Portal 2012 |
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 07:11 AM PST
A new Window of Opportunity of a great importance is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.
forces of Light are looking towards this Window of Opportunity with
great excitement. The ships of the Galactic Confederation have already
begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth to
be able to transmit and align intense energies that will be released
within this Window of Opportunity towards the planetary surface. As a
consequence of my nearspace flight beyond the Veil few weeks ago and of
other operations of the Light forces, large portions of the etheric
Archon grid have been already removed to the point that some people are
beginning to reinstate genuine telepathic contact with the Confederation
and many are beginning to have profound positive spiritual experiences
with them.
Of all timeframes given until now, this time window for the Event has the greatest chance of success. The planetary situation is much more ready than it was a few years and even a few months ago. You need to understand that we still live in a free will universe and therefore no guarantees can be given about the timing of the Event.
Window of Opportunity will open at the time of spring equinox and will
be triggered by a sensational occultation of the royal star Regulus by
an asteroid 163 Erigone on March 20th, just a few hours before the
occultation path will go precisely through New York City and bankers
from New York Federal Reserve will be able to see the Regulus star
disappear for about 10 seconds, hidden behind the body of a 50 mile wide
asteroid, as they will watch that event from the windows of their
building on 33 Liberty Street. This will be a very powerful omen which
will portend the demise of the Federal Reserve, as Erigone (the Goddess
of Justice) occults Regulus (the Princely King of the Old World Order):
One day later, right after the equinox, the Moon will occult Saturn. This event is another very powerful sign which indicates Moon (the Goddess) overshining Saturn (the dark forces), heralding a new cycle when the Goddess energy will gain in importance: We will be having our Portal conference in Mojiko, Japan, from March 21st to March 23rd, anchoring the powerful energies which will be present around the spring equinox. You can register here (text is in English and Japanese):
second Portal conference will be in Taiwan from March 28th to March
30th. On this conference we will make a special connection with a
certain Dragon society. You can register here:
People interested in the conferences can get more information about my work in English, Chinese and Japanese language here:
total lunar eclipse on April 15th will signify the opening of the inner
Window of Opportunity which will be open from April 15th to April 29th.
This inner time window will actually be a portal within a portal and
will be a time of extreme energetic intensity that can potentially
trigger drastic changes on the surface of this planet and beyond.
Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is the most complex
period in the known history, greatly surpassing the famous December
21st, 2012. This means that it
will be the most volatile, unpredictable time with greatest potential
ever. It represents the most probable time when the consequences of the
Galactic Central Sun activation by G2 cloud will reach our planet:
total lunar eclipse on April 15th will begin the famous lunar tetrad of
2014/15 which has deep significance in Jewish prophecy. Jewish Passover
feast begins on that day and ends one week later, on April 21.
21st (Easter Monday) will be the day of the IS:IS portal activation,
the turning point of this Window of Opportunity. Due to the importance
of that portal I will dedicate a separate blog post to it. We will
organize a major planetary vortex activation at that time. Details will
be announced on my blog soon.
On April 29th, there will be an annular solar eclipse which will complete the inner portal within the Window of Opportunity.
Window of Opportunity will close on May 17th, the day of the Pleiadian
Alignment. There will be a special activation organized on a certain
vortex point at that time. More intel about the Pleiadian Alignment will
be released when the time is right.
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 05:36 AM PST
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