28 June 2013

The truth behind the most underrated cure ever discovered! You may not be sick, just dehydrated! Why so many people use drugs and dangerous medicines when they may just be thirsty. Read on.. Email not displaying correctly?
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Health2U Group
Water - Nature's Miracle
Over nearly 20 years of clinical practice, I have been a first hand witness to the effects of dehydration. People often come in with everything from headaches, persistent cough, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, allergies and more. After I have run my usual tests, often the results point towards chronic, long term dehydration. People today grossly underestimate the powerful effects of dehydration and the curative abilities of water in reversing disease.
Why medicine doesn't cure disease: Thinking alcohol, coffee, tea, and manufactured drinks are good substitutes for water is a simple, catastrophic mistake. They do contain water but also dehydrating agents that pull more water from the body than they add. Cell water ratios drop from 1.1 to .8 as we age. Because chronic dehydration eventually causes the loss of some functions, the sophisticated warning signals the body sends have been seen as unknown disease conditions. Because of a gradually failing thirst detection system, our bodies get chronically dehydrated.
Medicine is taught to silence these indicators with chemical products. The human body is composed of 25% solid matter (solutes) and 75% water. (solvents). Brain tissue consists of some 85% water. Chemists assumed water acted only as a solvent, space filler and a means of transport. Science assumed the substances dissolved in the body regulate or create the problems; and that there was plenty of water and regulation of it in the system. All research is still directed towards finding which particular substance causes a disease. Accordingly all medical treatment is palliative and almost none actually cures.
Hypertension, asthma, peptic ulcers, allergies, arthritis are not cured; they are managed. The last sign of chronic, damaging dehydration is a dry mouth. It is the solvent (water) that regulates all the functions of the body including the behaviour of the solutes dissolved in it. Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. The minimum amount a day is 6-8 glasses of water. For each 8-10 glasses take also 10 - 15 drops of Cellfood. Celtic Sea Salt will also help the body retain water. The most important substances in the body are in order, oxygen, water and salt.
Chronic body pains not easily explained as injury or infection should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area. When neurotransmitter histamine generation and its subordinate water regulators become excessively active to the point of causing allergies, asthma, and chronic pains in different parts of the body, these pains should be seen as a thirst signal - one variety of crisis signals of water shortage in the body. Non-infectious "recurring" or chronic pain should be seen as indicators of body thirst. These chronic pains include dyspeptic, rheumatoid arthritis, anginal (heart pain on walking or even at rest) migraine and hangover headaches, colitis and associated constipation. No less than two litres in 24 hours should be taken for a few days prior to routine and regular use of analgesics or other pain-relieving medication such as anti-histamine or antacids, well before permanent local or general damage can establish or reach an irreversible disease status.
Water intake and urine output must match; make sure your kidneys can make enough urine so you do not retain too much water in the body. Supervised re-hydration has been used to deal with all kinds of chronic conditions associated with serious diseases: Dyspeptic pain is the most important signal. If the stomach has not perforated, gastritis, duodenitis and heartburn should be treated with water increase alone. (At least 2-3 full glasses of water) Antacids are non-prescription slow poisons. They not only fail to deal with the real problem but introduce 150-600 mg per tablet of aluminium into the system, a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s disease. Emerging research suggests the primary cause of Alzheimer’s may be chronic dehydration. In dehydration the brain cells begin to shrink. In a seriously dehydrated state many functions of the brain get lost.
Colitis (Constipation); with re-hydration eating an apple, pear or orange the night before will help. Hiatus Hernia pain: Motilin, a satiety hormone/neurotransmitter secreted when water extends the stomach wall according to the volume of water drunk, produces the rhythmic contractions of the intestine needed for digestive movement and controls the valves in the way. When there is enough water, the pancreas produces a watery bicarbonate solution to prepare the upper part of the digestive tract to receive the acidic content of the stomach. When there is not enough water, in no way will the system allow the corrosive acid content of the stomach to reach the unprotected intestine if the mechanism to neutralise it is not effective. First the contraction strength of the valves on either side of the stomach reverses; the pyloric valve will constrict more and more. (Acid Reflux) Some of the acid may flow into the oesophagus when you lie down and produce a type of pain often called heartburn. In some the laxity of the "valve" in the diaphragm may allow a portion of the stomach to pass into the chest called hiatus hernia. When valves reverse their normal mode they are preparing for the eventual unavoidable outcome; evacuation of the stomach through the mouth - bulimia. In such people their sensation of hunger is in fact thirst, and their urge to vomit the protection mechanism explained.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Low back pain & Neck. Cartilage surfaces contain much water, allowing two opposing surfaces to glide freely over each other. Joint pain is indication that they are not fully prepared to endure pressure until fully hydrated. If not treated, tissue damage will trigger a mechanism for joint remodelling and repair that cater to the force lines the joints have to carry. The repair process causes deviation of the joints. To avoid disfigurement, treat the initial pain seriously and gently bend the joints during re-hydration. Fully 75% of the weight of the upper part of the body is supported by the water volume stored in the disk core. (5th lumbar).
Neck pain from bad posture; the weight of the head forces water from the disks over a period of time. To bring back the water, a force of vacuum has to be created within the same disk space. This can only be done if the head and neck are moved adequately backward. Slowly and repeatedly bend the head and neck backwards as much as they will bend. Keep the neck extended for 30 secs a time. This helps create the vacuum and all of the discs will be retracted back into their normal spaces between the vertebrae and away from the nerve roots in the neck.

Anginal Headaches, Stress and Depression can be dealt with by two or more glasses of water. High blood pressure - Higher Blood Cholesterol - Excess body weight - Asthma and Allergies - Insulin-Independent Diabetes - Tryptophane - Insulin Dependent Diabetes. All are mostly related to chronic dehydration and water loss. The remedy in many cases is simply hydration. ** Be sure to always submit to your Doctor's advice, In no way should you ever stop medication or change prescription without competent Medical help.You will be surprised how much better you feel if you start a 'rehydration' program. Start slowly and do not overdo it! The combination of Cellfood and water will help to dramatically reduce symptoms and give the body all it needs to recover. 

Dr. David's Tip
Reflux sufferers can also try eating an apple before bed. Also using Organic AppleCider Vinegar after a meal helps send signals to the lower oesophageal sphincter to close properly thus reducing reflux. Water is amazingly a staple treatment for obesity as Histamine contributes to water retention and bloating. Ladies, drink more water and fit back in that dress!
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