26 March 2013

                               "What Else Is Possible?!"
Do NOT Miss Jarrad & Dr. Kim!

       Jarrad Hewett       Kimberly McGeorge
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This Call Is Potent Energy Shifting & Healing!

Upcoming Interviews:
            Jim Self/April 2     Marlise Karlin/April 23 
Why We Numb Ourselves..

I personally have never fit very well in this reality...It makes perfect sense to me that I wanted to drop out of society, rebel, and used various drugs to not feel, in my early 20's. Whether we use food, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, control, travel, T.V., or hoarding..It's difficult to feel all the raw feelings we have going on ,especially now! Instead of making yourself wrong, why not give yourself a break! I have never been a fan of "will-power"...We feel, shame, and guilt about ourselves from whatever we bought as truth about ourselves, that was really a lie. We have out little secrets, hoping no one will find out we don't have our S___ together. 
 Nobody has it all together, and God bless you, no matter what your habit is. Please know you are appreciated. I have a friend who said, "I have been praying for a heart attack." This precious man, was drafted in the 60's forced to kill people, sees war going on today, and doesn't want to be here.  I get it! We are also picking up so much of the collective unconsciousness so your pain, worry and fear any not even be yours! Breathe, put your feet in Nature, and know you are not wrong, and have NOTHING to be ashamed of or feel guilty about!

Your Voice Matters!


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As Always.

Infinite Love & Appreciation!


Are The Guru You've Been Looking For!"

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