30 April 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Lydia  ♥ admi…
Check out the video 'The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence'

The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence
The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence
The Spiritual Heart -- is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an...
Video link:
The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence

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Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Pressures US to Join other Super Powers in Disclosure- Treaty to Ban Space-Based Weapons Next Step

(HOUSTON, TX — April 29, 2013) — Reported by the New Era Times
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure scheduled April 29-May 3, 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington DC reveals with certainty that the truth about extra terrestrials and UFO’s has been hidden from the public. The real question is how? And why has this been going on for so long? It is no accident that the US is fixated on side-show media reports while this event is happening. The media distraction has been effective for too long. Tired of the lies and deception, and awakening by the millions, nations and people across the globe are demanding the truth. The key message from all extra terrestrial civilizations making contact with us is clear. We are on a path of destruction of the earth and are being warned to stop before we destroy our home. This is a warning we must heed as we open our minds to the reality of disclosure and a universe full of life. Stopping space based weapons is the next step so earth can emerge peacefully into the galactic community.
In an effort to push disclosure on the US Government, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will present conclusive evidence that there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The speakers including astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Steven Greer and Stanton Friedman are attempting to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.
“The truth is that aliens are indeed visiting us and that they recognize us as a primitive, tribal, and war like species bent on endless warfare and our own destruction,” stated Stanton Friedman, one of 40 speakers at the upcoming Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. “We here on earth have developed technologies in nuclear physics, rocketry and radar that allow us boundless opportunities. But we have yet to evolve into an understanding that we are all earthlings and need to use this technology for the greater good and our own survival.” He further adds, ”Candidly, other races observing earthlings would undoubtedly see us as a threat to their neighborhood.”
Space-based weapons have been a concern for decades as it prevents earth from participating in the galactic community in a peaceful way. Carol Rosin, Executive Director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth is pursuing signatures from all nations for the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty to ban space based weapons. The Honorable Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense, Canada, and another speaker at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure says, "This Treaty is the most important document of our time." This treaty changes the outdated and dangerous warfare paradigm mindset of the military industrial complex as it now exists and paves the way for earth to peacefully enter the Space Age. Rosin is also founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and World Peace Ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World. Peace. She has testified before the US Senate Arms Services Committee, the Congressional House Ways and Means Committee, and the US President’s Commission on Space.
While other countries like China have opened some of their UFO files, so far the US has resisted. Since the crash at Roswell, many government files in the US have been classified and kept secret. Trillions of dollars are spent but yet the public is not informed.
In Brazil, the disclosure of extraterrestrial contact was officially started as a result of a similar citizen event which made a formal request to the Brazilian Ministry of Defense that all UFO secret archives be disclosed. On April 25, 2013, the release of documents was announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense.
Concurrently, our most courageous scientists and archaeologists are delving into the reality of extra terrestrials not only in the present era, but dating back perhaps thousands if not millions of years. Discoveries about our ancient past uncover a story of such magnitude that is at first hard to digest, but just like any dark secret, when the story unfolds, the truth sets us free.
Acknowledging and understanding contact with other civilizations involves totally changing our concept of history and our religious and scientific understanding of the universe. Many ask, where is the evidence that civilizations were here before us? Evidence now shows us that ancient civilizations like Atlantis existed 30,000 years ago as described by Edgar Cayce’s readings. These civilizations nearly destroyed the earth with weapons designed to change the climate and the cosmic structure around the earth. Currently NASA is experimenting with their HAARP climate controlling technology. Recent reports show that NASA is also trying to bring planets and/or meteorites into earth’s atmosphere which can destroy not only our planet but much of our solar system. According to historians who understand ancient history, this must be stopped because it will destroy the earth.
Notably, the most recent and significant evidence is presented by the following researchers and historians:
➢ The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens
➢ Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo
➢ The Sirius Documentary by Dr. Steven Greer
➢ Bosnian Pyramid discovery by Dr. SemirOsmangich,
➢ Archaeological Research by Dr. Klaus Dona
➢ Ancient Civilizations MichaelTellinger
➢ Erich von Daniken historical accounts of ancient extra terrestrials
➢ ZechariaSitchin deciphering ancient Sumerian text
The Vatican is contemplating disclosure for obvious reasons; because our current religious paradigm is incongruent with extra terrestrial life. When we compare ancient Sumerian text with the Christian bible as shown by Erich von Daniken’s historical accounts, interaction with alien races is corroborated. What is fascinating is that we don’t need to overthrow religion to accept these views. We just need to follow the doctrine as taught by these ancient civilizations of unity and love and peace among all peoples known as The Law of One. This information, found in the Dead Sea Scrolls was taught by the Essenes. Biblical texts have been manipulated and important revelations were omitted that distorts our understanding of spiritual evolution and immortality.
Deborah West is a columnist at The New Era Times, Her column is called Lost Knowledge. She formerly worked in mainstream media for 20 years. To see her articles go to: The New Era Times

25 April 2013

Stan Romanek

www.stanromanek.com/ U tube The Stan Romanek, full story or documentary
Stan Romanek, International Bestselling Author,. May be the world's most documented extraterrestrial contactee. There are a multitude of unexplainable events .
Stan's story is one of the best I have read or heard on Aliens or alien abduction.
Love and Light


24 April 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the video 'G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17'

G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease - like scurvy or pellagra - aggravated by the lack of an essent...
Video link:
G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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21 April 2013

lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
ayanna k ~ Ad…
Check out the discussion 'Shifting to Hero/Heroine Energy'

Discussion posted by ayanna k ~ Admin:

Shifting to Hero/Heroine Energy Your Heroic Journey is something you can fall in love with   If you want to truly have a good time thi...

Discussion link:
Shifting to Hero/Heroine Energy

About LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
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20 April 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the blog post 'ST Germaine and Mira the Pleiadian'

Blog post added by john gunshefski:

This morning (April 12, 2012) the Master St.Germain came to me. He wants to tell you a few things so here he is: Greetings, I am St. Germai...

Blog post link:
ST Germaine and Mira the Pleiadian

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17 April 2013

Company Logo
Dear BraveHeart Sister,

Have You Checked Your Vibrational Immune System?

It's flu season again, and advertisements promising a quick fix abound.

What these temporary remedies fail to address, however, is the underlying source
of your health-- your Vibrational Immune System (VIS). Without maintaining and
nourishing this energetic wellspring, your health will be consistently compromised,
along with your capacity to create prosperity in all areas of your life.

Our blossoming Essence must learn to rise above the world of density in which it
dwells. The gravity of internal and external forces that keep human consciousness
in a state of ineffective complacency comes in many forms. Lowering our VIS
keeps our attention focused on mere physical survival and recovery, while the greater
purpose of shifting human consciousness remains uncultivated.

So what lowers our Vibrational Immune Systems?

Fear of all kinds is at the top of the list:
>From news reports of epidemics and war, to less subtle forms like flu shot advertisements.
The first step to becoming immune to these external sources of fear is to pay attention to
how your body responds when you are exposed to such energetic bacteria. Then become
a master of non-reactivity.

We are not called to spend our precious energy on getting emotionally reactive to the fact
that fear-based propaganda exists.

In fact, remaining in a state of emotional reactivity is a sure way to drop your VIS.
Whether you catch a glimpse of a newspaper headline belching about bombings,
or you're caught in the crossfire of your children's daily squabbles, all situations that
push your buttons can lower your VIS.

Unfortunately, it's not enough to "rise above" whatever the current trigger is and move on,
because our bodies keep meticulous cellular records, and challenges of like nature will
continue to arise until we shift our internal perspectives.

All beliefs and situations that dis-empower your creative Essence also negatively
impact your VIS

  • This includes staying in unhealthy relationships or seeking a person who will complete what we perceive to be lacking in ourselves.
  • Not recognizing our value or becoming a victim of the crippling comparisons to celebrity images weakens our VIS.
  • Believing that our spiritual connection to divine source must be channeled through someone else, OR
  • Not realizing our identity as a manifestation of the divine are powerful ways that our VIS is kept hostage in the world of density.

Such limiting beliefs actually serve as food for the very illnesses we try to cure with
pharmaceutical injections and pills.

Are there ways that we ourselves actually indulge in lowering our VIS?

Sometimes, we have a puzzling hunger to seek out situations and people that upset us
in minor but consistent ways. It could be a media addiction or calling a critical, fearful
friend who we know will give us a big dose of drama. Or we maintain a constant state of
busy-ness to mask the signal that our VIS is weakened.

This often unconscious self-sabotage prevents us from showing up fully in our lives because
we are afraid of our success, our light. We are called as BraveHeart Women to take responsibility
for the ways in which we contribute to lowering our Vibrational Immune Systems and actively
participate in our journey of creating prosperity.

First, recognize the cues in our bodies and minds: swollen glands, lower back pain, anxiety,
craving coffee, feeling hunger when our bodies don't actually require nourishment, the need to
commiserate, exaggerated wrinkles on the forehead, and any other sensation that creates dis-ease.

Next, identify external and internal sources of fear, conflicting purposes and limiting beliefs.

Then, practice the art of remaining in a state of joyous neutrality, no matter the circumstance.
Resist the temptation to judge things as good or bad. Resist the urge to react in emotion, and
instead choose to respond in your Essence. Then, our Vibrational Immune Systems will thrive,
giving us abundant energy to accomplish our personal, professional and global purposes.

Interesting Image
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16 April 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the blog post 'Why You're Afraid to Claim Your Power'

Blog post added by Brenda Hoffman:

Welcome to Brenda's Blog  Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s April 7, 2013 free, 15-...

Blog post link:
Why You're Afraid to Claim Your Power

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BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Bev Karakochu…
Check out the video 'The 7 Oracles - Akasha/Asun - The Elohim & St Germain (meditation)'

The 7 Oracles - Akasha/Asun - The Elohim & St Germain (meditation)
The 7 Oracles - Akasha/Asun - The Elohim & St Germain (meditation)
First track (of 9) of Akasha & Asun, "Receiving the Oracles". 28minute Meditation/Attunement, Invoking the "Elohim" & "St Germain"...
Video link:
The 7 Oracles - Akasha/Asun - The Elohim & St Germain (meditation)

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
ayanna k ~ Ad…
Check out the discussion 'Light Body {Sacred Geometry} Activation'

Discussion posted by ayanna k ~ Admin:

Light Body (Sacred Geometry) Activation Your Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physica...

Discussion link:
Light Body {Sacred Geometry} Activation

About LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
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Jelaila's Weekly Message
March 18, 2013
From Deep Depression to Deep Healing

 Video Link: no video
Hey Carole,
Before I begin today's message, I want to thank all you for your love and caring.  Your messages of encouragement and support were so appreciated.  Even got flowers--so lovely.
Last week I wrote of how I got back on track with this work after having gone through a 2 week bout of major depression.  I shared with you my journey through that dark hell and how, with the help of my guides, and applying the Keys of Compassion (Keys), the tools that they had given me many years ago, I was able to break free.  What I didn't share was the precious gift that came from it; a deep, core healing with my mother. 
A little background.
For those who have not read The Formula of Compassion, the 1st Key of Compassion , in which I write about my relationship with my mother, then let me say, it is has been--quite challenging--to put it politely.  As a child I was my mother's weapon of choice in her war with my dad.  Being "Daddy's little girl" my mother seemed to enjoy turning me against him.  I suppose it was sweet revenge for the pain he caused her.  And I was a willing pawn in their game.  Being the only girl in a house full of 5 boys, I desperately needed my mother's understanding and sheltering.  Without it I felt abandoned to fend for myself in a group of siblings who except for one, my brother Keith, were either indifferent or antagonistic.  I learned early that in order to survive in my family I had to side with Mom in all her battles whether she was right or not.  To do otherwise meant abandonment and terrifying isolation   One of the great heartaches of my life was finally having to acknowledge the conditionality of my mother's love.
In my later years, with the help of Keys, I have been able to see the relationship from a more compassionate perspective.  This new perspective has enabled me to release my mom from a lot of the blame I placed on her.   Yet there was still something missing. I still felt distant from my mother--and I still felt irritated by her.  When I stopped to feel what was underneath the anger, I couldn't do so for long.  I became uncomfortable as I felt the dark and painful stirrings of what felt like a yawning chasm of unfathomable emptiness, loneliness and yearning. 
Until the last few years, one could say that I was a positive person.  I woke up most every day in a good mood.  One could also say, I am a survivor.  When adversity strikes, knocking to my feet, I refuse to be held down.  Before long I'd pick myself up and keep going.  My motto for most of my life has been, I will not let this destroy me.  But as those who have followed my work know, that motto has been severely tested of late.  Three deaths in 2.5 years, the most recent being a suicide along with other setbacks, had finally triggered a life-threatening bout of major depression.  As I spiraled downward into that yawning chasm, I felt overwhelmed by the crippling emptiness, loneliness and pain.  In desperation, I reached out to my mother;  she was the only one who truly understood the pain of losing Keith.  Yet even as I nervously dialed her number I felt sure that she wouldn't be able to help me.  Past experience had taught me that my mother was incapable of dealing with my pain.  But hey, when you are desperate you will do just about anything. 
Much to my surprise we had a great conversation. After unburdening myself and having a good cry, we began talking about the past.  Mom shared details of her marriage for the first time.  She talked about what it was like living with my father who we now understand was bi-polar just like his dad and older sister.  Mom talked about their early years and about the point in their marriage when she began to suspect something was terribly wrong with my dad. 
I saw my father through new eyes.  I saw his shame over not being able to control his anger.  I felt their pain when he would  bury his head in her lap, apologizing for his latest outburst and begging her not to leave.  I felt her hopelessness and how trapped she felt.  Back then woman didn't just up and divorce her husband, especially with babies in tow.  Trapped in a marriage with a mentally ill husband, drained by the stress and unending needs of 6 kids, feeling alone with no socially acceptable way out, I understood why my mother was angry.  She was terrified, living in a hell she could not escape.  Now it made sense why she would react as she did.  It made sense why, after one of my father's outbursts, she would vent that anger by turning me against him.  There was nowhere else to go.  Was it responsible?  No.  Was it loving?  No.  It was survival. 
Now fully recognizing the truth of my mother's marriage and the terror, loneliness, and pain she had lived through, I made sure I validated it but repeating back the words she used to describe what she felt.  The validation hit home and I felt her shift.  In fact, we both shifted.  In that moment a bond was formed; one born of acceptance, of knowing from experience the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.  For the first time in my life I felt that my mother really recognized and understood me; the pain of that yawning chasm was released.  The longing I had felt, the emptiness and isolation were gone.  What I needed was my mother's nurturing love in the form of recognition and understanding.  Now I had it, but only was because I was able to give it in return thanks to my walk through the darkness of depression.
Depression is painful, but in its pain a gift awaits if we are willing to embrace it.
See ya next week,
Jelaila Starr
email: jelaila@kc.surewest.net 

15 April 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the blog post 'Message from Matthew -- April 11, 2013'

Blog post added by Luisa Vasconcellos:

Message from Matthew April 11, 2013   North Korea; Pope Francis; the Vatican; visualization; homosexuality   With loving greeting...

Blog post link:
Message from Matthew -- April 11, 2013

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10 April 2013

Fabulous site!
Dear Avaazers,

It’s unbelievable, but Monsanto and Co. are at it again. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to exclusively ‘own’ something that freely belongs to us all -- our food! They’re trying to patent away our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, forcing growers to pay them and risk being sued if they don’t.

But we can stop them from buying up Mother Earth. Companies like Monsanto have found loopholes in European law to get away with this, so we just need to close them shut before they set a dangerous global precedent. And to do that, we need key countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands -- where opposition is already growing -- to call for a vote to stop Monsanto’s plans. The Avaaz community has shifted governments before, and we can do it again.

Many farmers and politicians are already against this -- we just need to bring in people power to pressure these countries to keep Monsanto’s hands off our food. Sign now and share with everyone to help build the biggest food defense call ever:


Once a patent exists in one country, trade agreements and negotiations often push other countries to honour it as well. That's why these food patents change everything about how our food chain works: for thousands of years, farmers could choose which seeds they’d use without worrying about getting sued for violating intellectual property rights. But now, companies launch expensive legal campaigns to buy patents on conventional plants and force farmers to pay exorbitant royalty fees. Monsanto and Co. claim that patents drive innovation -- but in fact they create a corporate monopoly of our food.

But luckily, the European Patent Office is controlled by 38 member states who, with one vote, can end dangerous patents on food that is bred using conventional methods. Even the European Parliament has issued a statement objecting to these kinds of destructive patents. Now, a massive wave of public outcry could push them to ban the patenting of our everyday food for good.

The situation is dire already -- Monsanto alone owns 36% of all tomato, 32% of sweet pepper and 49% of cauliflower varieties registered in the EU. With a simple regulatory change, we could protect our food, our farmers and our planet from corporate control -- and it's up to us to make it happen:


The Avaaz community has never been afraid to stand up to corporate capture of our institutions, from pushing back the Rupert Murdoch mafia, to helping ensure that telecoms keep their hands off our Internet. Now it’s time to defend our food supply from this corporate takeover.

With hope and determination,

Jeremy, Michelle, Oli, Dalia, Pascal, Ricken, Diego and the whole Avaaz team


Conventionally-bred plants or animals should be exempt from patents, say MEPs (EU Parliament)

President of the European Patent Office gives green light for patents on plants and animals (No Patents on Seeds)

Monsanto: All Your Seeds Belong to Us (Mother Jones)

Plant Patentability Questions Deepen In EPO Tomato Patent Case (IP Watch)

Tomato patent back before EPO’s Enlarged Board of Appeal (Europolitics)

Avaaz.org is a 20-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

09 April 2013

Jelaila's Weekly Message
March 18, 2013
Getting Back on Track

 Video Link: no video
Hey Carole,
Like many of you, when asking the Guides for my purpose, I was informed that I was here to help humanity through the coming changes. That answer was given many years ago...over a decade ago. Now those times are here--and we are each doing our best to live and work in the midst of them all. living them.
Someone, can't recall their name right now, stated recently that it appears the 3 timelines of 3D, 4D and 5D have merged into one and we are living on that merged timeline now. It's another way of explaining overlapping dimensions and how each of us is determining in which timeline or dimension to reside. The way to get onto the higher timeline is through altering one's vibration, i.e., ascension.
This is done through clearing out the old emotional baggage via emotional clearing. As the old lower vibrating energies of anger, resentment, shame, and guilt are transmuted into compassion, we reclaim another piece of ourselves and our power. At the same time we lighten our vibration or frequency. But do to so requires seeing the past events in which the baggage was created and is still locked, from a higher perspective. This perspective allows us to see that we were the creator of the event no matter how painful, and as such we created it for a reason. Once the reason is understand and the lesson learned, we move on more whole and complete, vibrating more light.
Working to get on that higher timeline has been my focus for many years. Once in a while I get sidetracked and must figure out that I've done so. That is what has been happening for the last few months and why you have not heard from me in the last two weeks.
Part of the higher timeline is financial prosperity and all that can be accomplished when one has ample funds to do so. Like some of you, I have been guided to opportunities that would provide that prosperity. But, in following the events that would lead to the manifestation of those funds, I got over-focused on world events.
The last few months have seen most of my weekly messages devoted to updating you on world events...and you have witnessed some of the backlash I received. It got to the point that I became disheartened with this work and wanted to quit. In fact, I fully believed that the barrage of negative feedback, combined with the drop in session requests and sales were all signs that my work was pretty much done. All I needed now was another way to support myself so I could move on. Of course that was not the case at all--as I was soon to learn.
The way I had it calculated, April 1 would be the day of deliverance from work that for all intents purposes appeared to be finished. I'd send out a message letting everyone know that that they had 1 month to download articles and any other material they wanted from the website. After that the website would be taken offline. I gotta admit I was pretty excited about that.
Mid March came and with it an unsettling turn of events. One of my primary investments had been caught in the massive cyberattack that rocked the Internet, taking down many servers. Yet, even with that I remained hopeful that my deliverance would not be delayed. Yet when April 1st arrived my investment did not come through. Needless to say, I felt more than let down, I felt blindsided!
Having already emotionally disengaged from this work, I just didn't have the desire to get fired up again. Instead, I focused on the investments and carefully followed them looking for some shred of evidence that my deliverance was still at hand. As the days wore on, I found it harder to get up each day and soon realized that I was back in the pit of depression I had finally pulled myself out of only 4 months before (recovering from a suicide loss). Not fully recognizing the real cause, I attributed it to another layer of pain being cleared around my brother's death. I continued to believe this until a few days ago when I began to sense that something else was going on.
Last Wednesday was one of the worst days with the depression and the darkness continued to deepen. I canceled social engagements and stayed home because I was so tired and I couldn't trust myself not to burst into tears.
I help run a networking group on Thursday nights; it's something I don't miss. Last Thursday I made myself attend, partially in hopes that getting out of the house would help. I could not hide the pain I was in. Breaking down in tears I revealed to a friend the truth about the depression and asked her to help me locate a therapist. I did so because, after a talk with my mother that morning, I feared I had triggered the family legacy and might follow in my brother's footsteps. Yep, it was pretty bad.
Yesterday afternoon was the turning point. I was out at the park walking the dogs. Noticed I felt no joy when that is what is normally feel. How can one not feel joy watching their dog happily running around, sniffing and playing? That' when it hit me; I had gotten off track with my purpose. In my desire to move into the higher timeline I had lost sight of what I still had to do to make that happen. Yes, I was to get involved with the investments but not make them my focus. I was to continue my work until they paid out. Only then would I be free to move on. In my desire to see that transpire I got off track with the weekly messages. Instead of remaining focused on emotional clearing, I began reporting of world events. The negative backlash was due in part to not honoring my contract. Not realizing this, I became disenchanted and so focused on my deliverance as a way to deal with the pain. Soon it became a vicious cycle. I had made a major misstep. I had no one to blame but myself.
Finally understood why that was happening. I had gone off base; gotten away from the work I was supposed to be doing. I was supposed to be focusing on emotional clearing, writing messages that helped us all stay focused, centered and grounded through these chaotic times. Instead, I got caught up in the chaos, focusing on what was happening around the world. Not my job.
Today I awoke and immediately noticed that the near crippling sadness and emptiness were gone. I am back on track, back on purpose. Just wanted you to know.
One last thing.  For those involved in the investments of which I speak, will they fund?  In my opinion, absolutely.  What I have learned is that these blessings were sent so that I would know that when my work was done, the rewards I was promised would be there.  So I will continue to follow their progress; I just won't make them my main focus.
See ya next week,
Jelaila Starr
email: jelaila@kc.surewest.net