25 October 2012

Quantum Body Mechanics.............again just a quick word about the news of late.........when are we the people going to see how we have been manipulated by the world around us.  Religion, Politics, Health, Education...........why in the name of God has this all been allowed, it has, because they could, all for the control of us the people.  I can not bare to look at our politicians or hear their lies, I am absolutely appalled that they can carry on like two year olds and think that it is okay, no wonder our kids are out of control, just take a quick look what the politicians can get away with.  The government decided to conquer us the people by separating and dividing adults from kids through our education system, run by government enabling kids to act like themselves, no respect for anyone not even themselves, this divides and conquers we the people!  Have I got your attention...........the electricity debacle, no one in Government can help, how funny, why because it helps control us even further through our fear of not having enough!  We need to be looking at what we are not being shown because what one hand does keeps us disabled enough for other things to be set in motion, like the banks being able to not pass on the cut in interest rates!  There is technology already available that we don't need electricity companies or petrol companies.........but can't come forward as they in the past have been annihilated by the powers to stop them!    

The way to change this is to take back your own power and linking up with others for the good of the whole, changing your belief system that perhaps other religions or colour of peoples skin make them bad, I can assure you it doesn't the majority of people want the same thing to love and be loved.

I don't won't this to be fear based as if we change our own belief systems and pray for peace this can all be overcome.  If a fourteen year old girl can stand up to the Taliban for the rights of girls and an education why can't we stand united and say thank you but no thank you, I matter so does everyone else!

Love and Light
Bring it on love and peace in the world!
Let all that has been hidden surface, and so it is!

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