29 November 2013

Below is from this site.....enjoy!!!! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Aion Portal Activation Report on ET First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst

In depth report about how I experienced the day of the Aion Portal Activation in Florence, Italy on November 23rd, 2013. For more info:

http://2012portal.blogspot.com = Intelligence Hub for the Victory of the Light

http://portal2012.org/AION.html = About the Aion Portal Activation

http://intergalacticradiostation.com = Schedule for ET-First Contact Radio Broadcasts.

27 November 2013

Thompsons Ultra Magnesium Powder 200g
  • Tropical Flavour
  • Relief of muscle cramps and spasms
Indications for use
  • Muscular cramps and spasm
  • Nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety
  • Premenstrual syndrome symptoms
  • Healthy blood glucose regulation
  • Relieves muscular cramps and spasms and may assist in the management of soft tissue trauma
  • Aids muscle recovery from physical activity or excessive stress
  • Helps relieve nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety
  • May assist in the reduction of premenstrual syndrome symptoms
  • Magnesium helps maintain bone mineral density and with chromium assist in the maintenance of normal healthy blood glucose regulation
Directions for use
Adults - Take 5g of powder (1 level metric teaspoon) mixed in 50-100mL of water or juice, once daily, preferably with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.
Suitable for
Individuals who have muscular cramps and spasm; to help alleviate nervous tension; for those suffering from premenstrual symptoms.
Cautions and interactions
This product contains pyridoxine hydrochloride which may be dangerous when used in large amounts or for a long time. This product contains selenium which is toxic in high doses. A daily dose of 150 micrograms for adults of selenium from dietary supplements should not be exceeded. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
Each 5g conatins:
Magnesium (as amino acid chelate).......... 225mg
Magnesium (as citrate) ................................80mg
Magnesium (as orotate)................................10mg
Total elemental Magnesium 315mg
Calcium (as citrate).......................................50mg
Potassium (as citrate) ...................................50mg
Zinc ascorbate
equiv. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).............. 27mg
equiv. Zinc .................................................5mg
Chromium (as nicotinate) .............................50mcg
Chromic (as chloride) ..................................50mcg
Total elemental Chromium 100 mcg
Molybdenum (as trioxide)......................... 60mcg
Selenium (as selenomethionine)................. 25mcg
Thiamine hydrochloride (Vitamin B1)............38mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2).................................10mg
Calcium pantothenate..................................160mg
equiv. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)......29mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride ............................61mg
equiv. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) ................50mg
Folic acid...................................................250mcg
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12).................200mcg
Ascorbic acid.................................................73mg
Total Vitamin C 100mg
d-alpha-Tocopheryl acid succinate ...............20mg
equiv. Natural Vitamin E...............................24IU
Tocopherols concentrate - mixed (low-alpha
equiv. Natural Vitamin E............................... 26IU
R,S-Alpha lipoic acid.......................................20mg
Creatine monohydrate.................................500mg
Low Allergy Formula
No dairy, egg, gluten, nuts, shellfish, wheat, artificial colouring or preservatives.

Wonderfoods Tangy Vitamin C Hesperidin and Mineral Powder 200g

Wonderfoods Tangy Vitamin C Hesperidin and Mineral Powder 200g.

Wonderfoods Tangy Vitamin C Hesperidin and Mineral Powder 200g

Great tasting, economical, refreshing, revitalising, immune boosting formula! People all over the world take Vitamin C for good health, well being and especially to help prevent illness .

Everyday Australians have come to rely on Wonder Foods for quality and value. This formula is an excellent antioxidant supplement. Can assist cell repair and collagen production. Ideal for health maintenance for people of all ages.

Vitamin supplementation can only be of assistance if the dietary vitamin intake is inadequate.Many say this is the best tasting, most refreshing high potency Vitamin C powder on the Australian market.

Adults - 2 grams (half a level metric teaspoon) daily. Children 2 - 12 years take half the adult dose.

Each 2 grams contains:
Ascorbic acid 800mg
Calcium ascorbate 200mg
Hesperidin 190mg
Calcium phosphate 100mg
Magnesium phosphate 190mg
Zinc sulphate monohydrate 2.9mg
Natural Lemon Flavour contains Glucose & Fructose

Store: below 30 degrees Cecius. Keep container tightly capped to protect from moisture.
Gluten Free
Dairy Free
Nuts Free
Soy Free

26 November 2013

This is part 2 to our recent release, Morphogenetic Field Implosion,
which discusses the subject matters of morphic resonance and the
human body's process of conscious metamorphosis.



Audio Support

With its relentless solar flares and a
magnetic field that is set to flip, our sun continues to be a major catalyst of an aggressive, planetary wide repolarization.

People everywhere are feeling the transforming effects of a super amplified energy field that is now entering. From physical body changes to non-stop 'downloads' and developing new abilities, the intensity of upgrade is undeniable.

Could it be that the cosmic rays rippling through our sun are recoding our atomic structures to quicken our vibratory spin? Certainly with less density, we can translate greater spectrums of light frequency. We may even transition out of our carbon skinsuits and into that of multidimensional silicon crystal!   



The ability to translate and benefit from these high energy particles is
proportionate to the rate at which we are vibrating and the quantity of light that we can absorb. Moreover, this new energy requires a substantial circuitry upgrade in our bodily system.

Energy System Upgrades ~
Everyone requires expanded physiological circuitry in order to receive and convert the higher energy voltage. If you do not have the new wiring, you are not properly translating the new encodement. Most of the younger generation and new children today are born with it.     
Morphogenetic Field Influence ~
We gradually receive the upgraded circuitry when we are vibrating at a level of integrated purity and stabilized heart-mind coherence. This is directly related to the field of morphic resonance from which we are abiding and receiving data transference.


review, morphogenetic fields contain the developmental  blueprints for species types. Simply put, they program our future. All conscious creation, from micro to macro, is manifested through these imprinting field templates.         

The theories of morphogenetic fields have been greatly influenced by Rupert Sheldrake, biochemist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and several books. He says that genes and gene products are not enough to explain how we develop and that there is a telepathy-type connection that transfers biological information.   
For example... in your body, the same genetic program is present in your eyes, kidneys, and fingers. If they are all programmed identically, then how do they develop so differently? His theory suggests that DNA, rather than being the source of all developmental coding, is instead the receiver of information from the morphic field for the species type.

Sheldrake coined the term, 'morphic resonance' which is described as the invisible, energetic pathway through which all thoughts and ideas are filtered. This resonance involves the influence of like upon like. This is the influence of patterns of activity on subsequent similar patterns of activity, an influence that passes through space and time from past to present, regardless of physical distance.   

His research findings reveal that there is a built-in memory within nature, which is part of its evolution and biological development. The theory suggests that similar things in the past affect similar things in the now and this is what holds systems together. 

A morphogenetic field is a 'force of habit' created from cumulative memory. Because of morphic resonance, (like attracts like), we are created 'as usual' and like everyone else in our species type.

It would seem, that to change the 'usual' patterning from repeating itself, we would need to both override the memory based mechanism and consciously depart from the field of influence that is transferring the energetic data. 

1. The Morphic Resonance of Mass Humanity
Time, Fear, Division, Degeneration and Death

To review, the morphic field of collective consciousness can be described as a time-coded field of cumulative memory that sustains a corrupted, degenerative script.

The mass of the race is operating from a morphic resonance that has been largely created by highly repetitive and habitual motions of belief, cultural traditions, and extremely polarized emotional and mental constructs.

Up until this new planetary cycle, these repeating patterns have become the encoded blueprint, locking humanity's evolution onto a robotic wheel of suffering and limitation. This collective consciousness is responsible for what the entire planet manifests as a reflection of where the 'whole' is vibrating.

The challenge for us all is to lift ourselves completely from the influence of this hypnotic field of influence and its tenacious pull upon our sense faculties.

2. The Morphic Resonance of a New Humanity 
Timelesnesss, Love, Unity, Regeneration, Immortality

A new morphogenetic field is anchoring. With support from the incoming solar transmissions, we are quickly transitioning from one template of evolutionary instruction into another.

This new matrix holds the encodement for a type of 'superhuman' blueprint for each individual and the whole of the race. This blueprint is also cohered to solar, galactic and universal holographic templates of higher evolution.

It is from the awakened group coherence that we are establishing a new morphic resonance for our entire race species. This resonance is responsible for co-creating and sustaining cohesive and integrative behavior accessed through a greatly expanded perception of our interconnected, immortal nature. This resonance factor accounts for the acceleration of life synchronicities, intuitive perception, telepathy and endless aspiration.
The vast subject matter of immortality can be brought down to a very simple understanding. Immortality is an embodied knowing that the soul never dies. Our eternal nature is an absolute state that is encoded in every particle of life energy down to the electron and quark!

'Experiential immorality' is to have the ability to traverse a wide spectrum of dimensional frequencies, at will. To live as an 'immortal' is to be completely transcended from the pull of matter-bound consciousness and its driving impulses that bind the limited perception.



1. Override the memory default mechanism that holds the degenerative time code.
 2. Upgrade the body's communication feedback system.  
3. Give crystal clear signals to your body.

KEY #1
As awakened humans, we are being lifted from the defining fields of mass consciousness that are operating from an outdated script. This is the program that is transferred from the morphogenetic field of time-coded perception.

The good news is, that these new cosmic rays seem to have the ability to reach into the memory fields, re-pattern the sequences, and override the degenerative gene codes. While not scientifically proven, this is based on intuitive knowing and profound qualitative experience through body prototyping.
It has been learned that mixing the old code with the new code can create havoc in the human energy system. The body gets confused as to how and where to receive the information and exactly what transferences are the correct ones. If the body matrix is not prepared, it usually defaults to the code stored in, what Rupert Sheldrake refers to as, the 'built-in memory'.
It can be analogous to moving a website system to a new, and much faster server. It takes a while for everything to connect and populate throughout the internet energy field. In the end, sometimes the code does not settle into the proper settings. There is often reinstallation that is necessary with repeated code entry.   

Within the human body, this shifting of systems presents some very sensitive challenges. Mixing 'new patterns of organization' with old memory fields can create some disorder especially if we are dealing with corrupted scripts that have been strongly held into place for eons of time. The body's communication systems gets confused as to where to read the code and what string of information contains the correct sequence.

We are referring to the point of energetic convergence, where the two blueprinted fields meet. Until the new circuitry is installed and its settings have recalibrated, the code has a tendency to default to the template stored in the memory's morphogenetic field, tenaciously encoded by past association and genetic factors.

This can be why so many of us that eat healthy, have pure bodies and are the cutting edge of understandings are still experiencing degenerative patterning and experiences of lack. Having a pure body and peaceful mind is not the key to complete morphogenetic shift, not if the body's communication system is still reading the old code!

It seems that in order make this transition, our memory fields have to shift to such a degree that we are no longer living in the patterns that define us as cultural, or, control us through a rigid time factor.

In other words, when we flip flop from one field of morphic resonance to another, our body gets majorly confused and the translation of light energy gets jumbled. It usually defaults to the old, sustaining code.

Just as the sun is sending repeated flares, the process of shifting our personal morphic resonance requires a very relentless force of repetitive energy. This is how the new code cuts through the muck and establishes itself as the new abiding pattern.

For those who are really serious about cloaking on the new blueprint, we have to go for it all the way and not confuse the signals given to the body. The body always responds to what we consistently feed it. 

KEY #2 

Regarding the morphogenetic field implosion that is currently happening on a planetary scale, the same can be said for our own bodies.               
Just like with systems of electricity, this incoming solar waveform needs a bigger, more effective transformer (brain) and lots more connecting conduits (neural pathways and strong synapses).

In order for this to process to happen smoothly and with as little bodily upheaval as possible, the recoding process requires a feedback system of perfect communication. Then, the new data can be received and transferred harmoniously without meeting against blockages or non-existing receptors at the point of neural connection.  
Even though new code may be present in the body, this does not necessarily mean that it is going to connect properly, if at all. This can be attributed to the body's morphogenetic field and its built-in memory, which is around every system, organ, tissue and cell. The cellular response is still adhering to its 'usual' patterning.

This is all about establishing new connections and improving the way our body is communicating with itself and the surrounding fi
elds of expanding energy. 

Key #3


Here are a few ideas to assist in your morphic resonance shift.
 1. Receive Sunlight Frequently 
Make sure the sun is a part of your every day and welcome in the new encodement. Get it on your skin, gaze into its spherical geometry, drink solar charged water, meditate with the sun.

2. Keep Moving Closer to the Desired
Remove yourself from the mass field of energetic data transference so that the influencing memory fields do not bombard you. Great numbers of people are now making these dramatic shifts. It is good to move often... changing homes, time zones, jobs, roles, tasks, etc.. It is a time to move into much higher gear!

3. Override the Degenerative Time Code 
If you run your life according to a time coded, time controlled memory field, your life will remain inside the
morphic prison of degenerative experience. What would happen if you radically shifted from this matrix all together, or, just until the new codes lock into place?

This refers to the release of being controlled and driven by such things as: the clock, the Gregorian calendar, traditions that are time specific, astrological identities, age talk, birthdays and anything that programs your behaviors to past timelines. 

4. Release Habitual Patterning
Our patterns can be so stuck on the wheel that they are not even noticed. Go deep into your subconscious patterning and get yourself unlocked. Be bold and exotic. Do something you have never done before. Change your food, your activities, sleep patterns, ways of dressing. Shift your look completely. Shave your head. Free your feedback loops and unplug the robot. 
5. Engage in Repetitive Re-Programming
Keep learning as much as you can. Get a lot of conscious activations. Reprogram, reprogram and reprogram.

6. Strengthen the Body's Feedback System 
We are receiving new circuitry that requires unobstructed channels and clear feedback. The body communicates primarily through the brain, nervous system, synapses and synaptic connections, neurotransmitters, the endocrine system and its hormones. Study up on these transitioning systems and find out where you need to focus. You will discover a lot.

7. Live Unity
Remain connected to a network focusing on evolution and the process of human body morphogenesis. To have a support system from people who are working from the new morphic resonance is really the main key of all. We can swap codes, data files and the strength of new connection. When we come together in this way... we co-create a new morphic field for the entire human race.

Above all my precious family of the sun, have patience with yourself and a lot of fun in this revealing process.

We are certainly an exotic bunch that loves a good challenge but this is definitely not a race and there is no such thing as a finish line. It is an extraordinary time and we are all each others greatest cheerleaders. 

Loving you from the matrix!

Tiara Kumara
Children of the Sun Foundation 




I AM Avatar Yoga   
This is a very different type of transmission that goes very deep. It requires a readiness to depart from familiar energy fields. Your personal metamorphosis is about to shift into a much higher gear. Trust and let go. It is REALLY happening. 


During human morphogenesis, the brain endures many levels of upgrades in order to receive greater knowledge. It must withstand a gradual 're-wiring' process to make it ready to receive and translate the finer spectrums of light frequency.

This audio transmission delivers an ethereal spiritual surgery in your brain.
The purpose of this masterfully guided work is to expand the energetic capacity of the brain to function more intelligently.

An improved communication feedback system will potentially be created through the opening of new neural pathways and brain circuitry. This expanded infrastructure will help to override the memory default mechanism the locks us into a degenerative time-coded perception.
The beneficial effect of this procedure will be different for everyone depending on the level of new light frequency that you are able to assimilate... and... your overall readiness to embody this type of spiritual experience.

Keep in mind that this is happening on an etheric level. Expect some time to integrate into the physical. 


© Children of the Sun Foundation. You have permission to share our articles through any medium as long as it is offered for free, it is not altered, and the proper credit is given to the Foundation.

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Smart Meters and the Global Domination Agenda

Thu, 05 Sep 2013 11:10:00 PDT
By Foster Gamble

If I were an elite international banker, hell-bent on creating a global totalitarian state, a complete energy tracking and control system would be a powerful and important part of my strategy. Of course, I wouldn’t call it a “control grid,” or an “electronic surveillance system,” or “Gestapo meters.” That would be too scary and revealing. I would follow the lead of such clever titling as the “Clean Air Act,” and “No Child Left Behind.” I would call them something like… “Smart Meters”…in a “Smart Grid.” Yea, that’s the ticket.
To fulfill my mission, I would, of course, have to create a one-world government, so I would need to transcend national sovereignty as well as fund the new “World Order.” Fortunately a “carbon tax” (that my cronies and I can just buy our way out of) would accomplish all of that in one swipe! And the benevolence of well-intended but un-informed environmentalists would inspire them to go along with it and help fund their own captivity. Brilliant! I would naturally have all the taxes paid to my “World Bank” so we bankers could dominate the system.
The currency would need to be electronic — in the form of “carbon credits,” (energy use) and I could control people by doling out the vital energy everyone needs, based on their degree of compliance with my domination agenda. Of course, to do that, I would need to be able to monitor energy use — right down to individual appliances — so I would create a mandatory, all inclusive electronic grid that could not only track, but also control each individual’s energy consumption. I would also seize the opportunity to have each appliance externally controllable and, as much as possible, to have them — along with TVs and video game boxes — serve as surveillance instruments to monitor exactly what is going on inside people’s houses.
In the beginning, I would make it more expensive if anyone tried to opt out. And ultimately I would use “law enforcement” to…well, enforce installation of the devices on the homes of “dissidents,” or “insurgents.” If people notice the high fees and high levels of radiation being generated by these devices, or the destructive health effects and illegal “transmission” qualities of the instruments, I would need to take my tactics to the next level. If the resistance were significant, I would get around the health, freedom, trespassing, theft and extortion issues by simply pressuring the politicians and judges, that my banks and corporations control, to pass new legislation making it a crime to resist.
If I get enough installed quickly, in the US and around the world, I figure that the radiation, in concert with the fluoride, MSG, Aspartame, mercury, pesticides, and chemtrails will render the masses docile, sick and weak enough to be ineffective in standing up against my plan. And if not, at least I will be able to cut off energy from and raid the homes of anyone trying to buck my system. I will use my control of media and education to convince them it is “for the good of the group” and the environment.
Now the worst scenario for me would be if people were to wake up and realize that they have the power to stop me, or if they were able to get true “new energy” technologies past my suppressors and out into the world, because people would be able to access electricity off my grid, off my meter, out of my control. In fact I would not have an excuse to track and control their energy use and it would undermine my oil, gas, coal and nuclear profits. If folks had plenty of clean energy and were saving all the money they now spend on energy, how would I convince them that they need to be under my control? So if you haven’t already, please welcome your “free” installation of your Shrewd, er… I mean… “Smart” Meters today!
For an excellent, in-depth exploration of all of these issues and threats, make sure you watch the newly launched video by Josh del Sol, entitled Take Back Your Power.

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25 November 2013

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Happy Sunday! Today I'm catching up on my emails. Several of them make me feel good and smile. I'm taking time to "smell the roses". Hope you enjoy the variety ~ from human interest, to child prodigy, to nature, to political.
One article featured below introduces Congressman Bridenstine's proposed legislation to REPEAL THE 16th AMENDMENT - THE INCOME TAX !!!
Finally, we are seeing more influential people bravely coming forth to take down the present government power structure and return us to a true constitutional government (in this case in the US but it is happening globally as well). I strongly urge you to fully investigate Congressman Bridenstine's proposed legislation.
One might ask ~ how can we run the country without taxing the people. Actually, there is plenty of money to run the nation without the theft of personal income! Most of you know that the income tax doesn’t run the country anyway. It goes to the private bank accounts of the Bilderberger’s, etc... The madnes needs to stop.
Selamat Ja!


Alma Deutscher - 8-Year-Old Music Prodigy

At the age of 8, Alma Deutscher has already been compared to Mozart. Hear her story, and check out her amazing performance!

The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

Amazing concentration and beautiful example of mastering our energies by Miyoko Shida. She is totally in the NOW! The Ascended Masters often remind me and Sheldan to increase our focus ~ our power of concentration. They tell us it is key to manifesting.

Webinar 43 Archive now ready for downloading...

To View YouTube Preview ~~


A host of events must unfold before the reality shift can be fully manifested. By working together as partners, we are bringing ever closer the moment when each event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.

The Divine Partners ~~

Spiritual Hierarchy ~ Galactic Federation ~ Ascended Masters ~ Secret Sacred Society (Earth Allies) ~ Agarthans ~ Gaia ~ Humans

CLICK HERE to order : The Divine Partnership
To View YouTube Preview:Power of Divine Partnership

Congressman Jim Bridenstine Files Bill to Repeal 16th Amendment

Congressman Bridenstine said, “Viable alternative plans for raising revenue fairly to support constitutionally enumerated functions of the federal government have been proposed. As long as the 16th Amendment is in place and lobbyists dominate Washington, these alternatives will never be considered.”
The result of this repeal will be to eliminate the personal and corporate income tax, the estate and gift taxes, and taxes on investment earnings at the federal level. A constitutional amendment can be repealed by another amendment, which requires approval of three fourths of the states for ratification. After ratification, Congress and the states will have two years to decide on an alternative revenue stream. Bridenstine supports the Fair Tax, but he says this effort also has supporters from the Flat Tax community.
autum colors

The Colors of Autum

One of the things I like best about autum, is that the autum colors remind me that other planet's have different color foliage than Earth. For instance, the star system Sirius enjoys a sky of oranges, reds, pinks similar to one of our sunsets.
Also, you can read my blog account of "Memories of My Home World".
Love one another!


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