17 April 2013

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Dear BraveHeart Sister,

Have You Checked Your Vibrational Immune System?

It's flu season again, and advertisements promising a quick fix abound.

What these temporary remedies fail to address, however, is the underlying source
of your health-- your Vibrational Immune System (VIS). Without maintaining and
nourishing this energetic wellspring, your health will be consistently compromised,
along with your capacity to create prosperity in all areas of your life.

Our blossoming Essence must learn to rise above the world of density in which it
dwells. The gravity of internal and external forces that keep human consciousness
in a state of ineffective complacency comes in many forms. Lowering our VIS
keeps our attention focused on mere physical survival and recovery, while the greater
purpose of shifting human consciousness remains uncultivated.

So what lowers our Vibrational Immune Systems?

Fear of all kinds is at the top of the list:
>From news reports of epidemics and war, to less subtle forms like flu shot advertisements.
The first step to becoming immune to these external sources of fear is to pay attention to
how your body responds when you are exposed to such energetic bacteria. Then become
a master of non-reactivity.

We are not called to spend our precious energy on getting emotionally reactive to the fact
that fear-based propaganda exists.

In fact, remaining in a state of emotional reactivity is a sure way to drop your VIS.
Whether you catch a glimpse of a newspaper headline belching about bombings,
or you're caught in the crossfire of your children's daily squabbles, all situations that
push your buttons can lower your VIS.

Unfortunately, it's not enough to "rise above" whatever the current trigger is and move on,
because our bodies keep meticulous cellular records, and challenges of like nature will
continue to arise until we shift our internal perspectives.

All beliefs and situations that dis-empower your creative Essence also negatively
impact your VIS

  • This includes staying in unhealthy relationships or seeking a person who will complete what we perceive to be lacking in ourselves.
  • Not recognizing our value or becoming a victim of the crippling comparisons to celebrity images weakens our VIS.
  • Believing that our spiritual connection to divine source must be channeled through someone else, OR
  • Not realizing our identity as a manifestation of the divine are powerful ways that our VIS is kept hostage in the world of density.

Such limiting beliefs actually serve as food for the very illnesses we try to cure with
pharmaceutical injections and pills.

Are there ways that we ourselves actually indulge in lowering our VIS?

Sometimes, we have a puzzling hunger to seek out situations and people that upset us
in minor but consistent ways. It could be a media addiction or calling a critical, fearful
friend who we know will give us a big dose of drama. Or we maintain a constant state of
busy-ness to mask the signal that our VIS is weakened.

This often unconscious self-sabotage prevents us from showing up fully in our lives because
we are afraid of our success, our light. We are called as BraveHeart Women to take responsibility
for the ways in which we contribute to lowering our Vibrational Immune Systems and actively
participate in our journey of creating prosperity.

First, recognize the cues in our bodies and minds: swollen glands, lower back pain, anxiety,
craving coffee, feeling hunger when our bodies don't actually require nourishment, the need to
commiserate, exaggerated wrinkles on the forehead, and any other sensation that creates dis-ease.

Next, identify external and internal sources of fear, conflicting purposes and limiting beliefs.

Then, practice the art of remaining in a state of joyous neutrality, no matter the circumstance.
Resist the temptation to judge things as good or bad. Resist the urge to react in emotion, and
instead choose to respond in your Essence. Then, our Vibrational Immune Systems will thrive,
giving us abundant energy to accomplish our personal, professional and global purposes.

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