Across the planet, millions of people young and old are flooding the streets and mobilising online to reject corruption and injustice and speak of a more beautiful world. A new Twitter hashtag in Brazil tells the story: #OGiganteAcordou. Translation: “The sleeping giant has awoken".
And Avaaz - now nearly 25 million strong! - is there almost everywhere it's happening. In one example, the Brazilian Senate repeatedly cited our community last week when they voted to give any 500,000 citizen petition the power to directly introduce measures to the government.
We're growing by well over 1 million people per month, and it's accelerating. As more citizens shake off the slumber we are realising that the world really is ours and, while we face great challenges, what happens next, depends on all of us.
Because when we come together, and stay together, we win. Scroll down for victories and updates, just from the last several weeks:
Brazil says NO to Corruption, YES to 21st Century Democracy!
Even better, the Senate just voted to make it easier and faster for citizens to force politicians to take action. Avaaz was repeatedly cited during the Senate debate, in which they agreed to halve how many people need to sign popular initiative petitions, and they determined that online signatures can count! Now we’re going all out to get the lower house on board. |
Bangladesh: Hope from the Rubble
Avaaz members blanketed the H&M and GAP Facebook pages. And when our ad targeting H&M’s boss was turned down by a leading newspaper in Sweden a huge debate kicked off there, in the media and online. Senior H&M executives got right on the phone with Avaaz, and 3 days later embraced the agreement, prompting more than 75 other brands to follow in their footsteps! GAP and WalMart aren’t on the list yet, but we’re working on them. |
A Victory for Bees in Europe!
It’s been a long haul to take on mighty mega-corporations like Bayer, and it wouldn't have been possible without the collaboration of many scientists, specialists, sympathetic officials, beekeepers and environmental groups. According to Friends of the Earth: "Avaaz's massive petition and creative campaigning helped push this over the edge." |
Stopping the Mass Maasai Evictions
Moving Beyond the Failed War on Drugs
Our petition was crucial. We delivered it directly, in front of the media, to Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina. And the President explained our exact strategy in his own words: "We thank Avaaz for this petition because it gives us as leaders of the continent the strength to debate this issue without it being seen as taboo." |
Ending the War on Women
In each case Avaaz members have helped turn horror into hope, amplifying millions of our voices in the media to pressure governments to pass stronger laws to protect women. In the Maldives, our campaign threatening tourism got us an open door to top political leaders, who said the girl would not be flogged for now, and a poll commissioned by Avaaz hit the front pages showing citizens wanted the laws changed. In India, a big pink bus with a larger than life fake PM Singh touting our message was driven through the streets of Delhi, and there is now growing interest in our call for a massive public education campaign challenging out of date attitudes towards women. These are just the tips of the iceberg in our fight to end misogyny. |
Saving Fin Whales from Butchery
Stopping the Global Tax Scam
It's an amazing thing to be part of a community of citizens from every corner of the world, united in common and effective action. Click here to see a map of our membership by country, or here to read personal stories from and even correspond with other Avaazers.
Our sleeping giant is waking, bringing tremendous possibilities for change. Can't wait to see what our community does next.
With love, hope, and crazy appreciation for this world-changing community,
Ricken, Jamie, Oli, Alex, Dalia, Joseph, Laura, Mais, Michelle and the rest of the Avaaz team
PS -- Inspired to change something? Many Avaaz campaigns (like our biggest during the Brazil and Turkey protests) are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global:
PPS -- Every single one of these campaigns was 100% funded by our community. To maintain our independence, Avaaz does not accept funding from governments, corporations, foundations or large donors. This is extremely rare and a huge part of why we're effective -- chip in to help keep it all going: is a 24-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
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