26 May 2014

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Today's message (below) from Archangel Gabriel reminds us of the power we have when we come together in community.
When people across the planet join in Unity with a common intention to send forth Hope, Trust, Love, Joy and compassion, magic happens. The increase in frequency speeds up our evolution.
What better place than PAO's webinars to come together in a group to set in motion our heart's desire for world peace, prosperity, Truth, Disclosure, reuniting with our Ascended Masters, Agarthans and our Galactic neighbors.
Join us today as we take conscious responsibility to magnify our unified vision for our new galactic society to manifest.
Selamat Ja!

Our Sun, Earth, and Moon each project special energies that influence us as we prepare for ascension and full consciousness.


In this Webinar, Sheldan describes the nature of these powerful forces and explains how we can use them to our advantage.

Topics include...

Sun: The Sun as a Heavenly Body (Star) – Sun Spots – Solar Flares – Truth about Global Warming
Earth: Meridians – Grids – Sacred Sites - Stewardship
Moon: Its Purpose – Moon Phases – Tides – What is the Moon?
• Sun • Earth • Moon and our Ascension Process
••• How we Can Tap into this Energy

Sunday, May 25, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, May 29, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

ArchAngel Gabriel Gives a Message...

archangel gabriel-1
May 22, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as responsibility. This quality entails the acceptance that one is governed by this quality in all things. For each person must be completely honest within their own choices, decisions and deeds in order that their soul’s purpose for experiencing this world is fulfilled in all its many facets. Each soul desires to bring a greater expansion and a reminder to their physical expression here on Earth of the magnificence of their real essence, their divine essence. Holding this vision before them, the individual living their daily life upon this planet understands that no one else can do the work that is required to attain the highest expression of their true selves and that it is their recognition of this quality of love known as responsibility that will assist them to align with that higher aspect within themselves. They understand the solemn duty they have to honour their highest integrity in all interactions with others, for to do so enables the greater light within them to radiate more fully at all times.
When each soul in their physical expression uses this quality of love, they become more impeccable in all activities in their daily life. Upon the commitment of each individual to live their highest purpose rests this responsibility, this quality of love. It means that they must follow through on all their goals, desires and dreams for a better world, a better way. Taking responsibility for one’s own actions, words and deeds is a loving acknowledgment to one’s divine presence that one is sincere in their desire to walk a higher path back to unity with their enlightened aspects. When an individual answers this call, they become more attuned to their higher aspect and it soon becomes clear to them that they are walking their true path and that they are on the right track. When one always automatically attunes to their higher aspects in all things, the elements of doubt, fear and confusion fade away from their consciousness and the individual is confident and sure that they are following the right course of action.
When an individual always does what they feel is right and listens to the still small voice within their heart, they honour the guidance they are receiving from the higher levels of consciousness. This helps to keep life simple and easy to live each day. Any distractions from this path are recognized as such and the state of joy becomes a constant companion. By automatically eliminating the expectations and demands of others from one’s energy field, one remains true to one’s purpose here on Earth. Many times, people become confused when they want to please others within their sphere of influence and stray from the honouring of their own path. It requires self responsibility to adhere to one’s chosen way of life, for first and foremost it is responsibility to self that counts the most. When each individual is accountable to their higher vision for themselves and acts accordingly, they are empowered on every level of their being and it is not easy to move this person away from their center. Thus, such a person is not easily manipulated or dissuaded from staying true to their own unique abilities and purpose, their own divine plan for their life here on Earth.
In their interpersonal relationships with others, it is important that each individual accepts responsibility, this quality of love ensures that all commitments and promises are kept to the individuals they are interacting with. By honouring this quality in their relationships, other qualities of love such as trust and consideration come into play. When an individual is honest, sincere and responsible in all ways, the others in their life feel valued and appreciated knowing that here is one that will never let them down or disappoint them. This creates an environment of cooperation, respect and stability in their lives and all individuals are willing to take responsibility for the continuation of these qualities to be present each and every day. When each one assumes responsibility that all qualities of love are present in their lives, peace, harmony and happiness are the result. When all individuals experience the benefits of adhering to this quality of love known as responsibility, it becomes a joy to be in relationship with others.
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When individuals honour their commitments to the outer aspects of life in a community setting, and take responsibility to be involved in certain ways, it creates a better community that all can enjoy. Using this quality of love in this setting takes each individual out of the realm of self interest and into the arena of highest good for all. If all involved take responsibility for working together in a cooperative fashion, there can be no limits on the works that can be accomplished. There is a flow of harmony that enables each individual to work tirelessly until the project is successfully accomplished and paves the way for other projects to be created in the future. It is on this quality of love that all other qualities can be manifested. It is a most important facet of love to be expressed in all individuals on the planet.
I leave you now to ponder on this quality within you.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.


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