31 March 2014

vatican new moon 728x410 New Moon March 2014
Vatican New Moon March 2014 Astrology
The new moon on the 30th of March 2014 sets the stage for an incredibly intense and volatile month ahead. This new moon at 10 degree Aries, lines up with revolutionary Uranus. During this new moon period, we have the most sinister looking of the seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto. For the entire new moon phase, there is a tense T-square aspect pattern, which then turns into the explosive Grand Cross April 2014.
This new moon is going to strongly affect the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, but also decans 1 and 2 of the other signs. You can read more about this in the monthly horoscopes. From the moment this new moon phase kicks in, the stress and tension will continue to build until the climax of the grand cross in late April 2014. This new moon phase is the most challenging one I have ever come across, and I am not the only astrologer who thinks so:
“April’s so scary that I’m giving classes on it…we’ve not had this since the American Revolution.” Susan Miller, astrologer to the stars: ‘April’s so scary I’m giving classes on it’.
The March 30 2014 new moon is the final moon phase of an eclipse cycle which began late last year. Those areas of your life which have been in focus since the November 2013 solar eclipse, will become more prominent during April 2014. Unresolved issues will cause more tension, and will force you address these issues with more urgency.
The theme of the previous solar eclipse was one of conservatism, sacrifice, hardship and fear. We have since then, seen a rise in religious fundamentalism, nationalism and all kinds of extremism, resulting in words we have not heard since WWII, like “annexation”. So in the coming weeks we will seek to resolve the personal hardships, restrictions, and fears we have been experiencing, whether in personal relationships, at work, or with our finances.

New Moon March 2014 Astrology Chart

new moon march 30 2014 320x400 New Moon March 2014
New Moon March 2014 Astrology
In the horoscope for the new moon, you can see that the stand-out feature of the New Moon March 2014 astrology chart is the new moon conjunct Uranus. On the positive side, this gives us an open mind and the flexibility to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. Unfortunately, the opportunities may stem from chaotic changes taking place which cause much anxiety.
There will be a strong need to break free from routine and tradition, even to rebel against authority. Linking back to the eclipse cycle, Uranus will allow us to find original solutions to ongoing problems, and provide the freedom from restrictions so needed.
The new moon is on the fixed star Algenib, which reinforces the rebellious nature of Uranus. It also adds to the dangerous and explosive feel to the entire month ahead.
The big concern with the unexpected change of direction this new moon brings, is the T-square aspect pattern it makes to Jupiter and Pluto. I recently posted about the April 2014 T-Square, stating:
Any restlessness and anxiety cause by Uranus is going to be exacerbated and exaggerated by Jupiter. It is going to be dramatically intensified out of all proportion by Pluto, leading to some sort of crisis.
Jupiter opposite Pluto suggest that our religious or spiritual belief system will play an important role in helping cope with the fear and stress involved with the new moon. There may be some changes or unexpected news from the Vatican, as this new moon is conjunct the asteroid Vaticana. Extreme weather condition due to climate change may also make the news, as these things are ruled by constellation Pegasus, of which the fixed star Algenib belongs.
The two most malevolent planets in our solar system are both in retrograde motion, together adding to the buildup of frustration and anger, resentment, and generally nasty attitude. Mars retrograde started it backward journey square Venus, so relationship dramas are a current theme. In this March 2014 new moon astrology chart however, you can see that Venus is trine Mars, suggesting more favorable conditions in love relationships. Just to spoil the party, Venus square Saturn retrograde is going to frustrate matters and slow progress in the settling of lovers quarrels.

New Moon March 2014 Times

Los Angeles, USA
New York, USA
London, UK
Bangkok, Thailand
Sydney, Australia
30 Mar 2014
30 Mar 2014
30 Mar 2014
31 Mar 2014
31 Mar 2014
11.45 am
02:45 pm
07:45 pm
01:45 am
05:45 am
The most critical time for everyone to show restraint and take extra care during this new moon phase, is for the week from 18 to 25 April 2015. This is not only the climax of challenging aspects between Jupiter, Pluto and the Uranus New Moon, but Mars retrograde completes the dangerous looking cardinal grand square.
This explosive new moon March 2013 astrology is going to have an intensely strong impact on our personal lives. It will also aggravate current crises in the world like shown in the Ukraine horoscope, but also in other areas we don’t yet expect.

30 March 2014

Declaration of Solar Sovereignty


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29 March 2014

For ongoing updates regarding the Implant Removal Process,
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Updates for Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tuesday April 1, 2014"Clarion Call: the New Golden Age"  Featuring Lee Harris3-5pm PST
I have learned from my own life, and from working with others, that everything does and will change in time - experiences, beliefs,emotions, relationships. Life is fluid and evolving, and since evolution is a constant, so are our opportunities for growth,enhancement, and learning.
As a channeler for voices from spirit rather than the body, my direct experience is that spirit exists, and that we can each find more of our spirit within ourselves as human beings. As we do so, we increase our energies of peace and love which positively transforms us as individuals and the world.
I daily surrender to not knowing, and not 'believing'. For anything firmly believed can always evolve, or be challenged. The battle over opinions and points of view among people is the root cause of our conflicts in the past and now. I do not seek to engage in the war over 'right' and 'wrong' which simply reinforces our separation. Instead, my focus is on a more compassionate heart in my experience of life, and the growth of more loving people on our planet. I therefore know that I have to constantly nurture the love in myself where and whenever possible.
My journey as a channeler began in 1998. I heard the voice of 'Zachary' first, and he explained he was part of a greater collective of 88 spirit guides. I was a spiritual and self-development explorer at that time and in the following years I had almost daily conversations with Zachary and the collective. I never expected to use my skills as a channeler and intuitive as a career, but by 2006 it had become my full time vocation. In 2007, Zapharia and Ziadora, stepped forward to join Zachary as the 3 public spokespeople for the collective.
In the past 7 and a half years, I have worked with over 1700 people worldwide in personal sessions, led seminars and retreats in 10 different countries, delivered online video broadcasts and hosted 2 spiritual radio shows. Writings are a significant component of my work and my monthly energy forecasts which highlight the energetic opportunities and challenges each month has become a stable of my offerings.
Being a messenger from the field of collective intelligence as a vocation has been an incredible experience on so many levels. Through working with people from so many places in the world who are engaged in a seemingly infinite number of paths, I have been lucky enough to constantly see the universal love and openness that links us all. Whoever we are and whatever is our life experience, the truth of a loving and open heart is always present when we can calm and return ourselves to centre.
My simple wish with every area of my work, is that it may help people to better remember who they are and how to find more balance in life.
When we remember that we are of spirit as much as we are of the Earth, new possibilities are born, and no feeling or thought we may have becomes judged, or seen as a barrier. It all simply 'is'. Part of the tapestry of you to discover. And in that allowing, with no fight, we can become one with ourselves and others once more.
- See more at: http://www.bbsradio.com/galacticconnection

28 March 2014

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Reminder: If registering for tonight's webinar using PayPal, cut off time is 4pm. If registering using PAO's shopping cart, you can register up until the time of the webinar. The earlier you register, the better for us to help you. Join in the fun!

Ever wonder how Sheldan came to be a representative for the Galactic Federation? What's it like to be mentored by the Galactic Federation? What's it like to meet a giant frog Being? Join us as Sheldan shares his unique and amazing story.

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Over the years, you have sent us frequent e-mails asking to share Sheldan's experiences aboard motherships and with his many contacts with the Galactic Federation.

In response, the PAO is delighted to present this special Webinar...

Topics include...

• Aboard the Mothership: The Sirians and I
• How I First Learned about My Future Mission
• My Current Mentors and Contacts
• Spiritual Love in Galactic Society
• The First Contact Mission Today
• Where We Stand Now

Sunday, March 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, March 27, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

(California time)
For your convenience ~ Time Converter
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer. After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions.
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Click here for an amazing demonstration of ONE MIND ~ Telepathy from hundreds of birds.
Watch for one action where a few birds got “separated” for just a nanosecond and how the whole swarm responded as ONE to get them back ‘in line’. Totally precious! A must watch.
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No Reason to Worry

by Madisyn Taylor

Doing our difficult emotional cleansing can take a toll on us and make us feel run down, but this too will pass.

At times when we are detoxing our bodies, or going through the ascension process, we experience aches in our bodies and manifest flu like symptoms. We may find ourselves feeling fatigued and even sad, as if we might be coming down with something. This is a natural part of any cleansing process and commonly accompanies deep inner-work. As we are called to examine our emotions and our beliefs, which often prompts deep inner-changes as well as external shifts, our bodies grow tired. Feeling under the weather is the way they let us know that it’s time to take a break. It’s best to be easy on ourselves at times like these and not to keep pushing forward. Learning to listen to and honor our bodies is part of the process of becoming more conscious.
As soon as you notice you are not feeling well, make an effort to get extra sleep, whether by going to bed earlier than usual or working naps into your routine. You can also support your body by eating as healthy as possible, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas, and taking vitamins. Vitamin C is especially galvanizing to the immune system. Homeopathic remedies can also aid you in assisting your body in its time of rest and recovery. Talking lovingly to yourself, and your body, will also help. Beyond that, simply letting go of thinking and resting in the deep silence of your true self will speed your recovery. In addition, you can always call upon your guides and angels, asking them to ease the symptoms.
It is natural to go through times of feeling under the weather, so there is no reason for you to worry. On the contrary, feel free to let go of worry and rest peacefully in the knowledge that this too shall pass, leaving you stronger, healthier, and further along in your healing process.


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26 March 2014

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Click here for Stop Being a Victim, Become a Creator

March 25, 2014
Violet-Flame Meditation
The Power of Transmutation by Madisyn Taylor

Adding a violet flame meditation once in a while to your daily practice is a lovely way to feel a fresh sense of peace.

The violet flame is a powerful tool anyone can use in meditation. It helps release negative karma, raise your consciousness awareness, the frequency of your vibration, and accelerate your spiritual growth. Energy can’t be erased but it can be changed, transmuting negative into positive, darkness into light. This allows you to make the choices you feel negatively about become positive, while also changing your emotional experience. Physically, the violet flame releases emotions and energy pent up within that make you vulnerable to illness and disease.

The violet flame in meditation uses a combination of affirming thoughts and visualization. Once centered, begin by surrounding yourself with white-and-blue protective energy. You may even want to call on archangel Michael for his protection while you go into this powerful spiritual state. Then repeat thoughts such as “I am cleansed and purified by the violet flame.” Picture a huge bonfire before you, its immensity making you feel small beside it, and marvel as the colors flicker between purple, violet, and bright pink. Sense its warmth while noticing that it will not burn you. Step into the flame, letting it surround you entirely while also filling the spaces in your body, your thoughts, even the cells and molecules within you. Once there, focus on the positive things you’d like to create in your life or your hopes for others. Visualize the violet flame in the midst of the scenes as they unfold in your mind. You may want to ask that the power of the flame be multiplied to as! sist those in need.

When you have finished your meditation, be sure to close with gratitude. The violet flame is a powerful tool that should be used consciously and with intent. Forgetting to close with thanks keeps you connected and may lead to the unintentional misuse of this energy. It is always a good idea when finished with any spiritual practice to give thanks as this creates closure. Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it is available for all to use to raise our awareness and, eventually, that of all mankind.
Top 10 DailyOM Courses:
1. How to Work with the Spirit World
2. Heal Yourself with Writing
3. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
4. Awaken to Your Amazing Angels
5. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
6. Change Your Luck for the Better!
7. Getting Unstuck
8. 21 Day Yoga Body!
9. 5 Days to Balance Your Boundaries
10. Attract Love in 21 Days

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23 March 2014

For ongoing updates regarding the Implant Removal Process,
Updates will be at the top of the page.
Updates for Saturday, March 22, 2014
Turkey Set To Block YouTube Momentarily, After Google Refuses To Yank Clips Exposing Prime Minister
Commander Ashtar declares "Flight 370 did not crash"
Americans agree: Sugar, alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than pot
Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuels: A Student's Open Letter to Harvard President Drew Faust
WARNING! Drones Are Now Being Used To Expose Bank Details and Passwords-Hackers Access 150 Phones An Hour Through Wi-Fi!
Clifford Stone: The Arcturians - Architects of a New Dawn
West Using Crimea to Hide Real Intentions
THE WORLD'S HARRY POTTER MOMENT: Take Back Earth Ley Lines In Global Meditation
Ashtar On The Road
Focus on the World's Waters in Mother Earth's lakes, rivers, and oceans as well as our drinking waters Today!
Why China "Needs" To Hold Tibet
California Outlaws Battery Cages On Egg Farms
Facebook's New 'DeepFace' Program Is Just As Creepy As It Sounds
NASA: Earth JUST dodged comms-killing SOLAR BLAST in 2012
UFO Sightings The Man Who Removed 17 Alien Implants!
Matthew Message 3.21.14
Strange Universe Sean David Morton 2014 03 19 with Benjamin Fulford
From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life - The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology
Kevin Annett 3-18-14 Interview with Alexandra Meadors... "How do we Unravel the Corrupt Matrix?"... MP3s
Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China
Vatican library plans to digitise 82,000 of its most valuable manuscripts
NRL Researchers Detect Water Around a Hot Jupiter
Welcome to "telemedicine": spying on you at home
The Murder of Mary Magdalene - TRUTH UNCOVERED - FREE MOVIE

22 March 2014

Portal 2012

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 06:58 AM PDT
You might want to read this new Cobra interview by Elizabeth Whitney:



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Updates will be at the top of the page.
Updates for Friday, March 21, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
3:00-5:00 pm PST
Kevin Annett
Who Is Kevin Annett - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4h3hDjOYM
Born 1956, Canada
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2013)
Community minister, human rights consultant and Field Secretary for The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Award winning documentary film maker (Unrepentant, 2007) and author*
Education: B.A. (Anthropology), University of British Columbia (UBC), 1983; M.A. (Political Science), UBC, 1986; M.Div. (Master of Divinity), Vancouver School of Theology, 1990
Ordained as clergyman into United Church of Canada, 1990. Held three pastoral positions, including as Minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Port Alberni, 1992-1995. Fired without cause and expelled from ministry without due process, 1995-97, after publicly exposing the death of aboriginal children and land theft by the United Church.
Organized the first public inquiry into crimes in Canadian Indian residential schools, co-sponsored by United Nations affiliate IHRAAM, June 12-14, 1998, Vancouver
Established first permanent body to further this inquiry, September 2000, Vancouver: The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada; appointed Acting Secretary
Published first account of crimes of Genocide in Indian residential schools, February, 2001: "Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust" (3rd edition at www.hiddennolonger.com)
Established Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, Vancouver and Toronto, 2005-2010; led church occupations and national conferences into missing aboriginal children
Forced Canadian government "apology" for Indian residential schools, June 2008
Co-founded the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), June 15, 2010 with six other organizations; appointed ITCCS Field Secretary
Led public protests and exorcisms at the Vatican, 2009, 2010; ITCCS endorsed by Radical Party and other politicians, Rome
Co-founded International Common Law Court of Justice, spring 2011, Brussels; served as Chief Advisor to the Prosecutor's Office ; launched first Common Law Court case against the Vatican, the Crown of England, Canada and its churches for crimes of Genocide (2012-13)