you are at the end of yet another year that has been momentous in many
ways. Time has continued to speed up, and a clear division can be seen
to be taking place between the old and new. The dark Ones are not
progressing as they would have wished, after feeling that they were on
the verge of taking control of the world. They reckoned without the
increasing amount of Light that has been grounded upon Earth. So much
so, that almost unnoticed it has become the most powerful force for
good. No longer can its progress be delayed, and it is destined to be
the means of removing the dark Ones.
cycle has completed its course and the Light is now the dominant force
upon Earth. The apparent turmoil is but a sign of it restricting the
ability of the dark Ones, to continue their onward march to world
control. It was always planned this way so that no matter how much they
extended their power over the people, they would never achieve complete
control. The cycle has run its course and a new one has commenced that
will bring complete peace and happiness to all souls. There is no longer
a place for the dark Ones to wield their power over the Human Race.
you stand fast and are not affected by the outside occurrences, so you
empower the Light that grows ever stronger. Live in the Light, and you
can live your life in a way that helps lift others up with you. The
coming New Year will herald many changes that will send out a strong
signal that the Light is bringing the New Age into being. 2014 will be
the crossroads that allows rapid progress to be made, and signal the
true commencement of the Age of Light. Each of you have been selected to
be here for such an occasion and for many of you life will suddenly
offer you the changes that you have been seeking. As Lightworkers you
each have something to offer that will be utilised at the right time. So
do not worry or feel that your contribution is little compared to
others, as all are important to the whole.
have all come a long way with your experiences and are greater for them
than you were when you first started your journey. No experience is
without value and there is no need to make comparisons with others, as
you all have a unique individual life plan. No One is any greater or
lesser than another soul. You are part of a great family that looks up
to the Father/Mother God from whence you came. When you come together as
One, there will no one soul considered better than another, as all
tread the same path and are simply at different stages upon it.
you can see yourself in others you will know that you are inexplicably
linked and in reality are One. Yet even as you progress to this
understanding, you will still remain an individual Light amongst all
others. When you are referred to as "Gods" it is a state of Oneness that
you experience when you return to the Godhead. For the want of a better
expression it is your Home from whence you came, and when God desires
to experience some more, all souls will be sent out again for that
this time you have difficulty in imagining or remembering your higher
states of being, but soon you will be on the path to full recognition.
It will happen by stages and first you will gain full consciousness. Of
necessity you have lived out many lives in the lower vibrations with a
limited consciousness. Your challenge has been to find your way back to
God through your own experience, which is why each soul travels at its
own speed and are on different paths. Remember also that for specific
incarnations you are connected to certain energies that will enhance
your opportunities to succeed.
you become more at One with the Light, so you will become more awakened
to the truth of your real selves. You are not your body and it only
serves your needs whilst on Earth. Yes, you also have an etheric body
that is refined to allow existence in the higher vibrations, yet you
have much further to go. Eventually you will become a true Being of
Light, but you can still create a "body" for yourself when the necessity
arises. It is worth noting that when you do so to allow movement
through the lower dimensions, it will be limiting in other ways.
Ones throw off any feelings of tiredness or doubt, as the vibrations
are increasing and you are being rejuvenated. Lift up out of doubt or
disbelief and look straight ahead and walk in the Light. Leave your
worries behind you and be assured that everything is in perfect order.
It may be hard to do, but you must start unloading your "baggage" as you
cannot take it with you into the higher realms. Think big and positive
as you have done the hard work to have reached this point in your
evolution. Also bear in mind that you have many souls with you on your
journey, doing all they can to guide you onto a safe and rewarding path.
am SaLuSa and come again to reassure you that all is well and we are
with you all of the way. Our Love and Blessings go with you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey