25 November 2013

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Happy Sunday! Today I'm catching up on my emails. Several of them make me feel good and smile. I'm taking time to "smell the roses". Hope you enjoy the variety ~ from human interest, to child prodigy, to nature, to political.
One article featured below introduces Congressman Bridenstine's proposed legislation to REPEAL THE 16th AMENDMENT - THE INCOME TAX !!!
Finally, we are seeing more influential people bravely coming forth to take down the present government power structure and return us to a true constitutional government (in this case in the US but it is happening globally as well). I strongly urge you to fully investigate Congressman Bridenstine's proposed legislation.
One might ask ~ how can we run the country without taxing the people. Actually, there is plenty of money to run the nation without the theft of personal income! Most of you know that the income tax doesn’t run the country anyway. It goes to the private bank accounts of the Bilderberger’s, etc... The madnes needs to stop.
Selamat Ja!


Alma Deutscher - 8-Year-Old Music Prodigy

At the age of 8, Alma Deutscher has already been compared to Mozart. Hear her story, and check out her amazing performance!

The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

Amazing concentration and beautiful example of mastering our energies by Miyoko Shida. She is totally in the NOW! The Ascended Masters often remind me and Sheldan to increase our focus ~ our power of concentration. They tell us it is key to manifesting.

Webinar 43 Archive now ready for downloading...

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A host of events must unfold before the reality shift can be fully manifested. By working together as partners, we are bringing ever closer the moment when each event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.

The Divine Partners ~~

Spiritual Hierarchy ~ Galactic Federation ~ Ascended Masters ~ Secret Sacred Society (Earth Allies) ~ Agarthans ~ Gaia ~ Humans

CLICK HERE to order : The Divine Partnership
To View YouTube Preview:Power of Divine Partnership

Congressman Jim Bridenstine Files Bill to Repeal 16th Amendment

Congressman Bridenstine said, “Viable alternative plans for raising revenue fairly to support constitutionally enumerated functions of the federal government have been proposed. As long as the 16th Amendment is in place and lobbyists dominate Washington, these alternatives will never be considered.”
The result of this repeal will be to eliminate the personal and corporate income tax, the estate and gift taxes, and taxes on investment earnings at the federal level. A constitutional amendment can be repealed by another amendment, which requires approval of three fourths of the states for ratification. After ratification, Congress and the states will have two years to decide on an alternative revenue stream. Bridenstine supports the Fair Tax, but he says this effort also has supporters from the Flat Tax community.
autum colors

The Colors of Autum

One of the things I like best about autum, is that the autum colors remind me that other planet's have different color foliage than Earth. For instance, the star system Sirius enjoys a sky of oranges, reds, pinks similar to one of our sunsets.
Also, you can read my blog account of "Memories of My Home World".
Love one another!


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