02 April 2014

Health2U Group

The Mystery Of Food Labelling 

How can a hard working mum with a heart to give the kids something healthy to eat, be expected to develop a near PhD understanding of food labelling and come out on top? As fresh food prices soar and supermarkets stack up more and more processed foods, what can we possibly do to stay ahead of this disturbing trend? It is my intention in this short article to at least point you in the right direction.
The problem.
In recent years, manufacturers of food have developed nature identical flavours and processing techniques that can help imitate almost any food. The problem is that the end result is a 'copy cat' product with almost no nutritive powers and synthetic compounds that can possibly upset the body's ecology. These 'chemical masterminds' work night and day to create a food product that can be mass produced for the absolute cheapest price with addictive properties - i.e.: the kids keep asking for it. New emerging variations of MSG (monosodium glutamate) and other flavour enhancers are creating a veritable buffet of explosive and addictive foods at a fraction of the cost of their fresh counterparts.
Australia is now importing more and more fruit and vegetables that may be treated with now banned crop sprays and both fresh and frozen foods that do not comply with stricter laws in manufacturing if the goods were produced here. The bottom line is that imported goods are cheaper and much harder for FSA (Food Standards Australia) to police. In many instances, foreign food labels do not comply with FSA labelling laws and many times, do not disclose 'hidden' ingredients such as artificial colours, flavours and additives (many of which may be banned in Australia). The end result may include unusual effects on health such as stomach aches, headaches, rashes, hormone imbalances and even flu like symptoms. I am not saying Australia is perfect in this area, however, I do trust our standards and food quality overall much more when it comes to quality and disclosure on labels and packaging. Recently while overseas, I was horrified to see so called 'healthy' kids snacks with cartoon characters on the front and clever advertising masking the absolute rubbish inside the packet. Huge amounts of sugar, fat and artificial ingredients marketed as 'wholesome!' - poor kids and even the poor parents who thought they bought a nutritious product!

The Solution. (or at least a place to start) 

Buy Australian Made! Hats off to Coles for at least trying to source Australian fresh fruit and veggies and not imported. I know they have a lot to improve, but at least this is a start. Australian grown fruit and veggies while still subjected to pesticides, are free of several really bad sprays now banned in many countries. Australian food compared to US food is far less likely to have GMO's as well. Luckily, we are in a region that along with NZ has not totally lost the plot (yet).
Buy Organic or use an Organic veggie wash. Use before cooking if you do buy conventional vegetables and fruit.
Shop around the outside of the isles in supermarkets. An easy tip, all the junk and processed foods reside in the middle isles. Fresh food usually lines the outside.
Don't be influenced by kids. Manufacturers of junk foods target kids to get to their parents and influence them to buy their products.
Beware of 'lunch box' fillers. Cereal snack bars, fruit straps and puddings may be easy and convenient when prepping a lunch box, however prove to be no good for health and more than likely contributing to  hyperactivity and other symptoms.
Minimise processed and canned foods. Read the labels, if you do not understand any ingredient, maybe pass on over and buy something else. Look for additive, colour and preservative free.
Beware of so called 'all natural' products. Many food companies claim to be all natural and yet contain many ingredients that effect health and nutrition. Snake poison is all natural, but is it good for you?? Buy organic frozen and/or packaged products if fresh, organic produce is hard to find. Organic standards on labels are much more stringent than regular labels of comparable food. Many food chemical  manufacturers claim their additives are 'all natural'.
Try a fresh food Co-Op. Contact a local organic market and see if you can join a Co-Op. Pooling together with family and friends to buy in bulk will save money.
Cook fresh food. Unplug the microwave and look at purchasing a steamer, buy a rock based fry pan, even eat raw vegetables to harness the benefits of living enzymes.
Buy a chemical Maze handbook.  Decode labels and navigate through the deceptive claims. Keep one handy or buy the app.
Download GMO food list from Greenpeace. The food giants hate what is contained in this list. Fast food chains, supermarket items even your favourite coffee shops all rated and secrets revealed.
Become a health food advocate. Spread the word, help your family and friends. Many people with unusual, bothersome symptoms such as fatigue, mystery weight gain, headaches and nausea find relief an even permanent cure just by changing their diets. Look into DVD's at your health food store like 'Food Matters' to really get a handle on the state of play in the food and nutritional world. Knowledge is power! Do it for your family and your health.
Use a Superfood daily. Your daily insurance policy! Use an Organic and pure Superfood Formula that tick all the nutritional boxes. Make a delicious smoothie at home by adding fresh fruits to the mix. This represents the most cost effective way to ensure you are getting all your daily nutrition and more!

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