20 May 2014

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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The messages below are from one of my dearest Maui friends, Sue. She received these uplifting messages in celebration of Wesak.
The messages remind us that we are co-creators so it is important to break old patterns and consciously focus on the reality we wish to live.
Blessings of Love sent to everyone....

Our Sun, Earth, and Moon each project special energies that influence us as we prepare for ascension and full consciousness.


In this Webinar, Sheldan describes the nature of these powerful forces and explains how we can use them to our advantage.

Topics include...

Sun: The Sun as a Heavenly Body (Star) – Sun Spots – Solar Flares – Truth about Global Warming
Earth: Meridians – Grids – Sacred Sites - Stewardship
Moon: Its Purpose – Moon Phases – Tides – What is the Moon?
• Sun • Earth • Moon and our Ascension Process
••• How we Can Tap into this Energy

Sunday, May 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, May 29, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Divine Mother on Wesak Full Moon

Aloha Everyone,
I hope this finds you all well and feeling content and at peace. I hope you enjoy these messages as much as I did receiving them. It's obviously time for us to celebrate!
Wishing you all a truly wonderful, joy and light filled week.
Much love and many blessings to you all,
Beloved ones,
Greetings from the Divine Mother of All!
It is a time of great rejoicing for you, and for many who will read and resonate with this message.
It is a time of New Beginnings, where each one of you gets to redefine and express how you wish to create and experience your life in the future.
It is literally like a new birth and a whole new beginning, as truly each day is!
Today we ask you to start reflecting on how you personally wish to start living your life anew, letting go of the old outworn habits that no longer serve you, and redefining your personal goals and wishes.
Ask yourselves,
"What have you always wanted to accomplish? What would you like to create in your life, who is to join you and what is this new way of living going to look and feel like?"
There are many factors to be considered as you are making sure you do not recreate what did not work before, and focusing on bringing forth into your lives all that you wish to experience. Take your time in writing your new script and feeling deeply your dreams and wishes, contemplating first in meditation and then asking for step-by-step guidance on how to proceed.
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You are the creators of your reality, and the time is now to develop a part of yourself which has never been expressed before. Your feminine power, beauty and strength is beginning to grow. It was not the time or place for this before; it is only now through your evolution that this seed is able to develop and grow.
Be sure to be kind and gentle with the new growth, and care for it daily, to ensure that this new part of yourself grows into a beautiful flower that will share its beauty, scent and wisdom with many.
Enjoy and cherish this time of new birth and growth. Follow your hearts in every moment and be sure to listen to that still, small, quiet voice within to ensure maximum care and growth for the new seedling.
Blessings, beloved children of the light! We love you, we adore you, and envelope you with our love, always.

A Christ Message thru Susan Michelle Moll

Monday, May 19th, 2014
Beloved ones, it is a time of great rejoicing and celebration, a time when you will realize who and what you truly are and have always been.
There is an unveiling of the Truth for all to see and receive if they are open to do so.
It is a time of immense joy, and something you have waited for for a long, long time.
As the unveiling takes place, you will gradually be able to perceive with your awareness more than you were able to ever see before with your human eyes. These energies have always been there but you were unaware of their Presence most of the time!
Soon you will be able to perceive it all, and will be amazed at the beauty and wonders revealed. Tap into these unseen energies now, and begin to communicate with them on a telepathic level. Develop a relationship and become acquainted with one another first, and as you become more conscious of their Presence they will reveal themselves to you in their full glory. These beings are here to assist you during the transition of your states of awareness, and as you move into higher and higher states of consciousness, much will become clear and revealed to you.
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All this will take time to digest and integrate . . . so it will be a continuous and gradual process, otherwise you would be completely and utterly overwhelmed, dumfounded, and shocked, and therefore unable to function! Your full awakening will continue to be gradual, and gently all will be revealed for you to see.
Wondrous new ways of living and being, new technologies and so much more will come into your awareness, and you will wonder why on earth you never thought of this before! You could not, because it was blocked by the veil until this time, so do not be hard on yourselves. Self love, acceptance, and forgiveness of all that has been and is, is the key.
Rejoice, Beloveds, for we are closer now than ever before.
We love you, we adore you, and begin the unveiling this day.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Christ Yeshua


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