16 September 2013

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CA Brooks
C.A. Brooks
SEPTEMBER 16 - September 22
In 1981 the United Nations established International Peace Day and in 2001 the UN General Assembly unanimously voted to designate September 21st as 'an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire." Do you think any of them were astrologers? Or maybe they were just really tuned into the cosmos since this is the time of year for the Autumn Equinox and when the Sun enters Libra – the sign of relationship, harmony, diplomacy, and peace. Technically this year, the Sun enters Libra on Sunday the 22nd but Libra's ruling planet Venus is well represented on Saturday the 21st by a peace-loving Moon in Taurus.
The Harvest Full Moon before daybreak on Thursday (4:13 am Pacific Time) combines the transpersonal awareness of a Moon in Pisces with the strategic practicality of the Sun in Virgo. Something else to watch is the fairly tight lineup of Saturn, Venus and the North Node of the Moon on the same day, lending a certain air of 'destiny' to this lunation. Do you feel yourself being called to something, to a new place, house, career or relationship? What are you waiting for?
We may not know the path, maybe not even the next step, but we can't deny the unquestionable urge growing within us. The seed in the ground doesn't wait for an invitation, and maybe not even the perfect set of circumstances. The ground may be hard and rocky, possibly even inhospitable. Have you never witnessed the flower turning its face to the sun from the crack in a sidewalk? Or what about that opportunistic 'weed' relentlessly trying to make friends amongst the tomato and basil plants?
What have they got that we don't? Well for one thing I bet they don't sit around recounting the many ways they have failed in the past, or blaming their parents and ancestors for bad genes or upbringing. And they don't make mental lists of all the challenges and obstacles before them. What they do have is a clear sense of who they are and how to listen to the voice within. The small two-leafed sprout hardly knows whether it will turn into an ear of corn or a fragrant orchid. It probably doesn't care!
Workbook Lesson 135 in A Course In Miracles talks about 'present confidence'. I love this phrase and yet forget its message way too often. So let's review – for my sake! In part, it's about grabbing onto the present moment and forgetting about the past – literally and releasing the need to try to control the future. It's about receiving and listening instead of trying to plan for every conceivable future contingency. What a relief! This Full Moon in Pisces reminds me of this idea – combining our ability to listen to our divine source (Pisces) and then taking strategic action (Virgo) based on that information.
Within all of us is a seed, a divine blueprint just itching to be manifested. Will I be one of a thousand corn stalks waving in a Kansas landscape? Or will I be the sweetly scented tea rose that takes first prize at the state fair? Will I be the kindly tutor who builds the confidence of a dyslexic sixth-grader or win the Nobel Peace Prize? Maybe it's not important for me to know. For now, I'd like to just sit in 'present confidence' knowing that my divine spark will not be extinguished, but it's up to me to allow the intuition to keep flowing and to take action accordingly.
Until next week, let go and wear loose clothes.
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Moon Void of Course 1:19 am (PDT) – 6:58 am Tuesday morning
The morning is electric in the aftermath of thinking Mercury mixing it up with stimulating Uranus late last night. Hopefully you've never stuck your finger in a wall outlet or inadvertently received a jolt of electricity doing household maintenance, but if you have, you know both the excitement and the irresistibility. It can be like watching a brilliant display of lightening. We may be a bit scared, but we are equally fascinated and just can't seem to look away. Minds are on fire with ideas and inspiration as last night's storm is energized today by a Moon in Aquarius.
Take advantage of the energy to see a challenge or issue from a new perspective – outlandish ideas are to be expected. This energy is also light and even humorous, so if you are trying to get a message across, even a serious one, don't weigh it down with additional sternness. Think about political satires and late night comedians – they often educate and provoke us to think in new ways by getting us to laugh at ourselves.
Daily Muse: Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. (Rumi)
Moon enters Pisces 6:58 am (PDT)
Thinking Mercury is still inspired today and ready to take action as it makes a productive connection to energetic Mars. This is a great day to listen to the voice of the universe, to your god, divine source and higher self. As the Moon glides into intuitive Pisces in early morning, we can all channel the songs and messages of the cosmos. Novelists, poets, screen and song writers and creative types get your pens, paper, instruments and recorders ready – this is Mercury the messenger in action doing what he does best. Sweet lunar connections to Neptune the planet of dreams, Venus the planet of love, Saturn the manifestor, and Pluto the transformer make our ideas and communications all the more powerful and magical today.
Daily Muse: The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. (Sylvia Plath)
Today on Simpletales we'll be exploring the week ahead from our view from the cosmic dance. Please join me at 11am Pacific – 2 Eastern. I promise you, Astrology Rocks!

Venus is double-dating today first with a conjunction to Saturn and later with a connection to transcendental Pluto. At first blush, a merger between the planet of love and the planet of structure and discipline doesn't hold much appeal. It's true; Saturn can be a pretty tough character and is likely to hold us accountable for our expenses and indulgences both in love and finances. However, I kind of like this mix as Saturn provides the backbone to make a commitment one way or another. It can wreak havoc on a relationship or decision that is wishy-washy. But, it can also give us the courage to make a commitment – to a job, relationship, idea, or budget. It may be time to 'fish or cut bait' – do it now or get out of the way!
When Venus aligns with Pluto in early evening, the message is underscored – dig deep, understand your real motivations and make a decision. And did I mention this energy can be pretty darn sexy? When Pluto and Venus get together we may be looking at a Kundalini rising experience! Whether it's sex, meditation, yoga, or another avenue, there is a potential for personal renovation and transformation of ideas about self-worth and self-esteem.
Daily Muse: As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You have to be whole and complete in yourself. No one can give you that. You have to know who you are - what others say is irrelevant. (Nic Sheff)
Moon Void of Course 4:13 am (PDT) – 9:58 am
Full Moon 26 Pisces 4:13 am (PDT)

We'll have just a few precious hours to soak up the healing vibes of the Harvest Full Moon in sensitive Pisces, before the Moon races into action-oriented Aries in mid-morning. But that's the way of life and certainly the way of the cosmos. The Moon in Pisces will provide the intuition and imagination while the Sun in Virgo will provide the channel and strategy for taking action. The reinforcements arrive just a few hours later when the Moon fires into Aries with motivation to act on our ideas and intuitions. Saturn the planet of manifestation is closely aligned with both Venus and the North Node of the Moon (think destiny, your heart's desire) so don't be surprised if this Full Moon is accompanied by new life-changing opportunities.
Information and mouths will flow freely today – maybe a bit too freely as Mercury the planet of thinking and communication square's off with expansive and ethical Jupiter. Take note of that quality of Jupiter that is associated with ethics because Mercury's square has a tendency to disregard this aspect and opens the door to both exaggerations and even blatant lies. This 'creativity' is mostly harmless, but we're feeling expansive and optimistic and may inadvertently, or on purpose let a rich and imagination and fantasy life be represented as the truth even if it isn't. The upside is an open-minded and enthusiastic attitude and outlook.
Daily Muse: There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
(Mark Twain)
Moon Void of Course 6:25 pm (PDT) – 3:33 pm Saturday afternoon
Pluto stations Direct 8:27 am (PDT)

It's a busy and energetic day at the cosmic dance so try to stay on your toes and be ready to dance. The slower moving outer planets take center stage as Pluto ends a 5-month retrograde cycle and makes a sextile to Saturn. This 60 degree angle between these two planets is the last in a series of three (it also happened on 12/26/12 and 3/8/13). Sextiles are easy flowing energy between planets allowing them to work together cooperatively. In this case – important changes and transformations represented by Pluto in Capricorn are being facilitated by insight, strategies and even new resources offered by Saturn in Scorpio. By the way we probably will not notice Pluto moving direct today but in the next few weeks and months we might notice the effects of internal work we have been doing and reaping the rewards.
As 'sideshows' Venus is squabbling with Uranus – you have a great idea and your partner thinks you're crazy or vice versa. Melding the energies of Venus and Uranus is a challenge but quite the eye opener as we consider finding joy and pleasure in new opportunities or in unusual places. But don't take your feet completely off the ground. Tthinking Mercury is mixing it up with dreamy Neptune which is imaginative but likewise can be confusing and disorienting.

Daily Muse: Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. (William James)

Moon enters Taurus 3:33 pm (PDT)
International Day of Peace

This is the International Day of Peace as designated by the United Nations. Right on cue it would seem, the Moon extinguishes the fiery and warrior spirit of Aries and settles into the calm and peace-loving energy of Venus-ruled Taurus. (Angels and numerologists will appreciate the timing – 3:33 pm (PDT.) Venus is the planet of values and symbolizes what we attract into our lives. Today's Moon placement reminds us to be conscious of what's most important and to take action consistent with those values. Taurus is an earthy sign that delights in the physical senses. Take care of your body as well as your mind and spirit today.
Daily Muse: It is not enough to teach children how to read, write and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the world in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusive and peaceful societies. (UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 100-day countdown message to the International Day of Peace)
Autumn Equinox - Sun enters Libra 1:44 pm (PDT)
When we say the season of autumn is in the air, we're not really kidding as this is the day the Sun enters Libra – an assertive cardinal sign that like its close relatives – Aries, Cancer and Capricorn – initiates big changes. Those peace-loving Libra's we often talk about are also gifted with a divine urge to shift consciousness. Associated with the planet Venus and represented by a pair of scales, they value equality, justice, fairness, balance, compromise and partnership. The energy of love and harmony is underscored today with the Moon in Taurus – the other sign associated with Venus the planet of love. But things are not as quiet as me might suspect as the Moon makes the rounds connecting with 4 planets today. Listen to your heart and be in touch with your emotions. Be responsible for your feelings and be willing to be romantic and a dreamer. Listen to your feelings. What are they telling you about what's really important to you?
Daily Muse: If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace. (John Lennon)
Psychic Sunday Sale
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Out of Mo's Library:
It's Coming
IIt's been raining around here for three days and there's more on the way. This sort of overcast sky doesn't usually hit Colorado unless we're socked in by a snow storm. This makes me think about winter and the holidays. This also makes me realize that the season is much closer than I think.
With that in mind, I'd like to offer some simple tips for getting a jump on the holiday mentality this year, all without a bit of tension or gloomy thought. In fact, if done right, I believe you can have a stress-free holiday season and completely enjoy yourself.
One of the main problems is that the season kind of sneaks up on us. We all know it's coming, and we're always surprised that it arrives earlier every year, and yet it still ambushes us.
Solution? Here's what I do. I go to hobby and craft stores. These stores cater to crafters, hobbyists and people who want to learn to paint little, happy trees.
Right now, if you visit any one of these of these businesses, you'll encounter a massive Christmas display, one that might make you exclaim, "Ho!" You'll see trees, ornaments, tinsel, lights and every other little thing you can imagine, needed to deck your halls with boughs of holly, albeit artificial.
On top of that, they have Halloween stuff, tons of it. Like a bizarre museum of the seasons, you can peruse costumes, foam pumpkins, spiderweb fabric, skull lanterns, tiny skeleton hands, eyeballs designed to be placed in a vase and other various and sundry assorted "creepy" items.
Guess what else they have? Yup, you guessed right; they have Thanksgiving items galore. Feast your hungry eyes on Pilgrims, scarecrows, more pumpkins, cornucopias, artificial corn and squash and anything else you could want, or not want, to make your house an homage to gluttony, including plastic turkeys.
I'm not advocating that you buy any of this stuff, but walking through these places puts it in perspective. After staring at 150 pre-lit Christmas trees and 20 aisles of ornaments, wreaths and ribbon, you become desensitized, some might say numb, and don't fear the holidays a bit.
Since so much of the holiday season seems to be about gatherings, I suggest having a couple. Many folks tell me that they don't necessarily enjoy being around certain members of their family, making them dread such occasions. Since some of us seem to have a need to say "yes," to at least one of these feasts, I urge getting it out of the way now. Call people you don't like and hang out with them. It'll still be steaming fresh in your mind, and when invited during the season, you'll be more inclined to do what you really want to do, stay home. (Okay, kind of kidding about this, but only kind of.)
I've been told that there are stress free family gatherings. If you like people, get a hold of them and see them now. In fact, this should be how life is year round. Don't you agree?
Here's another idea. Watch holiday movies. Why? You'll be less emotionally manipulated and see what these films are really about.
Here, let me give you an example. Watch any version of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The story is about a greedy old man and his redemption. Then watch, It's a Wonderful Life. Although the finale takes place during the Christmas season, most of the movie doesn't. However, the thrust of this classic is, good guy vs greedy old man. How about A Christmas Story? Okay, it's young greed here, but I think you get my point.
It would seem that a couple of the main ingredients in a good Christmas tale are greed and cynicism. Don't get me wrong. I love these movies, but what does it say about our society, that we have to be reminded not to be greedy cynics for one season? Instead, I choose to embrace gratitude and celebrate the joy of life every day, wrapping paper or not.
Decide what you want your holiday to be. If you want to give gifts, give them, but only if you really want to. Faith, Hope and Charity (Charity and Love are synonymous), are important virtues. They teach that any gift given without love isn't really a gift at all, so why give it?
I celebrate Halloween as the first day of winter. In the old calendars, sunset on Halloween marked the first moment of winter and was a time of great celebrations. By the way, this makes the winter solstice Mid-Winter's Day, instead of the first day of winter. It may seem contrived, but it works for me.
Think about getting a sun lamp. Seasonal Affective Disorder is real. In Colorado, we get over 300 days of sunshine a year, so I haven't invested in a sun lamp, although today it might come in handy.
The bottom line is, only do what you want to do, think for yourself, give gifts only if you want to, spend time with people you like and love, and most importantly be happy. Instead of dreading the holidays, look forward to them. Life's way too short to spend three months a year stressed out for nothing.
For those of you how love the holidays the way I do, spread our little secret that it's a magical and wonderful time of year, one we look forward to with great anticipation. For those of you who don't, well, you may want to brush up on your Dickens.
Until next week, I wish you peace, love and a wonderful life. (Atta boy, Clarence!)
Class Note: More numerology with Mo is coming on Wednesday, September 18th, at 4 PM, Pacific. This class will go beyond the basics of this astounding method of looking at the numbers. Click here to register!
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Kristi Brower
by Kristi Brower
The Psychic Update

Today I am off making history at the very first Gay Pride event in my city. It has been an amazing week of hard work and love. On Thursday evening I testified before the city council, urging them to pass a Non-discrimination Ordinance that would protect LGBT citizens from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. I have so much to share, but unfortunately I have a Pride parade to attend! Please stay tuned to The Psychic Update next week, where I will share all of the amazing experiences I have had this week! In the meantime, go here (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/38674179 )to see video of the city council hearing. It is very long, but if you go all the way to the end and work backward I am the fourth to the last speaker. As you can see we all wore white shirts with red "equal signs" to indicate to the council that we are all equal. There were over 100 people in those shirts. What an amazing testament to the fact that love is alive and well in our community!
Until next week, love is the answer!

Blessings my friends,

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Carolyn F
by Carolyn Ferris
Carolyn's Oracle
Each week Carolyn Ferris will pull from her hand designed Tarot cards to reveal a message for us. Carolyn has been a psychic for many years and has a substantial amount of notoriety with her art. She has created art for many clients such as Timothy Leary, Santana, The Fillmore, and Moonalice.
Her artwork can be viewed at her web site www.intuitivereadings.com!
YES- she draws every one of them! NEW: THIS IMAGE IS FOR SALE: EXCLUSIVE PRICING FOR POWER PEEK READERS! That's right, Carolyn is selling GlCLEE prints at a remarkable price for Mark's Power Peek readers. Each sale lasts one week.
Click here to order or see details!
Tree Goddess
Carolyn's Art Picture
This surreal image is calling for you to find a place in your mind or in the world of extraordinary. Get yourself thinking outside of the box. It's time to create something spectacular.
Get a reading from Carolyn!

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