28 July 2013

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CA Brooks
C.A. Brooks
JULY 29 - August 4

If you look at an astrological chart depicting the sky this month and specifically this week, you might be overwhelmed by the lines representing angles between the planets and the plethora of geometric shapes – mostly various sized triangles. It looks somewhat like a multi-colored and elaborate kaleidoscope, or maybe a Ferris wheel at the fair.
With the exception of the Sun in Leo, Uranus in Aries and the Moon for a portion of the week, the primary astrological bodies – planets, the asteroid Chiron and the North and South Nodes of the Moon – are all in Water or Earth Signs. All three of the water signs and all three of the earth signs are represented. In some ways it's one big happy family because the water and earth signs are kissing cousins – they like and support each other. Even in the midst of some ongoing and fairly challenging energy (Uranus Square Pluto), there is magic!
As you move through the week you will notice the dynamic interplay of water and earth – emotions and the physical body and universe. This is a week to honor your feelings and emotions and to be quiet. Make time to withdraw and reflect away from the chaos of daily life. But lest you believe the week will be boring, be assured there will be more than enough challenging action among the planets to stimulate the mind and inspire the soul.
Be prepared. There is great potential for emotional, mental, spiritual and physical breakthroughs this week. Uranus in fiery Aries may not be part of this grand spectacle of trines and sextiles in the water and earth signs, but it would be naïve (and possibly dangerous) to count him out. He will be exerting his innovative spirit of revolution and change with a square to Mars on Wednesday and a brilliant connection to the Sun on Sunday. And a pair of provocative planetary aspects on Thursday (Sun inconjunct Pluto and Venus inconjunct Uranus) provides plenty of snap crackle and pop.
It's the dog days of summer and the cosmos is sizzling!
Until next week, let go and wear loose clothes.
Program Note: Astrologer Julia Stonestreet Smith is back on 12Radio and this Monday she has promised to talk about the Grand Sextile in the Water and Earth Signs. You'll find her in The Stonestreet Café on Monday's at 8am Pacific 11- Eastern.
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Money makes the world go round…or does it? We might be thinking a lot about money and our resources today as the Moon in cautious Taurus squares off with the Moon in proud Leo. Taurus is very conscious of money and stuff and tends to be risk-averse; whereas naturally self-confident and expressive Leo likes to draw attention to itself, even to the point of being flamboyant and if necessary a spendthrift. Easy lunar connections throughout most the day will probably make us feel pretty comfortable in the material world so even a little nagging voice in the back of our minds about being careful won't spoil our fun.
This is really a call to being more conscious about our personal and community money and resources and to not turn a blind eye to the ‘hidden' costs. That ridiculously low price – is it the result of child labor in a third-world country? Does the chef or server at your favorite restaurant get vacation or health care benefits? It's not always possible to know every single detail about the chain of production or how certain businesses or organizations operate. But let's not kid ourselves – we are all in this together and maybe today we can take a few minutes to consider some of these issues and not pretend they don't matter.
Daily Muse: The superior man knows what is right; the inferior man knows what will sell. (Confucius)
Moon Void of Course 8:58 am (PDT) – 8:42 am Wednesday morning
Yesterday's thoughtfulness about money and resources may go a step deeper today. The Moon is still in practical Taurus, and Venus – the planet which rules Taurus – makes a strong alliance with Pluto. When the planet of values and the planet of transformation get together we can expect deep and sometimes even profound results. This alliance is anything but shallow and superficial. Today it's easy to align our desires with our greater good.
This is also good news about relationships as we are more willing to take personal responsibility for our decisions and commitments. Venus is associated with creativity, beauty and art – this is a fertile energy for great creative and artistic endeavors. Conversations should be smooth sailing today and especially this evening as the Moon in loyal and trustworthy Taurus makes a connection with Mercury in sympathetic and nurturing Cancer.
Daily Muse: The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Today on Simpletales – It's back to Astrology School with Planetary Aspects. This is one of the four pillars of understanding the magic of astrology. Join me and we'll cover the primary ones – conjunctions, sextiles, trines, squares, oppositions and inconjuncts. During the second half of the show we will be opening the phone lines for listener questions and comments.

Moon enters Gemini 8:42 am (PDT)
There is potential frustration and contentiousness in the air today so it's probably a good thing the Moon entered versatile Gemini this morning. Mars the planet of personal power and energy – currently in the sensitive sign of Cancer – squares off with radical Uranus in the spirited fire sign of Aries. Mars has been having sort of a tough go of it lately – last week it was in opposition to Pluto. This Uranus square is more of the same – well actually it's a similar genre. We may be emotionally tied to a particular strategy, behavior, or outcome and yet we find obstacles strewn in our path. The way may be challenging and yet not impossible. In fact, this energy is perfect for making personal breakthroughs. Square aspects – especially between significantly powerful planets can build up a dynamic tension that when released may catapult us into increased productivity. Yes we may need to adjust the goal, the strategy or the path, but we won't be disappointed with the result if we persevere.
The important thing to remember here is that taking the time for some personal reflection to allow insight to come through will probably lead to more acceptable changes and breakthroughs than an ill-conceived and hasty use of dynamite to create an explosion. You might think of it as a laser in the hands of a highly skilled surgeon. If you reach an impasse or feel frustrated today, try to find the most efficient way to move forward or even sideways. Yes – a different direction is likely your answer!
Daily Muse: The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. (Eden Phillpotts)
Moon Void of Course 9:48 am (PDT) – 9:30 pm Friday evening

Yesterday we ‘had fun' with the energetic square between Mars and Uranus. Are you up to a few more challenges? Hope so! What we have today is a pair of inconjunct aspects – also called quincunx. We often find this connection between planets irritating and annoying. Things just don't seem to be lined up or in synch with each other. However, if we take a step back and put our thinking caps on, we might find the common ground, or at least see how to accommodate two seemingly unrelated and conflicting energies as they manifest within our psyches and in our lives.
The first is between the Sun and Pluto – which can feel pretty darn personal! Under the influence of the Sun in Leo we are doing our best to find our authentic voice and sing our individual song. Along comes Pluto in Capricorn appealing to our sense of wanting to contribute to the greater good in a more transpersonal way. It can be confusing! (I'm picturing Omar Shariff as the young Dr. Zhivago attempting to save his dignity and his family amidst the Russian revolution.) Like many astrological conundrums, we have to do both – express our individual gifts but be willing to offer them for the greater good.
The second inconjunct is between love Goddess Venus, and the god of revolution – Uranus. This is likely to make us feel like we have conflicting goals and a bit unsure of how to proceed. We might be lusting after that fabulous recliner for the family room, but worried there won't be enough money for that spiritual retreat next month. Or even, ‘that puppy is adorable and I'd love to take him home with me, but how will that affect my ability to be spontaneous and jump on a plane for a much needed getaway? Generally we will likely be confronted with questions about how we indulge our wants, needs and desires and how they do or do not contribute to a sense of restriction or freedom in our lives. Finding the balance and accepting the necessary compromises is the key.
Daily Muse: Talent alone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: 'Are you ready?' (Johnny Carson)
Moon enters Cancer 9:30 pm (PDT)
If the past few days have taught us anything it might be to take the larger view and appreciate our life curriculums. Today we are probably feeling wiser and a bit more philosophical as the Moon slips into the 8th and final phase of its monthly cycle. Take a few minutes today and think about your personal life philosophy. Do you have a tag line or favorite affirmation or mantra? Share it with someone else and explain what it means to you and how you came by it.
Cosmic soul mates Venus and Mars make a sweet connection with each other today – Venus in Virgo is private, unselfish and humble while Mars in Cancer is sensitive and caring. It certainly makes a good combo. Apply some of these attitudes to your own relationships and interactions today.
Daily Muse: Life loves me. (Louise Hay)

With little fanfare the Moon quietly slipped into her home sign of Cancer last night. We may be ready for a quiet stay at home day today. The day is filled with lunar connections to planets, so emotional Cancer lives up to its name. Morning connections with first Neptune and then Saturn send us dreaming and searching for ways to make those dreams come true. A lunar connection with Jupiter around noon might inflate expectations and create a little melodrama. It's also an aspect of ‘hope' instilling faith in our ideas and dreams. A late afternoon opposition with Pluto could be jarring and a bit reminiscent of the energy on Thursday when the Sun connected with the great regenerator. For those up late night, a lunar Uranus square might provide a shock or two. Throughout the day we are reminded that breakthroughs are not only possible but to be expected. Broadening our perspective through quiet and alone time increases the possibility of understanding the power of opportunities presenting themselves.
Daily Muse: Cultivate the ability to listen with a still and open mind. (Dr. Daniel R. Condron)
Moon Void of Course 11:49 pm (PDT) – 9:58 am Monday morning
There is a bright and shiny opportunity awaiting us today as the Sun in self-confident Leo makes a stunning trine connection with Uranus in courageous and pioneering Aries. Other connections can challenge and confuse, but this one aligns the brilliance of the divine essence in our inner selves with the provocative awakening energy of Uranus. Prepare to be dazzling today! (Not to mention intuitive, brilliant, alluring and downright amazing!)
Don't let anything rain on your parade. Consider the beauty of the fireworks as we give ourselves permission to see and appreciate others as divine sparks of light without judgment.
Daily Muse: I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones. (John Cage)
Psychic Sunday All Day VOC Sale
The moon moves quickly around the Earth. As a result, it moves the fastest through each sign of the Zodiac spending about 2.5 days in a sign before leaving to enter another constellation. Right before it leaves, when it is not connected to any other planets (by angle) it is considered Void of Course - or without direction. Sometimes this change of signs takes a moment, but on Sunday July 28, it will be void for nearly the entire day (until 9:43pm Pacific.
Void of Course Moons affect people differently but there has been some observation that they have a surreal effect. Nothing seems to matter the way it used to - or conversely, things that had no meaning to you may suddenly seem important.
Because they CAN be crazy making, we've extended our 6 hour Psychic Sunday Sale to a full 12 hours. If you are in need of support contact us at www.12listen.com. It's so secure, you'll may never want to leave.

I've got a ton of astrology reports waiting for you to discover. I run them myself (so naturally I have a no-fault guarantee for typos and misprints). Being slightly OCD makes me want to get them to you ASAP so you rarely have to wait more than an hour but in extreme situations you may have to give me the full 24 hours. They are emailed to you and I'm right there to take care of any concerns. Click here to visit the site.
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Out of Mo's Mind:
Bridging the Gap
If you've followed my column for a while, you know that I often grab pizza at one of those places that offers a “hot and ready” pie at a reasonable price. I love going there because it's one of the most fascinating places on the planet. I call it “The Pizza Theater,” because I see things so bizarre that it's hard to imagine them as anything but some sort of mystery play.
This week, I went to pick up dinner. The place wasn't busy; no theatre today. I didn't mind though, because it's fun to just sit, think and relax. Anyway, I put in my order and had a seat.
All the employees were young men. The fellow who waited on me, a boy with long blond hair tied in a ponytail, was busy darting hither and thither, preparing for more business. A radio blared an FM rock station. Only one track of the stereo channel worked, so they'd pushed up the volume. The rest of the crew, about 5 of them, were making pizzas and keeping busy.
As I sat, vegging in my usual spot, the opening bars of one of my favorite songs by “The Who,” began. The song is called, "Behind Blue Eyes." For those of you who don't know it, it's a cryptic ballad that reflected the feeling of the time, although its meaning didn't become apparent to me until a few years ago. Those of us of a certain age and temperament remember it fondly.
As I'm now a geezer, and as I was the only person in the place other than the employees, I sang along with Roger Daltrey, The Who's lead singer. I didn't worry about being too loud or too obnoxious, I just sang. I then noticed that I wasn't singing alone. I looked up and to my surprise, the young man with blond hair also was singing, although much more quietly than I was. He looked at me with surprise, as I probably looked at him with surprise. He stopped singing for a second, then started again.
About this time, a couple came in to buy a few pizzas. I kept singing. They looked at me, nervously bought, paid and scrammed.
As the song moved to a particularly intense part, I belted it out, as did the fellow behind the counter, as did all the guys in the back!
What amazed me the most was that they knew the song at all. It's over 40 years old, but these “kids” didn't miss a word.
The ballad ended and the employees all laughed and applauded.
I asked the young man behind the counter how old he was. He told me he was 17. I thought for a moment, felt a wave of shock move through me, and then told him that I was his age when the song was released. He stared at me for a long time, took in whatever he was seeing in me and whispered, "wow."
I then informed him that when the song had come out, I'd also worked in fast food, but at a Jack-in-the-Box and that I'd had to shove my long hair underneath my hat.
By this time, all the workers had come to the front and were listening to our conversation. They began quizzing me about the meaning of the song, what it was like to have been in fast food in the early 70s, and what the world had been like back then. I felt as if I'd been a pioneer in a tradition of noxious nutrition that they were proud to carry on.
We talked about music, working summer nights in a hot kitchen and how cool 1971 was. I have to admit, it was pretty cool.
My pizza was ready. One of the fellows sliced it, boxed it and brought it up. I extended my hand to take it, but instead of giving me the box, he shook my hand. Another young man came up and shook my hand as well.
In that moment, I looked at them and realized that we were the same, only in a different period. We stood on opposite ends of a rainbow of time. The majority of their lives lie ahead of them, while most of mine is behind me.
I know these boys. I saw myself standing with them, 17 years old, peach-fuzz growing on my face, hair tucked underneath my paper hat, greasy clothes and a big, innocent grin on my face.
Little did I know the journey that awaited me. Little can they know where their lives will take them.
In that instant, I wished them happy, peaceful lives and unbounded joy. I prayed they'd find wonderful blessings, like those I've been lucky enough to receive. I wished them the tenacity to discover their true path and to have the courage to follow it with confidence and success. Most of all, more than anything else, I wished them lives filled with love.
I marvel at time and how quickly it moves.
I left my new friends with a wave, a pizza and a happy heart.
Even though they forgot the pepperoni, it turned out to be one of the best pizzas I've had in a long, long time.
CLASS NOTE: Class 2 of Developing Inner Vision for a Better Command of Life will be given on July 31, 2013 at 4 PM, Pacific. If you can't make it live, you'll still get the class as an mp3 if you register. Click here to register.
Program Note: Out of Mo's Mind will air at 9 AM, Pacific, Wednesday at 12Radio.com. Oh what a beautiful morning it'll be. There'll be a bright, golden haze on the meadow with corn as high as an elephant's eye. Chicks and geese and ducks gonna scurry. Now, I don't have a surrey, with or without fringe, but if I did, I'd certainly try to avoid poultry. LIVE! Plus predictions.
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Kristi Brower
by Kristi Brower
The Psychic Update

The Energetic Dynamics
of Relationships (encore)
Wow, what a week! No less than 4 of my clients and two close friends announced in the past week or so that they are getting a divorce. In every case it is a good thing, relationships that have fizzled out over time and thanks to Mercury's tremendous power of introspection they were able to admit that things just don't fit anymore. This avalanche of change is amazing and freeing and gets me thinking about the energetic dynamics of relationships.

When someone asks me if a relationship is going to work the first thing I look for is an energetic match between the two people. This match occurs in the Heart Chakra and essentially means that the two energy bodies vibrate at the same rate. When you are an energetic match with someone you feel a sense of familiarity when you meet them. For example, when you meet someone for the first time but feel as though you have met before, this is an indication of an energetic match. This familiarity turns into attraction, reminding you over and over that your energy bodies vibrate at the same rate. It is a magnetic feeling, drawing you closer and closer to the other person.

Our energetic vibration is not fixed. As we learn and grow so does our vibration. Sometimes two people who started out as a match in the beginning of their relationship will grow in different directions. Over time their vibration will grow further and further apart. This can cause an end to the relationship or it can cause a crisis in the relationship where the two people choose to come back together. This can occur over and over again. Vibration is not the only factor in the success of a relationship, but it is an indicator of the health of a relationship.

When you are an energetic match with your partner you work together as a team, your energy blending together into one united front. The farther apart your vibrations become the more you will fight against one another. If your relationship is struggling, reach out from your heart to your partner's heart and see what you feel. Does the energy flow together, or does it push back like magnets pointed the wrong way? You can repair energetic discord and return to a match with some work and intention.

Physical closeness is key to maintaining an energetic match. Daily physical contact is very important. Remember to hug and kiss and hold hands. This causes entrainment (or alignment) in the Heart Chakra.

Be intentionally supportive of the other person's choices and opinions. Pay attention to patterns of behavior in yourself. Do you tend to disagree most of the time with your partner? Has this become a habit that you perpetuate without thinking? Consciously choose your responses, aligning yourself with them.
Choose a project, cause, or job to do together. Be intentional about uniting as one to complete something together. As you work side by side your energy will begin to match up, repairing the discord.

Spend time with couples who have healthy energetic matches. When it comes to energy, "like attracts like." Give yourself good examples of how you want your relationship to be.

Remember that in some cases the discord cannot be repaired and it is better for both of you to move on. This is a healthy move for both people and creates a sense of freedom and relief. It is OK to feel good about leaving a relationship that is no longer an energetic match for you.

As Mercury turns direct I hope your time of introspection was fruitful and now you are ready to act upon your new found sense of yourself! Oh we are complicated and wonderful animals!

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Carolyn F
by Carolyn Ferris
Carolyn's Oracle
Each week Carolyn Ferris will pull from her hand designed Tarot cards to reveal a message for us. Carolyn has been a psychic for many years and has a substantial amount of notoriety with her art. She has created art for many clients such as Timothy Leary, Santana, The Fillmore, and Moonalice.
Her artwork can be viewed at her web site www.intuitivereadings.com!
YES- she draws every one of them! NEW: THIS IMAGE IS FOR SALE: EXCLUSIVE PRICING FOR POWER PEEK READERS! That's right, Carolyn is selling GlCLEE prints at a remarkable price for Mark's Power Peek readers. Each sale lasts one week.
Click here to order or see details!
Noah's Ark
Carolyn's Art Picture
The balloon is flying from the flood of the chaotic world. Ostrich looking into the world of possibilities. Love birds are waiting at the ark stop to sneak onto the single's cruise. Stretch your world to find some fresh opportunities. Consider a trip for yourself, even if it is simply time out for a weekend or a day. Allow new friends into your life. Get on board and create some wild and fun adventure!

Get a reading from Carolyn!
200 South Wilcox St. #312
Castle Rock, CO 80104

26 July 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the blog post 'The Federation of Light trought Blossom Goodchild - BE HAPPY EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIVING EXPERIENCE ON EARTH. July 21, 2013'

Blog post added by Luisa Vasconcellos:

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild July 21, 2013 Blossom: Hello ... again.  Yesterday we tried did we not?  Yet th...

Blog post link:
The Federation of Light trought Blossom Goodchild - BE HAPPY EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIVING EXPERIENCE ON EARTH. July 21, 2013

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
7843 photos
4111 videos
3450 discussions
108 Events
4252 blog posts

19 July 2013

Dear Avaaz community,

Across the planet, millions of people young and old are flooding the streets and mobilising online to reject corruption and injustice and speak of a more beautiful world. A new Twitter hashtag in Brazil tells the story: #OGiganteAcordou. Translation: “The sleeping giant has awoken".

And Avaaz - now nearly 25 million strong! - is there almost everywhere it's happening. In one example, the Brazilian Senate repeatedly cited our community last week when they voted to give any 500,000 citizen petition the power to directly introduce measures to the government.

We're growing by well over 1 million people per month, and it's accelerating. As more citizens shake off the slumber we are realising that the world really is ours and, while we face great challenges, what happens next, depends on all of us.

Because when we come together, and stay together, we win. Scroll down for victories and updates, just from the last several weeks:

Brazil says NO to Corruption, YES to 21st Century Democracy!

Delivering our 1.6 million voices to Brazil's SenateDelivering our 1.6 million voices to Brazil's Senate

Brazilians are saying enough is enough to rampant corruption. First it was the hugely successful Clean Record Law campaign, to bar politicians convicted of crimes from running for office -- which studies have shown Avaaz played a key role in winning. Now an Avaaz member has created the biggest online petition in Brazilian history -- with over 1.6 million voices demanding that Senators kick out the Senate President, a disgraced politician under a cloud of corruption allegations. He’s still there for now, but we’re close to ending the secret voting process which allowed him to get the Senate top spot.

Even better, the Senate just voted to make it easier and faster for citizens to force politicians to take action. Avaaz was repeatedly cited during the Senate debate, in which they agreed to halve how many people need to sign popular initiative petitions, and they determined that online signatures can count! Now we’re going all out to get the lower house on board.

Bangladesh: Hope from the Rubble

A Swedish paper splashes our banned H&M adA Swedish paper splashes our banned H&M ad
When a Bangladeshi garment factory collapsed, killing over a thousand, Avaaz joined forces with labour organisations and targeted two massive retail giants. The aim: to get them to sign an enforceable worker safety plan that could be a model for the world.

Avaaz members blanketed the H&M and GAP Facebook pages. And when our ad targeting H&M’s boss was turned down by a leading newspaper in Sweden a huge debate kicked off there, in the media and online. Senior H&M executives got right on the phone with Avaaz, and 3 days later embraced the agreement, prompting more than 75 other brands to follow in their footsteps! GAP and WalMart aren’t on the list yet, but we’re working on them.

A Victory for Bees in Europe!

Wind, rain or snow, we kept up the fight for our bees Wind, rain or snow, we kept up the fight for our bees
After more than two years of tireless campaigning, we played a key role in getting Europe to ban bee-killing pesticides, at least until 2015! This victory came from two years of flooding ministers with messages, launching a massive petition with over 2.6 million signatures, organising media-grabbing protests with beekeepers and a 5-metre high inflatable bee, funding opinion polls, and much, much more.

It’s been a long haul to take on mighty mega-corporations like Bayer, and it wouldn't have been possible without the collaboration of many scientists, specialists, sympathetic officials, beekeepers and environmental groups. According to Friends of the Earth: "Avaaz's massive petition and creative campaigning helped push this over the edge."

Stopping the Mass Maasai Evictions

1.7 million Avaazers back the Massai's right to live in their ancestral lands1.7 million Avaazers back the Massai's right to live in their ancestral lands
The Tanzanian government wanted to kick thousands of families off their lands, reportedly so wealthy tourists could shoot lions and leopards! But 1.7 million of us joined them to say “no”, alerting CNN and Al Jazeera to cover the story, then running hard-hitting adverts calling out the government in local papers -- and encouraging aid donors to ask questions. President Kikwete wanted there to be nothing but silence, but the Maasai have continued to persevere. Finally, when the Maasai descended on the Parliament demanding their right to live in their ancestral lands, the Prime Minister signed a letter pledging to seek a permanent solution to this conflict with community participation. We've so far succeeded in stalling the evictions, but we'll continue to fight until the President calls it off for good.

Moving Beyond the Failed War on Drugs

Guatemalan President says YES to ending the failed war on drugs Guatemalan President Pérez Molina says YES to ending the failed war on drugs
The voices of hundreds of thousands of Avaazers across the Americas called on leaders to embrace more humane drug policies. The result was a historic declaration by the Organisation of American States to move beyond prohibition and tackle drugs as a public health priority, not a military mission.

Our petition was crucial. We delivered it directly, in front of the media, to Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina. And the President explained our exact strategy in his own words: "We thank Avaaz for this petition because it gives us as leaders of the continent the strength to debate this issue without it being seen as taboo."

Ending the War on Women

Avaaz's pink bus tours New Delhi with 'PM Singh' on board to call for public education against rapeAvaaz's pink bus tours New Delhi with 'PM Singh' on board to call for public education against rape
In India, a 23-year-old student was brutally raped on a bus, then died from her injuries. In the Maldives, a 15 year-old girl was sentenced to flogging for having sex outside marriage. In Somalia, a young woman was brutally gang-raped by the security forces that were supposed to protect her.

In each case Avaaz members have helped turn horror into hope, amplifying millions of our voices in the media to pressure governments to pass stronger laws to protect women. In the Maldives, our campaign threatening tourism got us an open door to top political leaders, who said the girl would not be flogged for now, and a poll commissioned by Avaaz hit the front pages showing citizens wanted the laws changed. In India, a big pink bus with a larger than life fake PM Singh touting our message was driven through the streets of Delhi, and there is now growing interest in our call for a massive public education campaign challenging out of date attitudes towards women. These are just the tips of the iceberg in our fight to end misogyny.

Saving Fin Whales from Butchery

Delivering our call to save the fin whalesDelivering our call to save the fin whales to the Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs
When an Icelandic tycoon launched his brutal summer hunt to turn endangered fin whales into dog food, Avaaz launched a campaign to stop him shipping the bloody carcasses to Japan. Over 1.1 million of us convinced Dutch politicians to commit to closing Dutch ports. Then we showed up again in Germany when he tried to reroute his shipments through Hamburg. The German Environment Ministry responded to Avaazers' messages right away on Twitter and -- working closely with Greenpeace, together we created the pressure that got the whale meat put right back on a ship to Iceland! The German government has now asked the port to refuse all future whale meat shipments, 200,000 Avaaz members in Germany are now asking the nation's biggest supermarket to stop selling products linked to the whaling company and we're chasing down the whaler's other routes to profit until he realises he has to stop killing fin whales.

Stopping the Global Tax Scam

Avaazers in action urging PM Harper to take action on taxAvaazers in action urging PM Harper to take action on tax
Each year, greedy companies and wealthy individuals use tricky schemes to hide away an estimated $1 trillion, depriving governments of tax they need to fix our services and our countries. This year we spotted an opportunity to go after the missing money, built a massive petition and linked up with famous singer Baaba Maal and worked closely with Save the Children, ActionAid and other campaign groups to deliver our voices to David Cameron, G8 summit chair. Our letter signed by 21,000 business representatives helped position this as a pro-business, pro-citizen issue, and to shift the positions of Germany and Canada, resulting in an historic agreement that can get governments to work together to stop tax evasion. The 'Lough Erne Declaration' was short on specifics, but gives us huge leverage in chasing governments to block shady tax schemes.

It's an amazing thing to be part of a community of citizens from every corner of the world, united in common and effective action. Click here to see a map of our membership by country, or here to read personal stories from and even correspond with other Avaazers.

Our sleeping giant is waking, bringing tremendous possibilities for change. Can't wait to see what our community does next.

With love, hope, and crazy appreciation for this world-changing community,

Ricken, Jamie, Oli, Alex, Dalia, Joseph, Laura, Mais, Michelle and the rest of the Avaaz team

PS -- Inspired to change something? Many Avaaz campaigns (like our biggest during the Brazil and Turkey protests) are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?bgMYedb&v=26859

PPS -- Every single one of these campaigns was 100% funded by our community. To maintain our independence, Avaaz does not accept funding from governments, corporations, foundations or large donors. This is extremely rare and a huge part of why we're effective -- chip in to help keep it all going: http://avaaz.org/en/reportback_0713/

Avaaz.org is a 24-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

14 July 2013

Going from an dis-empowered humanity to an empowered humanity...............

What a brilliant world we live in and brilliant times we are living in!  We have been given the opportunity to live in a world that entitles all humanity to live in Peace, Love, Harmony and Joy as the Buddhist philosophies have encouraged for centuries.  Buddhism is a way of life not a religion! These were also the teachings of the American Indians, the Aboriginals, the Muslims and the list just goes on!
Not having been brought up with a religion it has given me an opportunity to study and watch all the religions on the earth at this time!

There are still those that wish to keep Humanity in the dark as an unevolved and fearful humanity as this is deemed "Good for Business" it keeps people suppressed!

It is happening the oppression and suffering that people have endured is slowly being taken over with
we don't wish to live like this anymore.........no more.........no more is the cry!

It is people power that will change the world, not violence, people coming forward and becoming whistle blowers of what they have seen and heard to stop what has been happening!

Say no to violence, say no to bullying, say no to electricity hikes, say no to Governments that don't listen to its people, say no to oppression, say no to Councils who forget who pay them and implement crazy rules and regulations, hike rates to kill of the people by causing them so much stress they can't take it anymore and become sick.  Say no to the Medical system that can't cope or you pay before they can operate!  Say no to all the things you don't want in your life say no to the Banking institutions, make a decision to either become part of the solution or change your thinking to accommodate a solution!

There are so many websites and people using people power to change things for the better and my site is one of them!

I encourage all people to seek out the truth, health is just one of them.............We all own cars and we know more about our cars then we do about our own bodies.  Cars get serviced, we don't, we break down then have a run in our medical system.  What needs to be done is look outside the square, service your bodies, massage, osteopathy, mine - Quantum Body Mechanics there are so many good alternative services out there use them, but find the one or several that suit you.  The other don't throw doctors out of the equation as don't come to me if you have broken your leg or arm as this is for the doctors.  I have always felt that it is still best to seek medical attention but using your intuition will help you decide what is the best course of action for yourself.

I say let us all work together as one! 

Become an enlightened Human..........meaning you have done the research and have come to a conclusion, we all have choices........respect others, respect yourself, become an empowered Human.

Intuition is a feeling skill use it!
We all have choices, us them for good!
You can change your thinking, from negative to positive!
All the above take time and practice on a daily basis..........choose how you want to live, NOW!

Much Love and Laughter
Carole :-)

13 July 2013

Well hello to my subscribers. Here is the latest news!

What an extraordinary time we're living in, with the themes of control vs. freedom intensifying. Pluto is challenging Uranus! We all saw on TV what's being called the largest protest in human history -- perhaps a million people in the vicinity of Tahir Square, Egypt. It means geo-politically, that the turn-out of so many citizens is a game-changer and this is in the Stars! Then there is news of one and a half Million Chinese displaced by extraordinary flooding in the middle of China. The mind boggles at unheard of disasters. A Train disaster causing havoc in Canada, Floods in China, maybe Earthquakes’ next?

Yes with this and other events around the planet now we have arrived at special a coded signal in our universe. It will open a new shift of consciousness from now through to July 30th under the ‘Star of David’ formation also known as “Solomon`s Seal”! Remember ‘King Solomon`s Mines’? A wealth of Gold and Jewels held in a secret place! Well would you believe that at least 2 civilizations born before us have left markers for us to learn from about our past incarnations. This month sees a marker in the heavens of an invisible field of energy to motivate us all into a higher field of awareness. This month sees a secret seal/code being opened by the grand trines of the universe in the ‘Zodiacs` water and earth fields. If you are a potential “whistle-blower’” like Assange and Snowden then this is a gateway bridge of release for you! Any new revelations are not to be feared but seen as the changing dimensions of reality.

What is also unique in July is Mercury`s gaze on the past in its Retrograde Motion now… not only what`s meaningful in review of our lives, our economy and our country but about where we are in “humanity”!  There is much evidence of life and buildings on other planets. Also the mistakes they made and the disasters those civilizations caused, that gave us left over pieces of a once beautiful planet that is now our ‘Asteroid Belt’. From 2008 and the Global Financial Crisis we have been more aware of the 13,000 cycle of the “Comet Elenin” or the arrival of “Nibiru” into our Solar System. (The Film ‘Deep Impact’ gave the first 3 letters ELE as ‘Extinction Level Event”) Then we had the ill-famed Mayan finale of Dec 2012 and the 26,000 year cycle of our galaxy moving to some sort of completion.

The demands of the Uranus and Pluto square continue to push and provoke, spark and motivate …this is about the human family taking charge of their own destiny. Mercury now retrograde in Cancer is calling us just now to think of safety and feeling “at home”! Mercury is homing to our inner compass all month, still being in a ‘shadow’ period however to August 4th. Together with the water grand trine, the messages are soulful ones that feel familiar somehow. Mercury  says- ‘linger onto what's coming up in your dreams and your relaxed thoughts’. Spirit messages are there for you now.

The inverted look-see now of the retrograde Mercury period opens the windows of the soul. And there's a sense, with this amazing grand Star-Trine, of being able to journey to new frontiers of inner and outer space, for guidance about the future. As the perceptual walls that seemed so solid start to dissolve, a new stability can be achieved by having clearer lines to your own knowing Spirit.

Also throughout July, Jupiter opposes Pluto, which means the Master Plan for your life's unfoldment stands opposite the Collective Shadow of our time. When ‘Dream’ opposes ‘Shadow’ many deaths and births enter the evolutionary canal. Your vision and motivation are being called up to the plate. Your commitment is central. What sacrifice are you being asked to make to make that dream real? During this month of opposition, when the dust settles you'll either have a galvanized dream or an empty womb space where a new one can be born."

There is a new TV series out now called “Under the Dome” and many symbols of our age are appearing right before our eyes. This is a strange dome that has trapped people inside with no chance of outside connection. It symbolizes our planet in many ways that the truth of what is really going on is held back and not revealed. This stops enterprise and free energy and finding exciting new discoveries on other planets like the ‘Monoliths’ on Vesta.

This month July becomes important to overcome ‘secrets’ and ‘fears of disasters’.  People like, Bradley, Assange and Snowden have been granted this time and place in their star charts to be the start of the freedom of information. That is Uranus and Pluto is the government control in Capricorn. The force of a million people changed the government in Egypt. Its beginning to see changes in Syria and Turkey. The secret code of our universe is unlocking the jewels of a new richer civilization. People power is stronger now than ever before. In our local state of Qld there was such an outcry of distaste at the extra cash rises the politicians were going to get that now changes are to made.

Neptune now in transit through Pisces is one of parting veils, and experiencing heightened states beyond the everyday. Supported by Jupiter and Saturn, surrendering to the currents of Neptune -- being swept out by the tide and washed up again -- can seem like the next right step. Disengaging from a lot of the superficial distractions of modern life becomes commonsensical.

Big shifts are happening…our consciousness needs to be set free to explore, to invent, to go boldly where man has not been before! Messages have been left in coded star-patterns to us from previous civilizations! The seal is being opened this month! Our brain receptors are very much in Psychic mode now. Messages from different dimensions in time and space are arriving and radiating to us now!

Hoping you are enjoying your kaleidoscope of Stars and general information this week…from: - “E. D. G. A. R”....
EDGAR, the Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance,
and forwarding of submissions by all good souls and spirits, including astrologers physically incarnated currently on planet earth that are
required by “universal law to relocate earth souls to a higher calling.”


The Weekly Star Patterns from 13th July 2013!

Edgar J. Winter.  Phone/Fax. (07)54423302
Email:  readings@astroclairvoyant.com              Website: www.astroclairvoyant.com
Private, confidential readings are available, Career/ Relocation/ Relationships.

 We have added a few statements by contemporaries to each sign:-

ARIES [March 21 - 20 April]
If you are all stressed out by the New Moon last week, then a morning walk will clean out any cobwebs. Dinner times can bring you beautiful aspects with one or two interesting secret discussions. Mercury turns direct after the 20th collecting thoughts to form a clear future vision. 
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.~ Emo Philips.

TAURUS [21 April - 21 May]
There is a solid foundation appearing in your stars this week but we would suggest that because Mars shifts into hesitant Cancer, it will prevent you going too far.  Hard working Saturn and inspirational Neptune together with Jupiter and Mars amplifies your happiness now.  
“Having more money doesn't make you happier.  I have 50 million dollars but I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million”. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger.

GEMINI [22 May - 21 June]
 Jupiter and Neptune find a way to make your career a more altruistic expression of yourself. High energy Mars motivates efficiency in its contact with Neptune and Saturn. So make sure to fulfil your own needs. A confidence booster from Mars and Jupiter stirs visionary spirit.
The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone”.~ George Roberts

CANCER (June - 22 July]
Even though it is winter time the stars are so active that you can now look to long term goals for satisfaction. So by your log fire you can dream into your future with visionary Neptune. Also when zestful energetic Mars enters your sign this week it fires up courageous actions.
Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is”.~ Jimmy Durante

LEO [23 July - 22 August
With Venus in Leo your dramatic sign makes an uncomfortable chat with manipulative Pluto. It puts your self esteem on the table! However with exciting Uranus moving through the fire sign of Aries your own fire sign receives joyful pleasure from expectedly delightful connections.
“I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it.”~ Robert Benchley

VIRGO (23 August – 22nd September)
Excellent aspects this week with the ongoing energies between disciplined Saturn in resourceful Scorpio and mystical Neptune in artful Pisces. When philosophical  Jupiter harmoniously contacts Saturn and Neptune this week, imagination lifts you out of the ordinary into the sublime.
“  If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport” ~ Jonathan Winters

LIBRA [23 September - 22 October]
Uranus still is exciting your planet of love Venus into free-spirited love connections, which offer unconventional and very enjoyable pleasures. You may be grappling with issues of acquisition or control in alliances-or is it appliances?! Create a strategy that optimises your work efforts.  “Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke.~ Robin Hall
SCORPIO [23 October - 22 November]
It’s a week where you might connect emotionally with a dream. It could be get-away weekend but don’t go anywhere just yet. You are swooning in your element under the emotional anchor of a grand water trine, that mysteriously combines travel with potential business. “Kill one man and you're a murderer, kill a million and you're a conqueror”.~ Jean Rostand.

SAGITTARIUS [23 November - 22 December]
When earthbound Saturn trines the imaginative Neptune exactly this week dreams begin to take a concrete form. Then energetic Mars activates a perfect triangle making your assertive action work its magic. Keep fuelling your emotional hopes and watch them come alive.
“I don't believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we're very sceptical”.
~ Arthur C Clarke

CAPRICORN [23 December - 19 January].
Mercury retrograde still brings you lost messages and errant emails. Its not until after it turns direct on the 20th that communication complications ease up on you. Partnerships start to make real progress as you resolve ongoing difficulties. Mars gives muscle to confidence.  “We are here on earth to do good unto others.  What the others are here for, I have no idea”.~ WH Auden

AQUARIUS [20 January - 19 February]
Tactile Saturn and imaginative Neptune help you optimise a successful advancement plan. Answer the call of abundant opportunities and really believe that your dream is now within reach. Align it with your highest ideals and your spiritual evolution. Sudden change brings luck.
“America is so advanced that even the chairs are electric”.~ Doug Hamwell

 PISCES [20 February - 20 March]
There is a marvellous water sign activation with your ruling planet Neptune steaming through the tropics like a huge aircraft carrier! Power between Neptune and positive Jupiter in Cancer and realistic Saturn in Scorpio is a blend of hope and effort that illuminates your vision now.
“If life were fair Elvis would still be alive today and all the impersonators would be dead.”~ Johnny Carson


Important Star dates…more next week.
July 17-20 will be a peak time in the month.
Uranus in Aries turns retrograde, which may bring more restlessness and feelings of independence and rebellion. At this same time, the first powerful Grand Water Trine occurs between Jupiter in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio.  This brings out our intuitive, compassionate and creative side that inspires us to greater self-expression or higher service.  The ongoing Saturn/Neptune trine, exact on July 19, will help us manifest our highest dreams.  However, the shadow side can bring inertia and escapism. Mercury turns direct on July 20, which is a main signal to begin moving forward with long-term decisions and goals.  On this same date, Mars in Cancer joins Jupiter and the water Grand Trine, of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune to further activate our higher intuitive psychic abilities.
On July 23, the Full Moon occurs at 0 Aquarius 06. 

It is in a challenging square to Saturn in Scorpio, which helps us to bring our inner visions into greater alignment with outer reality.  We can also balance our needs for freedom and independence with those of maintaining stability. 
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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

My good friend, Tazz (of the Tazz & Paula Radio Show) sent a link to a very well done Galactic Federation video. It is 23 minutes and it supports Sheldan's message beautifully. I loved all the graphics. I know you will too.
Earth heart2
It doesn't matter which name you use: Galactic Federation of Light, Galactic Federation, Galactic Confederation or Galactic Federation of Stellar Nations, the message is the same. They are here to assist us, Earth and all her people, with our ascension to the 5th dimension ~~ to become reunited with our galactic heritage.
The main thing the Galactic Federation is doing for us is to help create favorable conditions so that we can remember who we are ~ our true history and our true Selves.
starship 2
The Galactic Federation does not solve all our problems, they don't dis-empower individuals nor do they protect us from consequences of deliberate acts. They are here to empower us to remember who we are and to take back our sovereignty.
Its large scale actions are provided by celestial authorities (often referred to as "Angels" on Earth). The GF never act without Heaven's approval.
This video, Visit the Galactic Federation, left me feeling GOOOD! Enjoy.
This video was created by a frenchman, Arbre Solaire, with the sole purpose to aid in First Contact. Originally it was created in french so some of the translations to english are incomplete. Thank you Mr. Solaire for this marvelous video:

Fulfilling our LIFE's CONTRACT

Sheldan discusses humanity's true purpose and how we are realizing our life's contracts at this extraordinary moment in Gaia's history.

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Topics include...

• Where we come from
• Why we are here - our roles/missions
• Our Guardian Angels and Guides - how they assist us
• Why Earth is so special in this galaxy
• A unique moment in galactic time
Sunday, July 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
and or
Thursday, July 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
Ummac Dan 2

Index of Webinar Archives and DVDs

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Have a question? We have a solution! Posted on the PAO website is a huge archive of Sheldan's Webinars and DVDs where you will find most of the information you are seeking.
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