17 May 2014

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Yipee! Today I was driving with Shel when I saw three shining objects in the sky. It didn't look like a plane so I alerted Sheldan with great excitement. Where he asked. They are straight ahead traveling right. Oh no, they just disappeared. Shucks, Sheldan didn't see them.
Holy Cow! There they are again only now they are traveling to the left. They were in triangle formation. Then one craft dropped back while the other two sped up. I checked the traffic, I so wanted to stop and try to capture them on camera. It just wasn't possible and then they disappeared. I was so excited. Sheldan non-chalantly tells me they were 3 Andromedean scout ships performing atmospheric tests. So Cool!!! Whenever I am blessed with a sighting, I have to admit my enthusiasm expands tenfold.

Keep your eyes to the sky ~

Here's an email and photo from a PAO member. Thanks for sharing, Ann.
I was at the pier in Oceanside, California, at 5:00 this morning (5-15, trying to get some photos of the moon over the water and to my amazement, I caught a fleet of ten UFO's! I took several photos, one right after the other and they showed up in quite a few, until they started to disperse. I was literally the ONLY person on the beach and pier when I got there, and it was surreal. The only re-touching I did was to straighten the photo and add some sharpening. Please share with Sheldan!!!
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PAO's Live Webinar for May

In this Webinar, Sheldan describes the nature of these powerful forces and explains how we can use them to our advantage.

Our Sun, Earth, and Moon each project special energies that influence us as we prepare for ascension and full consciousness.

Topics include...

Sun: The Sun as a Heavenly Body (Star) – Sun Spots – Solar Flares – Truth about Global Warming
Earth: Meridians – Grids – Sacred Sites - Stewardship
Moon: Its Purpose – Moon Phases – Tides – What is the Moon?
• Sun • Earth • Moon and our Ascension Process
••• How we Can Tap into this Energy

Sunday, May 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, May 29, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

NASA Spots Square-Shaped 'Hole' in the Sun (Video)

A NASA spacecraft has made a surprising find on the surface of the sun: a square-shaped "hole" in the star's outer atmosphere.
The dark square on the sun, known as a "coronal hole," is an area where the solar wind is streaming out of the sun at superfast speeds. NASA captured a video of the sun's square-shaped coronal hole between Monday and Wednesday (May 5-7) using the powerful Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
The coronal hole appears dark in the NASA view because there is less material emitting light in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum used to make the video, according to a NASA video description.
"Inside the coronal hole you can see bright loops where the hot plasma outlines little pieces of the solar magnetic field sticking above the surface," SDO officials wrote in the video description. "Because it is positioned so far south on the sun, there is less chance that the solar wind stream will impact us here on Earth."
NASA's sun-watching Solar Dynamics Observatory is just one of a fleet of spacecraft keeping a close watch on the weather on Earth's parent star. In 2013, the sun experienced its peak activity of its 11-year solar weather cycle.
Note: I am captivated by all the things taking place in our solar system and galaxy. Sheldan will share more fascinating facts about both the physical and spiritual aspects of our Sun in his May webinar. Did you know that there are Beings living in our Sun?

Whistleblower reveals serving for 3 years on secret space fleet

By Dr. Michael Salla on April 15, 2014

Note: Of course none of this is new to us reading this post but it is excellent confirmation that the Truth is coming out.

A new whistleblower has come forward to claim that he spent almost three years serving in a secret Space Fleet run by a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Force. In exclusive testimony released today on ExoNews TV, the whistleblower, who uses the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, said that the Earth Defense Force recruits personnel from the military services of different nations including China, Russia and the U.S. He claims that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section,” after having served previously for 17 years on Mars protecting five human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms.
Captain Kaye’s testimony describes three different types of space fighters and three bombers that he was trained to fly. Training took place on secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command, Saturn’s moon Titan, and in deep space. The space fighters and bombers had different propulsion systems ranging from fission and fusion nuclear energy, an electro-gravitic system, temporal space drive and more traditional thruster systems. He also reveals the existence of at least five large cigar shaped space carriers that are capable of interstellar flight that house the smaller fighters and bombers. He claims he served on one called “EDF SS Nautilus” which was up to ¾ of a mile long.
Captain Kaye claims that there was strict enforcement of non-communications with Earth during one’s military service, and need-to-know requirements for operations outside the solar system. After completing his 20 year tour of duty, he describes a retirement ceremony on Lunar Operations Command that was presided over by VIPs including former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
Parts of Captain Kaye’s testimony is consistent with the claims of other whistleblowers describing a secret space fleet. Most prominent among these is former President Ronald Reagan who alluded to a highly classified space fleet in the June 11, 1985 entry in his diaries where he revealed that “our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.” A succession of whistleblowers and aeronautical experts have come forward to reveal various details of advanced antigravity technologies that can, in the words of Ben Rich (former Lockheed Skunkworks CEO) “take ET home.” Captain Kaye is currently seeking documents to verify his incredible experiences, and for now offers his testimony as evidence of a break away human civilization that operates a secret space fleet.


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