05 September 2012

www.healthykidz.com.au  check out this site for more information on additives.

Today's subject is food preservatives, and what they are doing to us.  Most of us get lead around by the nose as we believe that food manufacturers are doing what is best for every one's health....think again it appears to be about the bottom line.  It isn't the manufactures problem but ours, until we all start working together to stop the manufactures putting all these dreadful additives into our food.  The hardest part for me when at the supermarket is if I have forgotten my glasses it is impossible to read the writing it is so small, this I believe is to make it appear insignificant to the goodness of the product ..........think again.  We all need to remember the baby formula that killed and maimed babies due to an additive put in by the manufacturer.  As time passes all these things seem to disappear from the minds of the media and us.

The other one is shampoo, conditioners and face and body lotions, I can remember going through a dreadful time with my scalp and skin (I am highly sensitive to additives) ..........I went to the chemist
searching for a natural face and body lotion that didn't cost the earth and the chemist himself said that most products are a by product of petroleum.  The additives in shampoo's can give you eczema
on your scalp, or, and,  dreadful itching.  Our bodies are so finely tuned that it can and will react to what we are ingesting.  Children are coming up with some terrible aliments and I believe it is mostly due to their sensitivety to all un natural things fed to them!

We need to wake up and say no more, we do count and so do our children.

Love and Light