12 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day 

Hello to you all. I hope that you all have recovered from the holiday period and are now settled back in for the journey of 2014. Each month just seems to be flying by so fast.
This Friday is the 14th of February, Valentine's Day.
For those of you who have a special person already in your life, I hope that you are planning your romantic dinner, writing poetry for your loved one, sending flowers, a card, chocolates or planning a proposal to show your love for them. Hoping you have a wonderful day showering each other with love.
Valentine's Day can also be a very depressing day for those who don't have someone special in their life. Don't worry, now is the time to write a list to manifest the type of special person you would really like to have in your life.
Yes, I know many of you girls want George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman or Robert Pattinson just to name a few. However, that is a bit of a big ask for the universe, especially as some of them already have wonderful partners in their lives.
However, you can ask the universe to send you a person who has many of the personality traits or attributes that any one of your dream men may possess. Don't worry I haven't forgotten you guys out there, you can do the same by asking the universe that your special partner has the traits that you feel you are drawn to. I might point out that guys do tend to look at their list a little differently to the girls. I don't need to write a list with the physical attributes you require, I am sure you already know what they are boys.
You may wish to buy yourself a blank Valentine's card and write a Soul Mate list on the inside left hand side of the card. I have included a sample list for those of you who wish to manifest their future soul mate. You can write whatever you want on your list, be as specific as possible, but make sure that the list is realistic. Remember the saying "Be Careful What You Wish For, As You Just Might Get It!"

Next Valentine's Day take out the card you create this year. You may be surprised by who the Universe has provided for you. This time next year you may have already met your soul mate.

Above is an example of your Soul Mate list.

Psychic Children

Many people ask me if their children are psychic? Well, the answer to this question is: "Yes, of course they are!". We are all born with psychic abilities although some of you out there might find it hard to acknowledge that you are one of these people. From the moment we are born to around the age of 10 we all have fully functioning psychic abilities. It is only as we start school, meet friends and are influenced by those around us that many of us turn off this gift. Some people are more open to spirit than others and it isn't until we discover that we are not like everybody else that we begin to shut down and ignore that we can see those in spirit, hear guidance from above or see auras around others.
I am often asked how can parents help children who see ghosts, have invisible friends, are scared of the dark or have night terrors. First of all it is to important to listen and pay attention to your children. There is a saying: "From The Mouths of Babes". As a child we have a direct line to the spirit world. Children see and communicate with spirits in the same way as they do with the living. They don't know that the old man or woman that visits them in their room is a spirit. They see the person as their grandmother or grandfather who is in fact deceased.
Sometimes, children will be frightened of the unseen people in their room and may even refuse to go to sleep in their bed. Please don't reprimand them or ignore their fears putting them down to an overactive imagination. When I was a child I was terrified of the dark and hated sleeping in my bedroom. At night my bedroom was very active, I could hear voices and see lights moving quickly around my room. My mum didn't know what to make of it and she told me I was imagining all. It wasn't until I became an adult and learnt to control my psychic abilities that I was able cope with my visitors.
I suggest for parents who have psychic children that you constantly clear your child's room of any negative energies. This is extremely important if you live in a home that is historic. Many older homes come with their own spirits. In an earlier newsletter I have included how to cleanse your room which you may like to re-read. Secondly, it is important to teach your special little one that they have their own special guardian angel who protects and guides them from the spirit world. You may choose to tell them about a special loved one in spirit who guides them or simply teach them about the Angels from above.
When my children were little I bought them guardian angel pendants that they would wear to protect them. I told that them when they were frightened or needed their angel that they just needed to rub the pendant and their angel would be by their side. They also had a little bag that they called their "Specials". This was a little draw string bag that contained their favourite crystals, feathers and angel trinkets. When they went to sleep they would either put them inside their pillowcase or on their bedside table to help them feel protected when they slept.
It is also great to teach them about the signs from above. Take your little one for walks amongst nature. Teach them to be aware of their angels. Tell them when they find feathers that it is a sign from above that their angels are close by. Finding coins and seeing rainbows are also signs from above. Teach your children about the nature spirits. When they see butterflies, dragonflies, lady beetles or find four leafed clovers this is a sign that the Fairy Realm is making their presence known. Some of you may be familiar with Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and the stories of the Australian Bush babies. There are many signs from nature that can be taught to you special little ones to heighten their spiritual awareness and love for the environment.
The most important things for you to teach them is to white light themselves. For those who are too little to do this on their own, it is your job as a parent to bring the light down to protect and calm them while they are asleep. I have included a protective prayer that you can say with them or on their behalf when they go to sleep at night. It is important while saying this prayer that you imagine angels surrounding your child while they are in their bed surrounding them in a white fluffy protective cocoon of love and light from above.

Angel Prayer 
Dear guardian angels and spirit guides, (you may add the names of any loved ones in the spirit world at this point of the prayer).
I ask for you to protect and guide (your child’s name) tonight. Please fill (child’s name) room with loving angelic light. I ask that (child’s name) angels, guides and loved ones surround (him/her) in a beautiful fluffy cocoon of white light that protects (him/her) while (he/she) sleeps. (Imagine the cocoon to be like a sleeping bag made of fluffy cotton wool). I ask that you guide (child’s name) during (his/her) dream state and to protect (him/her) from any nightmares or night terrors. I ask that (child’s name) meets you during (his/her) dream state and experiences the protective love and guidance you share with (him/her).
I thank all of the angels, spirit guides and loved ones in spirit for their presence and protection in my (child’s name) life.
I send you all love and light.

I am excited to announce my next series of workshops. Each workshop will be held on the 1st Sunday of the month.

2nd March, 2014 - Attune Your Psychic Ability

This workshop I will teach you how to: 
• Connect with Your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels.
• Signs from Above
• What is Psychometry and how do you use it to connect with Spirit?

6th April,  2014 - Enhance Your Psychic Ability

This workshop I will teach you how to connect with the gifts of Psychic Clairs.
• Clairsentience
• Clairvoyance
• Clairaudience
• Claircognizance

Depending on your experience you can pick the workshop that suits you best. 

Venue: Debbie Malone's Office Sutherland 

Cost: $175  per workshop or attend all three for $400 

Time: 10 am to 4 pm 

Bookings: debbiebetweentwoworlds@gmail.com or call Richard 0400345113 

Numbers limited to 10 per workshop

For a Full List of Debbie's Events for 2014 : CLICK HERE 


There is a force within that gives you life. 
In your body there is a priceless jewel.
If you are in search of the greatest treasure,
don't look outside, look within.
- Rumi

Love & Light,

To Book a Reading with Debbie Malone 
Please call the Office on: (02) 9545 5954
or visit the Website: www.betweentwoworlds.net
• In Person Readings • Mediumship Readings
• Phone Readings • Skype Readings
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