29 September 2013

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The Saul message (below) reminds us that we live in a duality reality. This means that some of us came here to experience being a victim and some of us came here to experience being the victimizer. Most of us have lived many lives on this planet so we have had the opportunity to experience being both the victim and the victimizer.
Saul reminds us to remain focused on our task to be loving always ~~ this is how we help humanity to awaken. As more and more of humanity turns to Love the numbers of miracles will also increase as will their significance, reinforcing and strengthening our awareness of them.
During Sheldan's webinar, Fulfilling Our Life's Contract, he helps us understand that before we incarnated here in this life (or any lifetime) we chose certain roles and missions.
To learn more, check out Sheldan's webinar archive. Also, click here to view his youtube preview: Starseeds as Boosters for Humanity
Enjoy your weekend and Selamat Ja! ~ Be in Joy!

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Webinar 41 Archive PPoint Slide

Sheldan discusses humanity's true purpose and how we are realizing our life's contracts at this extraordinary moment in Gaia's history.

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Attendees report:
Hello you beautiful beings!!! Writing to tell you Thursday's webinar on our Life's Contracts was absolutely outstanding!!!!
All I can say is that YOU give me the ability to have peace and to keep moving on ~~ it is my Life's destiny. Thank you! ~~ SK
Thank You for keeping hope alive. You and the messages you give help me to carry on. I am so anxious for the changes to come ~~ You keep me patient and Thankful ! My Love to You and Colleen ! DM
Dearest Sheldan,
I have been following your information for over 25 years and am so grateful for you being a voice to the truth and our star brothers and sisters existence. Your messages have been my lifeline as I have never felt at home in this 3-D craziness. ZaZuMa! BS


by John Smallman ~ 09/27/2013

Any blame, shame, or punishment hurts all of humanity!

The awakening of humanity is almost upon you. Yes, you have been hearing this for some considerable time, and that is because you, through humanity’s collective intent, is bringing it about and you need to be regularly reminded to hold the intention for it to happen. You also need to hold the intention to be constantly loving as you release all within yourselves that is not in alignment with the divine field of Love that forever embraces you. The vast majority of you want to be loving, nevertheless, many also hold a deep desire to see the “wrongdoers” on your world exposed and shamed, and even possibly punished for their nefarious activities.
You have all at some time been wrongdoers, and over many human lifetimes you have learnt that by being wrongdoers you hurt yourselves as much as you hurt others, but it is easy to forget that when you are incarnate as humans – amnesia is one of the limitations with which you have to deal. Consequently, we keep reminding you so that you remain focused on your task to be loving always and thus help humanity to awaken. Many of the present wrongdoers are being exposed, but you must release your charge on seeing them blamed and punished for the various atrocities that they have perpetrated – REMEMBER all are one! Any blame, shame, or punishment hurts all of humanity!
You are all divine creations of infinite value, infinitely and unconditionally loved by your heavenly Father – who wills only Love and never punishment for His children – and in order to return to His Presence you must release all that is not in harmony with His loving intent for all of His creation. Many of you have discovered that by daily making the intent to be only loving your stress levels and your fears and anxieties have been considerably reduced. When you are at peace within it is far easier to be loving, which is why it is essential to your well-being that you enter your quiet inner space frequently, even if only for a moment, to renew your intentions. When you feel truly at peace you have no desire to attack, punish, or shame anyone. And regular meditation, or just relaxation, as you rest in that place of inner stillness strengthens your ability to remain peaceful even when there is chaos all around you.
Your loving intent, your loving presence is extremely powerful; it acts as a profoundly stabilizing influence on those in your vicinity, calming the energies of fear that can lead to conflict and encouraging all to seek peaceful solutions to issues that concern or worry them. And in your energy field, that you hold and share with those around you, miracles will occur. You desire miracles, you can create miracles, so intend to do so. Expect them, and enjoy the results. As more and more of humanity turns to Love the numbers of miracles will also increase as will their significance, reinforcing and strengthening your awareness of them.
Miracles should occur frequently because your nature is Love, and Love loves miracles because they are God’s Will for you. You open yourselves to creating miracles when you open fully to Love and let go of fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety are negative intentions that prevent miracles, so let your faith in your divine nature intensify until you feel very secure in it, then there will be no space for fear or any of its unpleasant aspects. When you let go of fear, all sense of need for security or defenses evaporates because you are then aware that you are secure and that no further precautions or defenses are required to provide something you have always had.
Fear expects things to go wrong, that accidents or catastrophes will happen, and it encourages you to take precautions to limit the damage that may occur. But focusing your attention there is akin to intending that things go wrong, and the power of your intent is awesome. Many of you have experienced this, when things you greatly feared came to pass. Where you focus your attention is where you focus your intent; so focus on Love.
In this New Age, the field of divine energy enveloping Earth and all her inhabitants is far stronger and more effective than it has ever been in your entire history because humanity has made the decision to awaken from the illusion. That decision is irreversible. It means that the corner has been turned from fear to Love, and the effects of that decision are being seen more and more clearly all over the planet. Situations that had seemed insoluble or likely to extend humanity’s suffering are losing their fearful intensity, their sense of impending conflict, and they are recasting themselves as situations in which those involved find themselves opening to Love and allowing compassionate discussion to supersede any desire for competitive confrontation that would lead to winners and losers. Instead, an arena in which all will win has replaced the arena of mistrust, betrayal, and war that humanity has used for so long that it had come to believe that there was no other adequate way to resolve conflicts. Even though those ways never worked!
You are fully enveloped in the New Age with its light and loving energies. You know that! Deep within yourselves you do know, and when you enter your space of quiet inner peace you can feel it. Focus on it, remind yourselves that it is true, and then wholeheartedly accept and embrace the Love that is sweeping and swirling all around you, and intend that all of humanity feel it and engage with it, and bring yourselves and humanity out of the dark dream that has brought you so much suffering.
With so very much love, Saul.


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