25 May 2013


This is a fabulous news letter...............has fantastic reading and videos, especially random acts of kindness!
lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Sonja Myriel
Check out the video 'Opening of the Portal (5-25-2013)'
Let us envision the GRID of LIGHT - liberated from the grip of the negative energy grid tomorrow, May 25th 12:12 PDT!

Golden LIGHT FROM THE Central Sun and FLOWER OF-Life-Pattern BLESSINGS :-)

Opening of the Portal (5-25-2013)
Opening of the Portal (5-25-2013)
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and s...
Video link:
Opening of the Portal (5-25-2013)

About LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
Let us UNITE and transmute back all misqualified energy into pure Divine Potential! We connect 4 times a day weaving a Net of Violet Light.
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23 May 2013

Lured with the promise of good wages and steady work on a Florida tomato farm, Lucas Domingo was trapped in the nightmare of slavery for 2.5 years. Forced to pick tonnes of tomatoes during the day, Lucas and other workers were locked in a U-Haul truck to prevent them from escaping at night. Eventually they got out by punching a hole through the roof.
This isn’t the norm in the tomato industry but is an extreme example of what has happened on farms outside the protection of the Fair Food Program. Which is why many major food chains and super markets have joined the Fair Food Program, using their combined power to enforce a policy of zero tolerance for slavery.
But Publix Super Markets, a major purchaser of Florida tomatoes, is standing in the way of ending modern slavery in Florida's tomato fields. Publix refuses to join the Fair Food Program. By continuing to do business with tomato farms that do not enforce the Program's principles, Publix could be supporting slavery.
With only two weeks left of the Florida tomato-picking season, there are final quotas to be met and conditions are ripe for worker exploitation. As one Publix representative says “May is prime time”1 for tomatoes and it is also prime time for Publix to profit from produce that could have been picked with forced labour.
Tell Publix Super Markets CEO William Crenshaw to join the fight against slavery in the U.S. tomato industry now.
Florida has been called America’s ‘ground zero for modern slavery’, where workers like Lucas are forced to work for little or no pay. Thankfully the Fair Food Program is working to enforce a policy of zero tolerance for slavery on tomato farms and has been proven successful.
After decades of abuse, Florida’s workers finally have a chance in the fight against exploitation with the Fair Food Program, demanding a policy of zero tolerance for human rights abuses, including slavery, on tomato farms.

Tell Publix to join the Fair Food Program and put an end to modern slavery in the Florida fields. 
We think Publix will make the right choice and join the fight against slavery in the U.S. tomato industry, but it won’t happen without public pressure. Please take action today and forward this message to your friends and family to send as many messages to Publix as possible at this critical time.
Thank you for your support,
Debra, Kate, Mich, Nick, Amy, Jess, Ryan, Hayley and the Walk Free Team

Walk Free is a movement of people everywhere, fighting to end one of the world's greatest evils: Modern slavery. 
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16 May 2013

Hey Everyone!

The Hay House World Summit is here and I'm so proud to announce that I'm a part of it. I talked to Shelley Anderson about Love and Chiron and how this little comet can change your ideas about love and friendship! But I'm only a small part of this wonderful event. 110 Authors were interviewed and they have it available NOW! Just click the postcard above!

Whether you're embracing your health, deepening your spirituality, nurturing your relationships, exploring the world of possibility, or a combination of all of the above — many have chosen Hay House to be their favorite resource and hub of wisdom over the years. To celebrate this tradition of learning and sharing, Hay House has created a new, free, online event just for you: the Hay House World Summit.

Listen in during the week of June 1st through the 10th to more than 100 authors and experts as they share their stories, powerful exercises and advice on how to live your best life.

Popular self-help authors and visionary teachers from an array of fields will sit down for enlightening conversations hosted by industry professionals and fellow authors. Best-selling author Wayne Dyer will share his insight and expertise on manifestation and divine intelligence. Interviews with health advocates including Kris Carr, Julie Daniluk and Donna Gates will illuminate the many paths to healing your body and enjoying your health. Fresh off the success of his new book The Tapping Solution , Nick Ortner will share a simple solution for stress-free living. Relax and enjoy guided meditation exercises from Denise Linn and Sonia Choquette among many others. John Holland will discuss how to tap in to your soul's innate desires and abilities in his interview; while as an interviewer, he will engage with other intuitive speakers about divine guidance and mediumship. Best of all, Hay House is thrilled to invite you to listen to Louise Hay, the founder of Hay House, discuss the beginnings of her company and the affirmations and positive thoughts that help her live a balanced and joyful life. To see the full schedule of authors, go to www.HayHouseWorldSummit.com

When you register for the Hay House World Summit, you will receive six bonus videos to kick off your experience. Watch as Hay House President and CEO Reid Tracy sits down with Louise Hay, Suze Orman, Doreen Virtue, Esther Hicks, Cheryl Richardson, and Wayne Dyer in never-before-seen, entertaining and personal conversations. Join in the fun at the Hay House World Summit to get more from these and other authors and gain even greater insight into living a happy, healthy life. Register for free today at www.HayHouseWorldSummit.com

12 May 2013

Here's a very enlightening video (1hr 55mi) of Dolores Cannon doing a talk.

Dolores Cannon Presents Moving into the New Earth!                              

check out this video Liberation of the planet!
http://coev.webs.com/  Another site to peruse! 

09 May 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Lydia  ♥ admi…
Check out the video 'Cosmic Current: Special Guest Nora Herold with Helane Lipson & CJ Miller ~'

Cosmic Current: Special Guest Nora Herold with Helane Lipson & CJ Miller ~
Cosmic Current: Special Guest Nora Herold with Helane Lipson & CJ Miller ~
Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer and Claudia Helmke Miller (a.k.a. CJ Miller), Certified Hypnotist / Reiki Healer, team up to bring you Ne...
Video link:
Cosmic Current: Special Guest Nora Herold with Helane Lipson & CJ Miller ~

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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03 May 2013

Prepare yourself to be amazed…

By today's episode of The Inspiration Show!
Turn on your images to see my photo or click the link above to watch
The Inspiration Show.

Today, I speak with Lissa Rankin, M.D. about
her incredible new book, Mind Over Medicine:
Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.

Even though Lissa was raised by a family of
traditional doctors, she initially dismissed
holistic practices and chose instead to dedicate
her life to Western medicine.

Find out in this eye-opening interview what
inspired Lissa to turn away from conventional
medicine and toward learning more about the
deep and powerful connection between the
mind & body.

Lissa's story is so inspiring and shines light on
the cutting edge advancements in self-healing
practices with the power of the mind!

You don't want to miss this :)

Enjoy the show! :)
Natalie ~ Mind Movies

P.S. Have you heard the exciting news?!

I'm talking about the release of my new book,
Never In Your Wildest Dreams!

Not only is it a fun, inspiring read, it's also a
rich multimedia experience…

You see, at the end of each chapter, you'll find
a scan code or URL that you can use to access
a special 'Inside the Chapter' video that will
take you deeper into the life lessons shared in
that chapter…

Including how it was inspired by my real-life
experiences :)

When you get your hardcover copy today,
you'll also receive my very special 7-part
goal crunching course valued at $97 for FREE…

But that's not all…

You'll also be entered into a competition to
win an all-expenses paid trip to San
where you'll join me for a full
day of
one-on-one goal setting and
vision building
for your dream life!

That's right! A lucky winner will receive a
FREE trip to California, and together we will
spend a fully day designing an action plan
for your future to help you experience the
happiness and success that you deserve
and desire.

You'll also have the chance to win free tuition
to my brand new online success course, the
Ultimate Success Masterclass!

Find out how to access the book plus tons of
free bonuses plus $20,000 worth of prizes right

Connect with me and leave a comment or 2 to show me you're still around :)

02 May 2013

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

The message below is from Montague Keen. He passed away in 2004. After his passing, he started communicating with his beloved wife, Veronica.
The primary mission of the Montague Keen Foundation is to support the advancement of mankind through education and innovative research.
Hope you find his message inspiring.
Selamat Ja!


April 28, 2013
The desire for peace and the return of love must be uppermost in the hearts and minds of all, as the Great Awakening is expanding and gaining strength. Each and every one of you is important. Your future and the future of your planet depend on whatever steps you take at this time. Your planet is being cleansed of the dark energies that ruled over you: their time is up.
There are those who now wish to distance themselves from the Dark Ones. They want to reveal all that was hidden. Many are under siege, prevented from speaking out. The Dark Ones cannot control everyone: only those whose lives are dominated by the television and the so-called newspapers. Foolish people who accept, without question, all that the television presents to them.
You must each take responsibility for what you accept as truth. You are not puppets. You have minds, so put them to good use. Say NO to war, and NO to invading other countries. Your fellow human beings need your protection. I have told you in the past that it is all part of THE PLAN to take over. Foolish people believe the excuses put forward by the cabal and thereby assist them to destroy country after country. Surely, you are intelligent enough to be able to see this for yourselves. It is so obvious. When you wake up to this, then the killing will stop and peace will return. People are being controlled today as never before. You have no freedom at all. You have allowed this to happen, since by your silence, you gave consent. Do you really want to sleepwalk into extinction?
Find your voice and speak out. Refuse to be mindless puppets any longer. You are powerful beings of light. Allow this light of truth to shine brightly, to act as a beacon to others to come to you for guidance. You will have all the assistance you need. You have only to ask and it will be given. Have faith in yourselves. You can do it.
See yourselves as you are, not as you were told you are. Believe you can do it and you will do it. It is all a question of believing in your own power and knowing who you are. Stop believing the propaganda that now (in the light of truth) looks so ridiculous and so obvious. Laugh at the attempts to create fear in your minds and look with clear eyes at what is being put before you. Then and only then, will you be able to remove the shackles that have imprisoned you mentally as well as physically. It is time to take back your freedom. Take control of your own lives and become the spiritual beings that you actually are.
Open up to your guides and helpers: they eagerly await your calls for guidance. Your hearts will guide you, so trust only your hearts and souls and your way will become clear. This is such an important time in your lives. You cannot afford to make mistakes. Humanity will come together as one, for this is what it is, and always was, until the take-over happened.
The soul-less will have to depart and leave you in peace to recover and establish peace and harmony amongst all the people. Look at what was used to control the lives of man: MONEY. Who invented the monetary system? What did they have in mind? It was certainly not Man's best interests, as it has served only to destroy the lives of men. It will no longer be necessary for Man to be a slave to it. Its purpose was to enslave mankind. Ensure your children grow up free of this enslavement. It is time to challenge all the controls and see them for what they are.
Look into the eyes. Take note of body language also, as those who rule, tell you what is obviously NOT TRUE. Soon, they will realise that lying does not work anymore. They will feel so exposed that they shall not be able to function. It is as simple as that. Laugh at the stories they come up with, to pressure you into accepting another war. They do not give you any credit for your intelligence, as they think you are still puppets, obeying your masters. Show that this is not so. Believe in yourselves.
Read books on spirituality that give guidance on connecting with your own spirituality. You just need to be pointed in the right direction and you will be fine. Such books will help you to trust your intuition. You will then become who you are. Time, as you know it today, will cease to exist. This will free you up to explore and enjoy the world around you. Aging is also mind controlled: you tend to become what you are expected to become, without thinking about how you can control it yourself.
When on Earth, I never saw myself as old. Being old is a state of mind, one I had no desire to enter. So I lived life to the full, right up to my passing. When you learn to take control of your own lives, this will become the norm for you, too. Your whole lives will change for the better when you take back control. It will not take a war to do this, just love in your hearts and the confidence in yourselves to know that this is what you must do.
My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who wished her a Happy Birthday. Sending love to each other: this is what needs to be done. Let the love shine through, to brighten up each day, and to brighten the lives of all who dwell on Earth.
Worry not, my dear, everything is falling into place beautifully. We will guide you when the timing is right. What must be done, will be done !
Forever at your side, my dear. Your adoring, Monty.

As Montague suggested, reading spiritual books help us to stay centered, allowing us to remain focused on our ascension. May I suggest two books by Sheldan that are designed to prepare us for ascension and reunion with our Galactic Community

YFC ad

YGN ad 2
YFC ad
YOUR FIRST CONTACT will take you on an amazing journey into Earth’s past, present and future. It will give you a comprehensive overview of your off-world origins, your true purpose and your spiritual destiny.
In these pages, you will discover:
* How your First Contact will actually occur
* Why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2 strands to 12
* What role Star Beings play in your evolution
* How Earth and the solar system will evolve
* Why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional being is at hand
YGN cover ad
YOUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORS will implode all of your previous notions about extraterrestrial Beings. It will acquaint you with the compassionate and sentient entities with whom we share this universe. Read it, and prepare yourself to become a true citizen of the Milky Way Galaxy!
In these pages, you will learn about 22 galactic neighbors:
* History
* Location
* Solar system
* Home worlds
* Galactic society
* Physical appearance
* Spacecraft


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