30 April 2014

Portal 2012

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 12:24 PM PDT

During the current cardinal Grand Cross, the Archons and their etheric minions are putting pressure upon the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, trying to inflict despair and separation. I understand very well that many of you are tired, but the key is perseverance, remaining calm as much a possible and keeping unwavering focus on our vision of a bright future for humanity. We can not remove 25,000 years of darkness from this planet in a single day and it would be unrealistic to expect one victory after another. Regardless of all setbacks and delays, we will be victorious in the end. So stand up:

People wanting proof, waiting passively for the Event and seeing each delay as an »excuse« are using the wrong strategy. Instead of complaining, do whatever is within your power to assist the planetary liberation. Every small action counts and brings the Event a little closer.

The first part of the IS:IS activation was successful to the point that no big disturbing global events happened at the peak of the cardinal Grand Cross. It is true that this activation was a little more demanding that the previous ones, but the Resistance perceives the awakened part of the surface population to be able to man up to the task. Many websites and blogs could support the Light by publishing intel about the IS:IS activation, but for whatever reason chose not to. Many people were not able to handle the etheric Archon pressure and this is an indicator to the Resistance that the etheric plane is not yet clear enough for the surface population to go through the Event as at the moment of the Event the pressure will be even greater. This is precisely the reason I can not release certain intel, including but not limited to the Ascension plan, no matter how much I would like to. 
The Chimera group is a bit stronger than previously thought. It appears that they have access to a certain weather modification technology, triangular aerial craft and even a few cloning facilities. Therefore my assessment that the physical plane is ready for the Event was a little bit premature. 
It also appears that the QEG technology is not yet a fully working technology that can be easily reproduced, but a prototype in development. The Fix the World team and all groups working on the device need as much support as possible to bring this technology to humanity soon:
Regardless of all difficulties of the liberation process, the Light forces are with us:
Strong alliances of Light are forming.
A special task force, named Round-op Alpha, has been formed on the surface of the planet. Their purpose is to assist in the mass arrests of the Cabal. Although I can not completely confirm their timeframe of the operation and all names on their list, you are more than welcome to assist them with intel or in any other way possible:
The Anonymous is cooperating with the Resistance:

To summarize all this, after the opening of the Pleiadian portal, the planetary situation is expected to improve. 
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April 29, 2014
Information and Inspiration
Roadmaps of Life by Madisyn Taylor

When we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass we follow a map that only we can see, our own path.

All the major spiritual traditions serve the purpose of offering us a roadmap to guide us on our individual journeys to enlightenment. These roadmaps are made up of moral codes, parables, and, in some cases, detailed descriptions of mystical states. We often study the fine points of a particular ascended master’s narrative in order to better understand our own and to seek inspiration and guidance on our path. In the same way, when we plan a road trip, we carry maps and guidebooks in an effort to understand where we are going. In both cases, though, the journey has a life of its own and maps, while helpful, can only take us so far. There is just no comparison between looking at a line on a piece of paper and driving your own car down the road that line represents.

Some people seem well-suited to following maps, while others are always looking for new ways to get where they’re going. In the end, the only reliable compass is within, as every great spiritual guide will tell you. The maps and travelogues left behind by others are great blessings, full of useful information and inspiration, but they cannot take the journey for us. When it is time to merge onto the highway or pull up anchor, we are ostensibly on our own. Strange weather patterns, closed roads, and traffic jams arise in the moment, out of nowhere, and our maps cannot tell us what to do. Whether we take refuge in a motel by the side of the road, persevere and continue forward, or turn back altogether is entirely up to us.

Maps are based on observations from the past and we are living in the present, so we are the only true experts on our journey to enlightenment. We may find that the road traveled by our predecessors is now closed. We may feel called to change direction entirely so that the maps we have been carrying really no longer apply. These are the moments when we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass, following a map that only we can see, as we make our way into the unknown territory of our own enlightenment.

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28 April 2014

This information is a mothers view on the debate to immunize or not!


25 April 2014

Dear carole, 

Portal 2012

Posted: 23 Apr 2014 07:24 PM PDT
Cease and desist PPN until 140425.10Z else GLOBAL L51
Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:17 PM PDT

IS:IS portal activation was a partial success. Although we have not reached even one half of the planetary critical mass, people participating were very strong in their dedication and we have managed to lay a solid foundation for the second (and eventually third) part of the IS:IS portal activation.
The energies of the cardinal Grand Cross have triggered all kinds of suppressed dysfunctional behavior and ideas which needed to be cleared before the activation could take place. Here I would just like to mention some Archon-induced strange ideas floating around that the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Egyptian Gods and Goddesses are »part of the false light«, are »there to deceive you« and are »part of the hierarchy that is there to enslave you«. Nothing could be further from the truth. All these beings are true beings of Light and are our friends, brothers and sisters. Without their continuous help and assistance, humanity would not survive the last few hundred years and would be extinct by now.
After all turmoil of the weekend, the activation itself was peaceful and calm. Further unification of all future positive timelines has occurred. 
At the activation, there has been drastic reorganization and refocusing of the energy currents throughout the Galaxy so that they are now focused on the tiny sector around our planet with the purpose of the planetary liberation. As the moment of our liberation approaches and the ultimate victory of the Light draws near, Light beings from the whole Galaxy hold their focus on our small planet:

A few hours after the activation, together with my team I have launched StratoProbe 1, an unmanned stratospheric aerial vehicle.
After the successful launch, the balloon was slowly gaining altitude and a few minutes after piercing the Veil it has taken this picture about 9 miles above the surface:

The elongated object that you see in the upper part of the picture is neither a lens reflection nor an airplane, but most likely a Pleiaidian craft which belongs to the network of Pleiadian lightships that was directing energies of the IS:IS portal from the universe towards the Veil boundary. This is how these lightships look like:

On the second picture, taken 15 miles (24 kilometers) above the surface, you can clearly see the curvature of the Earth. The energies are absolutely crisp, clear and full of Light:

After the successful activation of the IS:IS portal, there will be further events within this Window of Opportunity. 
On April 29th, there will be an annular solar eclipse which will solidify and anchor the energies of the IS:IS portal further. 
On May 3rd, we will be assisting the birth of the New Renaissance. Marco Missinato, a composer of beautiful New Renaissance music, will have a concert in Sedona. This concert will be streamed live, attempting to reach the critical mass of 144,000 listeners and thus creating the right energetic conditions to accelerate the birth of the New Renaissance:

You can join the live streaming of the concert here:

After you click that link you will be taken to a page on the livestream hosting company Streaming for the Soul’s website where you will need to sign up to become a member / open an account with Streaming for the Soul. To do this, click on the grey Purchase Livestream Tickets button in the left-hand margin, about halfway down the page. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link. Click on the link and you will be taken back to their site. Follow the prompts and select Purchase Tickets then select Unfolding Secrets and choose the concert viewing time that suits your time zone best.
For more information about the streaming process and conditions click here:


Astrological chart for that event reveals Jupiter, Chiron and Saturn creating a Grand Trine, easing the energies of the cardinal Grand Cross and creating perfect conditions for the flowering of the New Renaissance:

Then finally on May 17th we will open the Pleiadian Portal. You are more than welcome to join us in Switzerland:
You can also choose to do the activation from your own location. Details about the Pleiadian Portal will be posted soon.
After the closing of 2014 Window of Opportunity, there will be much more stability and harmony on this planet and the planetary situation will begin to improve.

24 April 2014

The Oracle Report for April 23, 2014

Meteor-like object over Russia's Murmansk caught on dash-cams

Cybergeddon? Survey warns of internet disruption on scale of 2008 crisis

Police may stop drivers based only on anonymous tip, rules Supreme Court

Russia says Visa, Mastercard should pay 'security fees' for possible disruptions

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Various Headlines for April 23, 2014 - More Illusions Collapsing!

Government Opening Free Gas Stations in Poor Black Neighborhoods.

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Creating a Sacred Space in Your Home

ANOTHER VICTORY!!!!!!!!!! Brazil passes 'internet constitution' ahead of global conference on web future.

Blossom Goodchild's Channeling April23, 2014

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Military suicides: Psychiatry's greatest secret experiment - Wow! A Must Read!

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IS:IS Portal Report and Window of Opportunity Update
970 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido, CA 92025