23 December 2013

James Van PraaghDECEMBER 2013
Sharing the Spirit of the Holiday  

I was recently on the phone with a friend discussing the fury of how people behave at this time of the year. We were comparing notes of how many people seemed totally driven and crazed all attempting to get somewhere, see someone or do something! By comparison, I think I won, as I reenacted my day, I told her I was driving through the streets in Los Angeles, and was freaked out. Everyone was going so fast! I witnessed a postal truck going through a red light, a car nearly being side swiped and another person, completely standing still in the middle of the street skillfully dodging oncoming traffic, while balancing holiday presents in her hands. It is just amazing to observe it all. I could not help asking myself...why? Why do people feel a need at this time of the year to run around and buy..buy..buy?? Over the years we have all heard that the end of the year's holiday season is becoming way too commercial, with ads first appearing in October!! Wow!! I understand everyone needs to make a profit, but let's please make it stop! 

The original idea of gifting was given way back in the 4th century with. St. Nicholas, a Christian Bishop, was known for his generosity in giving to those less fortunate than he, as well as giving to children of all backgrounds simply for them to have happy and joyful memories of their childhood. The most common gift given were homemade foods and sweets, oranges (this was a huge treat due to the fact they were very rare), handcrafted gifts such as socks, sweaters, dresses, nightgowns, blankets, tables, chairs, and other handmade useful items.

But, I think that we all need to understand the true meaning of the season. The word Gift means: Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation. It is the act, right or power of giving. There is nothing in the definition which says you must "BUY" a retail item.

Therefore, I say in the TRUE spirit of the holiday we should give something deeper to another which will affect them and assist them in their daily lives. I suggested to another friend who had limited finances, to give by being available to do something for someone such as clean out the garage, go shopping for them, run errands. Or even to volunteer at a shelter or walk another's dog. Give freely something they need and appreciate. The response was amazing, my friend said: "Wow, can someone do that for me sometime, I would love it! That is the bottom line "Love."

I also think it would be a great idea to carry around small index cards or holiday cards in your pocket and just as in the tradition of the "Secret Santa" go to shopping malls, shelters, etc...and hand people cards which have messages such as: "You are loved;" May happiness always be with You;" "I believe in You", etc...

When we give from our hearts instead from our bank accounts, I really feel it is true giving and is the true essence of what the season is all about. And I firmly believe that it is in giving we receive. Therefore, I would like to give each one of you a FREE meditation I created based on ABUNDANCE. When we focus our minds and hearts on abundance, we create a space to receive from the Universe in all areas of our lives. Please use this gift to find the best in You....

Every one needs, wants and desires love. Love comes in many forms, even just by validating another, you can light up the world!

In Love and Light
Be Sure to Visit vanpraagh.com

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