Like many of you, when asking the Guides for my purpose, I was informed
that I was here to help humanity through the coming changes. That answer
was given many years ago...over a decade ago. Now those times are
here--and we are each doing our best to live and work in the midst of
them all. living them.
can't recall their name right now, stated recently that it appears the 3
timelines of 3D, 4D and 5D have merged into one and we are living on
that merged timeline now. It's another way of explaining overlapping
dimensions and how each of us is determining in which timeline or
dimension to reside. The way to get onto the higher timeline is through
altering one's vibration, i.e., ascension.
This is done through clearing out the old emotional baggage via
emotional clearing. As the old lower vibrating energies of anger,
resentment, shame, and guilt are transmuted into compassion, we reclaim
another piece of ourselves and our power. At the same time we lighten
our vibration or frequency. But do to so requires seeing the past events
in which the baggage was created and is still locked, from a higher
perspective. This perspective allows us to see that we were the creator
of the event no matter how painful, and as such we created it for a
reason. Once the reason is understand and the lesson learned, we move on
more whole and complete, vibrating more light.
Working to get on that higher timeline has been my focus for many years.
Once in a while I get sidetracked and must figure out that I've done
so. That is what has been happening for the last few months and why you
have not heard from me in the last two weeks.
of the higher timeline is financial prosperity and all that can be
accomplished when one has ample funds to do so. Like some of you, I have
been guided to opportunities that would provide that prosperity. But,
in following the events that would lead to the manifestation of those
funds, I got over-focused on world events.
The last few months have seen most of my weekly messages devoted to
updating you on world events...and you have witnessed some of the
backlash I received. It got to the point that I became disheartened with
this work and wanted to quit. In fact, I fully believed that the
barrage of negative feedback, combined with the drop in session requests
and sales were all signs that my work was pretty much done. All I
needed now was another way to support myself so I could move on. Of
course that was not the case at all--as I was soon to learn.
The way I had it calculated, April 1 would be the day of deliverance
from work that for all intents purposes appeared to be finished. I'd
send out a message letting everyone know that that they had 1 month to
download articles and any other material they wanted from the website.
After that the website would be taken offline. I gotta admit I was
pretty excited about that.
March came and with it an unsettling turn of events. One of my primary
investments had been caught in the massive cyberattack that rocked the
Internet, taking down many servers. Yet, even with that I remained
hopeful that my deliverance would not be delayed. Yet when April 1st
arrived my investment did not come through. Needless to say, I felt more
than let down, I felt blindsided!
Having already emotionally disengaged from this work, I just didn't have
the desire to get fired up again. Instead, I focused on the investments
and carefully followed them looking for some shred of evidence that my
deliverance was still at hand. As the days wore on, I found it harder to
get up each day and soon realized that I was back in the pit of
depression I had finally pulled myself out of only 4 months before
(recovering from a suicide loss). Not fully recognizing the real cause, I
attributed it to another layer of pain being cleared around my
brother's death. I continued to believe this until a few days ago when I
began to sense that something else was going on.
Last Wednesday was one of the worst days with the depression and the
darkness continued to deepen. I canceled social engagements and stayed
home because I was so tired and I couldn't trust myself not to burst
into tears.
help run a networking group on Thursday nights; it's something I don't
miss. Last Thursday I made myself attend, partially in hopes that
getting out of the house would help. I could not hide the pain I was in.
Breaking down in tears I revealed to a friend the truth about the
depression and asked her to help me locate a therapist. I did so
because, after a talk with my mother that morning, I feared I had
triggered the family legacy and might follow in my brother's footsteps.
Yep, it was pretty bad.
Yesterday afternoon was the turning point. I was out at the park walking
the dogs. Noticed I felt no joy when that is what is normally feel. How
can one not feel joy watching their dog happily running around,
sniffing and playing? That' when it hit me; I had gotten off track with
my purpose. In my desire to move into the higher timeline I had lost
sight of what I still had to do to make that happen. Yes, I was to get
involved with the investments but not make them my focus. I was to
continue my work until they paid out. Only then would I be free to move
on. In my desire to see that transpire I got off track with the weekly
messages. Instead of remaining focused on emotional clearing, I began
reporting of world events. The negative backlash was due in part to not
honoring my contract. Not realizing this, I became disenchanted and so
focused on my deliverance as a way to deal with the pain. Soon it became
a vicious cycle. I had made a major misstep. I had no one to blame but
Finally understood
why that was happening. I had gone off base; gotten away from the work I
was supposed to be doing. I was supposed to be focusing on emotional
clearing, writing messages that helped us all stay focused, centered and
grounded through these chaotic times. Instead, I got caught up in the
chaos, focusing on what was happening around the world. Not my job.
I awoke and immediately noticed that the near crippling sadness and
emptiness were gone. I am back on track, back on purpose. Just wanted
you to know.
One last thing. For those involved in the investments of which I speak,
will they fund? In my opinion, absolutely. What I have learned is
that these blessings were sent so that I would know that when my work
was done, the rewards I was promised would be there. So I will continue
to follow their progress; I just won't make them my main focus.
See ya next week,
Jelaila Starr
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