to live the Truth of the Light that You Are. You will find ways to honor the miracle of Life and the Body that you have, as well as the Earth and all forms of Life on her.
Beloved Ones, life on Earth is a gift that is given from Spirit, and your Light Body is the gift that is given to allow you to experience life as a Spirit Beings as well as a Material Being. As you awaken to your Spiritual nature, you will also awaken to the Beauty and Love that is the Divine Plan for Evolved Galactic Humans.
There are those in the Higher Realms that are working closely with you, so that you will awaken to the need to Love and Honor the Earth and your Body as Gifts from Spirit.
Beloveds, we would say that this is the most important "issue" on the Earth today. All other issues are largely manipulations and illusions that are designed to draw your attention away from the real issues that you face in manifesting the New Earth.
It is so simple, you can start in your own life, day by day, building a Reality that honors the Earth and Life. Or you can follow the illusions and allow your energy to be taken by fear and anxiety. But we would like to suggest that when you are Strong and Empowered in your own lives, then you will not feel the need to be drawn into empty and futile illusions, but will focus on the real issues of your lives and how you manifest what you need in your lives as powerful Co-Creators with Spirit.

Towards the Equinox September 22nd

As you approach the September Equinox, you will find that the imbalances and chaos will begin to settle, as the powerful new Energies of the Lion's Gate are integrated and the New Earth Dream begins to take shape on the Earth. In this time of Balancing we ask that you will focus your attention on the Gifts of Life and the Gifts of the Planet. That you honor the Earth, the Oceans and the Rivers, the Wind and the Water, the Fire and Spirit, and all Forms of Life on Earth.
It is only by developing this Consciousness of Gratitude and Honor for All Life that you will be able to begin to create another kind of Earth. You will be able to enter the "New Earth" because you will have a "New Consciousness". The old Consciousness and the old way of perception will not lift you into the New.
We ask you to Join with Us this September Equinox in a Great Celebration to Honor All Life on Earth and to express Gratitude to all those Angelic and Elemental Beings that support your life on Earth. In Love and Gratitude you will move forward into a New Reality.