Another day in paradise..........hello brothers and sisters!
I'm still laughing at how mad I got about my electricity bill, I know how much pain and suffering there is in the world as my lesson on the electricity is just another form of insensitive companies being able
to wrought the system to there advantage and to hell with the customers............I'm alright Jack has
gone on for far to long!
The electricity company has kindly allowed me to make fortnightly payments, so on top of rent that is just peachy! So work hard as they need the money more than you do, to bad if you are already struggling to make ends meet they need it more.
I had to laugh as last night Sydney was brought to its knees via the
illustrious electricity board, I normally don't watch TV or very little
TV as I'm sick of all the negativity that is on board let alone the re
runs the TV stations have going...........they must really think we are
dumb, or we all have Alzheimer's.
I always thought that people went into politics to help make the world a better place........boy have I learn't that lesson, how wrong I was. I also thought that they would monitor the companies doing the wrong thing by over charging there customers...........God! wrong again!
I think the older I get the more I realise that humans can be so cruel to one another! The gap between rich and poor is wider than it has ever been, doesn't it make you wonder where all this is going?
We are in a position to make our votes count in 3 weeks.........don't make a donkey vote as that means
you are in no position to say anything about the treatment you receive at the hands of our most illustrious Politicians and the games they play with your life and lively hood.
Between Councils, Politicians and large corporations we need to put paid to there greed and corruption and change there games by all of us either meditating or praying! If we the people pray for Peace, Love and Harmony the sooner the game change and the Greed and Corruption can be alleviated!