27 March 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the video 'ET Disclosure | "U.S. military worked with aliens"'
I will be seeing Charles Hall on the 7th April when he visits Australia,what a lovely couple:) Kerrie/Zoolithe

ET Disclosure | "U.S. military worked with aliens"
ET Disclosure | "U.S. military worked with aliens"
Australian TV show interviews Charles Hall who worked with ET at US Bases.
Video link:
ET Disclosure | "U.S. military worked with aliens"

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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26 March 2013

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Lydia  ♥ admi…
Check out the blog post 'The Vibration Of Now ~ Written by Ella Cole, March 25, 2013'

Blog post added by Sky Watcher:

The Vibration of Now... Some of you may be feeling some waves of depression/sadness/fatigue last night and today..We're locking into 5D an...

Blog post link:
The Vibration Of Now ~ Written by Ella Cole, March 25, 2013

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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                               "What Else Is Possible?!"
Do NOT Miss Jarrad & Dr. Kim!

       Jarrad Hewett       Kimberly McGeorge
Listen Here

This Call Is Potent Energy Shifting & Healing!

Upcoming Interviews:
            Jim Self/April 2     Marlise Karlin/April 23 
Why We Numb Ourselves..

I personally have never fit very well in this reality...It makes perfect sense to me that I wanted to drop out of society, rebel, and used various drugs to not feel, in my early 20's. Whether we use food, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, control, travel, T.V., or hoarding..It's difficult to feel all the raw feelings we have going on ,especially now! Instead of making yourself wrong, why not give yourself a break! I have never been a fan of "will-power"...We feel, shame, and guilt about ourselves from whatever we bought as truth about ourselves, that was really a lie. We have out little secrets, hoping no one will find out we don't have our S___ together. 
 Nobody has it all together, and God bless you, no matter what your habit is. Please know you are appreciated. I have a friend who said, "I have been praying for a heart attack." This precious man, was drafted in the 60's forced to kill people, sees war going on today, and doesn't want to be here.  I get it! We are also picking up so much of the collective unconsciousness so your pain, worry and fear any not even be yours! Breathe, put your feet in Nature, and know you are not wrong, and have NOTHING to be ashamed of or feel guilty about!

Your Voice Matters!


Please share this newsletter with your face book friends...Pass it along and  together we'll change the world.

As Always.

Infinite Love & Appreciation!


Are The Guru You've Been Looking For!"

The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow Love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, Light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to Love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Amen, Amen, Amen

13 March 2013

  1. Common and Rare Side Effects for Lipitor Oral

    Find information about common, infrequent and rare side effects of Lipitor Oral. ... The following side effects are associated with Lipitor Oral: Common side effects ...
  2. Lipitor Side Effects | Drugs.com

    www.drugs.com › ... › High CholesterolLipitor
    Learn about the potential side effects of Lipitor (atorvastatin). Includes common and rare side effects information for consumers and healthcare professionals.


    Please take note that Lipitor is for High Cholestrol and has massive side effects!

    One female I know of has contacted Hepatitis another male who was a client couldn't work due to terrible muscle pain!

BE YOUR LIGHT and by doing so you shall LIGHTEN UP YOUR WORLD ~Blossom Goodchild
Check out the blog post 'Message from Matthew -- March 11, 2013'

Blog post added by Luisa Vasconcellos:

Message from Matthew March 11, 2013 Pace of societal progress; law of attraction; ego, consciousness; Barack Obama; Hugo Chavez; "si...

Blog post link:
Message from Matthew -- March 11, 2013

Information to assist us align with our soul truth under the guidance of The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
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10 March 2013

Health2U Group

DALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Take a gander at the list of more than 1,300 potential hormone disrupting chemicals just released by researchers at The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, and you may not feel overly concerned at first. You might think, "Glyphosate? Dimethylbenzene? Benzoic acid? What's that got to do with me, and what exactly is a hormone disruptor, anyway?" But the truth is, many of these industrial chemicals (which were never adequately tested for long-term health effects before being introduced to the general public) have found their way into products we come into contact with each and every day—pesticides in food, on our lawns, and inside our homes. These chemicals also lurk in food preservatives, in household dust, and in household products ranging from hairspray and shampoo to air fresheners and candles. Depending on when we're exposed, researchers now believe that certain hormone disruptors can set us up not only for developmental problems early in life, but also for hormone-related problems like obesity, infertility, certain cancers, and diabetes that may not surface until decades after exposure. Hormone-disrupting chemicals throw off our bodies' intricate systems for developing and regulating our bodily systems; these chemicals mess with our ability to function in a way our bodies did pre-Industrial Revolution.
THE DETAILS: For years, The Endocrine Disruption Exchange staff has been poring over thousands of published scientific studies to build this list of more than 1,300 potentially hormone-disrupting chemicals. For a chemical to make the cut, at least one scientific study had to show that the chemical had hormone disruption effects. However, Carol Kwiatkowski, PhD, executive director and senior research associate at The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, says researchers found multiple studies indicating hormone disruption as an effect of many of the chemicals listed. And this list is just the tip of the iceburg. "We had to stop somewhere so we could share this list, but we're already working on adding more chemicals," Kwiatkowski says.
WHAT IT MEANS: While the list shows all different types of chemicals, including the notorious BPA, a particular class of chemicals kept popping up: Pesticides. Weed-, bug-, and fungi-killing chemicals used in homes, gardens, and farm fields appeared time and time again on the list. "There are 269 pesticides on the list, and there are going to be lots more," Kwiatkowski notes. Glyphosate, the chemical name for the common agricultural and residential weedkiller Roundup, is on the list, as is 2, 4-D, a compound Monsanto, the maker of toxic chemicals and genetically engineered seeds, hopes to use in its next round of GMO seedsBenzene, an air pollutant that is often linked to cancer and breathing problems, is also recognized as a hormone disruptor. That's bad news for the natural gas drilling industry, which is being slammed by studies showing major public health threats. Earlier in the year, The Endocrine Disruption Exchange published a study finding that 43 percent of the chemicals used in natural gas drilling are endocrine disruptors. The development of this list also brought to light the fact that hormone-disrupting chemicals, which can affect the endocrine glands—pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, thymus, pancreas, ovaries, and testes—can lead to problems with immune systems, bone health, and brain and heart development, too. "We were surprised at the range of effects related to the endocrine system," Kwiatkowski says.
Here are 4 ways to phase out hormone-disrupting chemicals from everyday life.

• Demand organic. This list adds to the mounting research finding that pesticides don't just damage weeds and other pests, but us, too. It's farmer's market season, which means you can find great deals on in-season, local, organic food. Just make sure it's really organic: How to Find True Organic Food at the Farmer's Market.
• Demand a moratorium on natural gas drilling. Unconventional natural gas drilling, which uses the toxic fracking process to release subterranean gas, uses hundreds of toxic chemicals that wastewater-treatment plants cannot adequately deal with before the water is then released back into waterways, including those that serve as drinking water supplies. And wastewater from the drilling could be shipped far from the original site, ending up in municipal systems after being inadequately filtered. You can lobby your local government to adopt an ordinance that bans natural gas drilling in your area.
• Banish toxic household hormone disruptors. Ditch benzene- and synthetic fragrance-emitting candles and air fresheners. If you still want ambiance, choose beeswax candles, which actually help clean up indoor air. In general, avoid any personal-care products listing parfum or fragrance as an ingredient. Check the online and with manufacturers the safety of products you use, and to find safer ones if you need to.
• Don't use pesticides in or around your home. Just as you shouldn't eat pesticides with your food, you shouldn't inhale them, taint your drinking water with them, or absorb them through your skin. Use natural pest-control methods and nontoxic lawn and garden tactics from Organic Gardening magazine.
Summary: Cellfood features all the power you need to begin your process of healing. The powerful formulation may assist in 
cleansing your body at a cellular level of those built up nasties and put you on the road to recovery. Find a good Practitioner who can carry out some targeted hormone tests and set in place a program to get your hormones back on track. Also, try Digest-Ease, a comprehensive probiotic for balancing 'friendly' bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are essential for good hormonal health and will help you clear toxins. iHealth Online store features 'hand picked' Superfoods to help you recover health and vitality.
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09 March 2013

This is always brilliant but check out the video of the skeptical police officer discovering his past life!

08 March 2013

A Call for Love

Dee recently went into the post office to mail a package while I waited in the car. She returned with tears in her eyes. She had encountered a particularly nasty clerk who didn’t even want to tell her any optional rates for mailing her package. Dee had to resist the temptation to argue with the clerk or criticize her.
Then the clerk stepped away for a moment and as she walked, Dee could see that the woman was in great pain, physically and psychically. Her body was stiff and bent, and her heart was obviously broken. The environment in which she worked was oppressive, with flickering, humming fluorescent lights, and a machine inside the office making an ongoing beep beep beep like a truck’s backup signal. In that moment Dee’s attitude shifted from resistance to compassion. The woman was older and Dee felt sad she had to work at that age in a stifling environment to sustain herself.
A Course in Miracles tells us that all human actions are either pure expressions of love, or calls for love. Anyone who is upset, angry, or nasty is in pain. Hurt people hurt people. No one at peace with him or herself would do anything to hurt anyone else. The Course urges us to not take the nastiness of others personally. Their dark actions are not about you. They speak of that person’s consciousness. They are a call for love.
There is an African tribe in which when a woman knows she is pregnant, she goes into the wilderness with some friends and together they pray to hear the song of the child. When the women attune to the child’s soul signature, they translate it into a chant and teach it to all the villagers. When the child is born, the villagers gather and sing the child into the world with his or her unique song.
The villagers also sing the child’s song at significant transition point in the child’s life, such as the first day of education, the adulthood initiation, marriage, and eventually death. Yet there is one other time when the tribe members sing the child’s song. If the child commits a crime or socially aberrant act, he is placed at the center of the village and everyone in the village gathers around him and sings his song to him. They do not punish him. Instead, they realize that the person has acted antisocially because he is in pain, disconnected from his self and his song. The song reminds him who he really is, and calls him to come home to himself.
All of the ills of society are a result of a sense of disconnection with self, others, and God. The answer to our problems, then, is to restore connection, to regard fear-based acts as calls for love. In the movie Legally Blonde, a young lawyer is assigned to defend a woman accused of killing her husband. The lawyer eventually figures out that the woman is innocent. “My client is an aerobics instructor,” she tells her colleagues. “She has lots of endorphins running through her system, which make her feel good. No one who feels good would need to kill someone.”
You have the power to heal by reframing hurtful actions—by others or yourself—as a call for love. If you love as the antidote, you may participate in a miracle. Louise Hay once asked me what I write when I sign autographs in books. I told her what I write and then asked her what she writes. “I just write "Love heals,'” she answered. Maybe that’s all any of us need to write.

06 March 2013

I have decided to share some of my most memorable experiences with clients!

I recently had a young female present with lower back issues, or so she thought as she had fallen of a horse!

As I worked on her I felt that there was more to this as it felt more like she was victim of a car accident.  I quizzed her and her mother and it came to light that the mother had had a car accident when she was four months pregnant, the four month old fetus now a young girl, had locked that accident in her body and had never been able to move past it, her muscles and joints had locked into a holding pattern, causing her to be tired all the time and sleep like a log, but never really feeling any better no matter how much she slept and difficulty waking up in the morning.  The mother had no idea that this was even possible.

We have underestimated the human body, it locks in physical, mental and emotional issues and trauma's on a cellular level!  It can go undetected without the person even knowing that there is a problem, until something else crops up and someone suggests Quantum Body Mechanics.

My second client had been to me several times but had thought she would come to me for a maintenance run.  I related the story of the girl as described above, and as I started to work on her she mentioned that she also had had a whiplash injury due to a car accident and sure enough her neck and shoulders presented the injury, as I went further she had locked several other major traumas within her body.......and most of it was to do with anger and guilt and not being able to control or verbalize to the perpetrators how she was feeling.
Even though she had been to see me several times before the issues or traumas only arise when the physical body feels it safe to do.  There is no right or wrong time for the release from the cellular level!

The Human Body is the most greatly misunderstood  Grand Divine Design of our time.....we know more about cars and computers than we do the Human Body!