FAKE SNOW and Mother/Father God Reveal More About Our Part in the Heavenly Project
Via Kathryn E. May, February 15, 2014
tell you these things now not to frighten you, but to spur you on to
greater efforts to take back your own destiny and that of your beloved
Mother Earth by using the most powerful tool in the Universe, Love.
Take this information we have given you to awaken your hearts, to stir
in you the memory of freedom and joy which you will recapture with your
own hands and hearts and minds.
Ones, you are all wondering about the "fake snow" that has been falling
across the U.S. It lays on the ground without creating puddles for
long periods of time, and if you make a snowball with your hands, they
feel greasy afterwards. If you make a hard snowball and place it over a
flame, you will wait anywhere from 12 seconds to three minutes before
you see anything reminding you of a drop of water melting. Do this same
test with the frost from your freezer and you will see the dramatic
it is "freaky," as some of you have noticed. It contains elements not
seen in snow before, although your rain has contained certain components
similar to what you now observe in the snow. Fortunately, all across
the world, people are beginning to notice the strange snow. It has
caught the attention of home scientists as well as professional
researchers. We hope that the results will be widely published in
coming weeks.
is the last-ditch effort of the silent World government - the one which
has wielded the real power for many generations. They are desperate,
and they are showing their true intentions by "pulling out all the
stops." This is designed to make you feel overwhelmed, filled with fear
and dread at the power of unknown and unnamed persons to destroy you
and your environment. You are supposed to blame your elected officials,
of course, since they are the ones who supposedly control these things.
see, it is a massive attempt to drive everyone into a state of fear,
mistrust, and eventually, a sense of hopelessness. Then the physical
symptoms are supposed to appear, sending everyone running to their
doctors to get medication for the mysterious illnesses which are
intended to sicken large numbers of people. A pharmaceutical
"treatment" or "cure" will then be found for the maladies, providing
billions of dollars in profits to drug companies and their
representatives, while the guinea pig population succumbs to illness and
is the gruesome picture which was planned for Earth's less powerful
Beings. Those in power believed they could protect themselves, of
course, while everyone else fades away. They have provided themselves
with underground shelters, relatively unadulterated water supplies, and
the best medical care. Of course this is silly - to think they could
poison the Earth and remain unscathed themselves. They also needed
backup in case they should need to escape - and so they have developed
extensive space programs and space ships to carry them to bases on the
moon and several other planets.
the trillions of dollars which went missing during the Iraq War and the
massive profits gleaned from previous wars and manufactured diseases,
there was a nearly unlimited taxpayer-financed secret space science and
technology boom, completely hidden from the public eye. It was also
unknown to most of the elected representatives in Congress, except for a
few carefully placed operatives, who made sure the information was kept
classified, especially when it affected the well-being of the masses.
tell you these things now not to frighten you, but to spur you on to
greater efforts to take back your own destiny and that of your beloved
Mother Earth by using the most powerful tool in the Universe, Love.
Take this information we have given you to awaken your hearts, to stir
in you the memory of freedom and joy which you will recapture with
your own hands and hearts and minds. This time, you will not have to
fight for your freedom - just the opposite. We have laid the groundwork
for you to succeed with the power of Creation.
is your own creative powers which will carry the day - your ability to
create the energy forms which will defeat Darkness in all its
expressions, whether it be disease, an oppressive political and social
system, or supposed military might. Nothing can stop the wave of
movement toward Light which has overtaken the planet now. It has been
decreed by Prime Creator that Earth will not be destroyed ever again,
and that humankind will be victorious over the Darkness which has
plagued them for thousands of years. You are being given help from On
High, but you are not being controlled or dictated to.
Beloved Ones, decreed this monumental Shift, and made it possible by
coming here, lifetime after lifetime, to hold the Light for your fellow
creatures, valiantly returning even against impossible odds because of
your belief in the goodness and joy which could be restored to dear
Mother Earth. And so it shall be.
time of Great Change has indeed arrived. There are powerful Families
of Light on the planet who have shared your vision of Peace, Harmony and
Endless Love. They have given of their time, energy and resources to
make possible the beginning of the first wave of Prosperity Funds. You
will be surprised to find that help comes from the most unexpected
sources when you are on your path, raising your vibration to experience
the essence of Pure Love. Do not falter, do not lose Faith, Beloved Ones. Your time has come.
Dark Ones had to be neutralized before your material blessings could be
dispersed to you. It would have simply increased the conflicts and
secret control over the military and financial resources on the planet,
had they not been identified, maneuvered into position and entrapped by
the sting operation which was a prime part of the revaluation of
currency. It has been a masterful plan, thoroughly thought out and
patiently executed, step by step. The details and remarkable success of
this plan will be revealed to you very soon. Of course, we could not
reveal how and why each step was being developed and carried through.
Obviously, one does not publicize the elements of a sting operation or
it would not work.
of you who are experiencing the lifting of the Veil have sensed the
movement of something great, and have felt the awakening of your
memories of why you are here. You may not have known the specifics of
what is unfolding or how it will unfold, but you feel a resonance with
our words, as we have taken you step by step through the process of
lifting your vibrations, preparing yourselves for Ascension and beyond.
This was our intention - to create a step by step, day by day guide for
you, so that you could feel our presence and know that your reawakening
is real, that the things you see happening around you are real, and
that the injustices you experienced were indeed the result of a Dark
masterplan to take over and control the planet.
who scoff and call this a "conspiracy theory" as an excuse for ignoring
the warning signals are simply playing into the hands of those who
created the Darkness. It is not an intelligent approach to ignore
evidence that has been carefully gathered and presented. Neither is it
intelligent to simply believe something because it has been said many
times. You are all going through a period of investigation and
exploration. You must search beyond the preliminary presentations to do
your own investigating.
has been a very good example of this need in your current experience.
The snow is falling in historic amounts in the East of the U.S. while
the West is experiencing historic drought. "Chem" (chemical) trails
have filled the skies in both places, crisscrossing the sky in
checkerboard patterns. You are told they are only the vapor from jet
planes in their regular flights. If you believe this, you have been
completely hoodwinked. It is easy enough for anyone who cares to
question this to discover that flight paths are carefully monitored and
constructed in such a way that airplanes would never criss-cross one
another at similar altitudes. Your air traffic control would not permit
such traffic patterns on the part of commercial jets.
have been told officially told that HAARP is indeed a weather
monitoring system, and that clouds can be seeded to produce rain. If
this is true, why have they permitted the devastating drought to
continue? Why is there no official explanation for the lack of positive
results when there are obviously constant trails in the skies across
the entire country? Would it not be an obvious conclusion, using only
the facts, that the immediate result of the chem trails is indeed what
we see immediately following their appearance? This would require, of
course, that you be willing to open your mind to the possibility that
there is indeed a group in power who are engineering the very droughts
and floods you see happening around the world.
protest, "But that doesn't make sense! Why would anyone want to
destroy the crops (in the West) and bring the greatest business centers
on Earth to a standstill?" Why indeed? You have heard the term, "Follow
the money." Now, do it. Who would benefit from the failure of the
crops that are being currently grown, while simultaneously rescuing
their businesses from the investigations and prosecutions which are now
underway? The producers of GMO technology and its accompanying
profitable factory farm procedures. Billions of dollars are at stake.
People are awakening to the truth that their food supply is dangerous
and toxic to humanity, and that it is being controlled by a few very
powerful corporations.
in addition to following the money, you must also follow the
legislation being written and passed in governments around the world.
GMO crops have been banned in large areas across the world, and action
is being taken in small communities across the U.S., in the absence of
Congressional action. The market for these ungodly creations has been
shrinking. Does it seem logical to investigate why the areas with the
greatest vulnerability to being taken over by these practices are the
very ones being manipulated in this latest "environmental disaster?"
recommend that you watch the movie, "Thrive" if you wish to have a
beginner's background for understanding what is happening on your dear
planet this week, this month, this year. It has been a struggle between
Light and Dark. You have been at the center of this struggle. How can
you remain asleep while the destiny of the entire population - human,
flora and fauna - of your entire planet is being decided?
are fortunate, Dear Ones, to have the assistance of The Company of
Heaven in this struggle. By that, we mean the entire group of Ascended
Masters, Archangels, and incarnated Masters here to help you. In
addition to those who have dedicated their eternal Light to the success
of this project, you are also being assisted by the great Legions of
Star Brothers and Sisters, under the loving eyes of the Ashtar Command.
All have come to assist, whether by bringing Light or by helping with
the neutralization of the technologies of the Dark Ones, or by assisting
in your physical and mental healing.
the Multiverse has combined energies during this period of Ascension.
You are being lifted, literally, into a higher dimension, but it is not
something that can be done to you or for you. You, the "boots on the
ground," are the crucial component in the success of this mission. Without
your presence there in human bodies, receiving the Light and
transmitting it to Mother Earth and all her creatures, the evolution of
your beloved planet would not occur. We are sending Love, endless and
pure. You must receive it and use it to lift yourselves and each other.
This is your mission and your promise.
ago, you all joined with us and with Sananda and Sanat Kumara and the
others from Venus to accomplish this honorable and ambitious mission.
It reaches far beyond what you might have surmised. It is not just a
mission to defeat evil and reclaim Planet Earth. It was also planned as
a laboratory for reclaiming and restoring all Beings to the Light of
God. This included those Dark Ones who have created the terrible
problems you experience now. It was not our mission to destroy or kill
the perpetrators who caused the suffering, across Earth and in other
quarters of the lower dimensional worlds. It has always been our
mission to rescue and restore the Dark Ones, who were also our beloved
children, the creation of our hearts.
have been the team of Lightworkers who were on the front lines of this
endeavor, incarnating among the Dark Ones, even offering your bodies as a
harboring place for the Reptilians whose DNA was restored by the
experience of living in a loving human body. This you are familiar with
this program, now successfully completed, which was described and
explained to you during August of 2013 in our messages and radio shows.
That was just the beginning.
are now involved in another such program - the Sting Operation which
was designed to entice and capture the most greedy and powerful of the
Dark Hats. You offered to invest your hard-earned money, your patience
and your Faith to act as the decoys who would take part in the currency
revaluation, with the promise of great wealth to be shared. It could
not have been successfully completed without your participation in great
numbers. You defied popular wisdom and financial "common sense" to
take part in this project, which was called illogical, a scam, and
worse. And so you created the scene, built the props and laid the
traps, along with our beloved and much-maligned Tony TNT, in order to
attract the bears to the honey, as you might call it.
has been successful beyond expectation. Those who would greedily steal
your blessings and use it to increase their power over you have been
rounded up and will be charged and prosecuted for their crimes. The
same is being done with the perpetrators of the current "weather
problems". They are a consortium of conspirators who hoped to tighten
their grip on the entire population by bringing you to your knees,
through starvation, poverty and illness. You have assisted every step
of the way, including your lively discussions and debate on the
our Beloved Children, congratulate each other in Love and Compassion.
Send great waves of Love to those who have been pulled down into low
vibrational states, which they then joined willingly, in the state of
free will. Put your shoulders to the wheel together, in joy and
triumph, as we complete the final phase of this magnificent endeavor -
the lifting out of despair and deprivation of the entire human race, and
the recognition of all the creatures of the air, land and sea as your
beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Light.
embrace you with Joy, we revel in your great triumph, and we Love you
beyond words. Together, we are victorious in the power of our Love.
We are your Mother/Father God, together with all the Company of Heaven, in service to Prime Creator, who is the Creator of All.
Via Kathryn E. May, February 15, 2014, 11 am, EST.
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