02 June 2013

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Message from the ANGELS

Ann's Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
As so many of you watch the recent natural disasters we want to remind you that the greatest way you could ever assist those who are suffering or in pain is to love them. This love can come in many forms. You can pray for the individuals affected. You can, if you are guided, contribute to the organizations and individuals offering relief. You can sit in a chair, and ask God to show you one individual who needs extra love and then imagine wrapping them in the embrace of your own loving soul. You can send letters when efforts to receive that kind of love are available. If you are in the area you can volunteer your time or services. Of if you are not guided to assist in these ways you can simply pour love into your own life, knowing that the greater number of individuals who choose to live in love and peace, the greater the peace on your entire planet.
There are so many ways to love and assist those in need, but the one thing we ask you to strive to avoid is "feeling bad for" those who have been affected, for in truth "feeling bad" or "feeling pity" has never uplifted a single soul on your planet earth. And although it is very human to do so, strive to change these feelings to feelings of compassion, for compassion is love. Pity says, "Poor you! This should not be! I am glad I am not you right now!" Pity is an energy of judgment, although subtle, and rarely intended.
Compassion, on the other hand says, "Although we are at different places in our journey, I trust there is a greater reason for this, even when I do not understand what this is. I am going to love you through your pain. I will offer you a hand up, rather than sinking in the depths of despair with you I will be a beacon of hope and inspiration for you, for we have all known loss. We have all known confusion. We have all known the fear of not knowing how life is going to work. My heart is your heart and I love you." Compassion is an energy of acceptance, trust, and unconditional love. A compassionate heart knows that there is a higher order to all things, even those that seem incomprehensible and hurtful, and can offer comfort to those in need. For out of every natural disaster, the most amazing acts of human love and kindness arise. Communities bond. The world comes together and sets aside greed, borders, barriers, boundaries, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences and realizes you are One human race with the same hearts, the same needs, the same concerns, and in the end, the same Love.
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Beautiful hearts, we love you so very much. We know the pain you witness in others tugs and pulls on your hearts. But the sun does not dim to make you comfortable in your struggles. Rather it remains bright, supporting and guiding you, offering the promise of a new day even in the darkness.
Please know that your hearts are only being asked to open more widely, to share from the wealth of love within. And if you are one of those angels affected by the recent events, know that God walks inside and beside you, in the form of so many both in the heavens and on the earth that honor and acknowledge your willingness to uplift the human spirit even in times of your own need.
God Bless You. We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
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Message from the ANGELS

Ann's Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Never in your life is there anything that occurs without purpose. Never is there anything in your life that does not support your soul's growth, for in reality your life is created by design, whether consciously or otherwise. Your soul is seeking to know God's love. Your soul is seeking to express God's love. And every situation upon your earth is an opportunity to bring more love to the surface in your own hearts - for yourselves and for others - for indeed you are all equal in God's eyes and One in God's love.
So when you find yourself having a challenge, ask yourself, "How can I respect and honor my own spirit in this situation?" You are nothing less than the love and light of God in human form, no matter what your circumstances, thoughts, feeling, or appearances. You are nothing less than love striving to blossom into being. And this is your truth beneath every upset, every sorrow, every feeling of lack, fear, victimization, etc. The sun shines always behind the clouds, and the love that you are lies beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed. So first, ask yourself, how can I be loving to myself in this situation? How can I then, from that space of honoring my true nature, be loving to others involved?
We have said this many times. Love is not always a warm fuzzy feeling. It is an acknowledgement of the truth of your being and the being of all others. Love sometimes means walking away from behaviors that are unkind. Love sometimes means saying, "I love you but I must follow my own path." Love sometimes means setting a healthy boundary with as much kindness as you can find in your heart in that moment. Love sometimes means reaching out and offering a hand to stranger for no reason other than it is in your heart to do so, and love at other times means lovingly declining to assist a friend because God has not put it in your heart to do so. Love, dear ones is always guided. Love is always a directive from the one who created you and sustains your every breath. Love is not "making nice," "sugar coating" or doing a thousand other things that you think of as love on your planet.
Love is being kind, honest, authentic, and at the same time honoring the fact that the same light that lives within you lives within all others as well.
How would you treat yourself if you knew God lay hidden within you. How would you treat others? Every moment in your lives upon the earth gives you an opportunity to answer this question and to bring more love to the surface. How can you, in this very moment you are reading this, be kinder to yourself? How can you find a way to bring love into a difficult situation in your life? Ask God and your angels to guide you in this because we love, dear ones, to help you love and experience love more.
God Bless You. We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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