haven’t met an adult yet who doesn’t experience some sort of hormonal
imbalances. The fact that most conventionally trained doctors fail
miserably in this area and are not able to detect and correctly address
such imbalances, makes it even more widespread.
What is really happening? People started to wake up to the reality
that much has to do with our lifestyle and dietary choices. But it’s
also another, less talked about aspect: environmental exposure to
chemicals. And this affects us all to some degree.
Since the end of World War II, some 100,000 synthetic chemicals,
pollutants (waste products), and toxicants (such as pesticides and
herbicides) have been released into our air, water, or soil. Of the 1000
or more different substances manufactured and released into the
environment each year, most are not tested for safety.
Depending on where you live, either some or many of these compounds
are in the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe.
These chemicals have the power to disrupt the endocrine system, leading
to harmful health effects. They are “endocrine disruptors”.
So it is clear that no human has been born since the middle of the
20th century without some exposure, in the womb, to hormonally-active
synthetic compounds. This is a reality which we shouldn’t deny, but
rather gather information on how to cope with.
How Do Xenoestrogens Affect Our Health?
the list of hormonally active compounds is
longer than anyone had previously imagined in the early days of the
research. Not only are more compounds involved, but more hormone
systems are now known to be vulnerable. And within each hormonal system,
new mechanisms of interaction between compounds and receptor systems
are being explored to understand how a compound exerts its effects.
Originally framed only as “estrogen mimicry” or “estrogens in the
environment,” research has expanded to include many other hormone
systems: estrogen blocking as well as mimickry, androgen blocking,
concern for interference with thyroid hormones and progesterone.
Estrogen mimickers in the form of chemicals (xenoestrogens) mimic the
action of estrogen produced in cells and can alter hormonal
activity. It should be of particular interest for anyone dealing with
an estrogen dominance already (very common for many women these days)
and related conditions such as uterine fibroid tumors, fibrocystic
breasts, breast cancer, glandular dysfunction, male infertility,
endometriosis, hair loss, weight gain, and depression, to name just a
Estrogen dominance from these environmental hormone disrupters are
causing an imbalance of female hormones, creating a host of estrogen
dominance symptoms.
Girls and boys are reaching puberty too early as a result of these
disrupters. Additionally, xenoestrogens produce hormonal stimuli that
contributes to inappropriate growth of mammary tissue cells, resulting
in a problem society is calling “man boobs.”
Hormones – most of which are created in various glands such as the
thyroid- act in the body like messengers, to transfer information from
glands to receptor sites in cells. When hormones circulate in our blood,
they are seeking the right site on our cells to plug into so that their
message can be both send and received by our cells and body. When the
connection is made, estrogens and other hormones are meant to start and
stop a wide range of physiological functions. Hormones are not
selective. So instead of “partnering” with their meant-to-be-hormone,
they also accept a wide variety of synthetic hormone-like strangers into
their receptor sites, blocking the message of the naturally occuring
hormone. In addition, because these synthetic hormones are constantly
present, they may attach at the wrong time and disrupt the precise
timing of the developmental order.
In her book Hormone Deception, Lindsey Berkson identifies at least
five different responses that can occur when “inappropriate orders” are
given by synthetic hormones:
- mimic the natural hormones in our bodies, such as estrogens
- antagonize (block) our natural hormones, such as androgens (male hormones), thyroid hormone, and progesterone
- alter the way in which natural hormones are produced, eliminated or metabolized
- modify the number of hormone receptors we have and thus the amount of hormonal signaling in our bodies
- stimulate the release of hormones or other natural substances that affect the balance of our hormones in our bodies
Where Can Endocrine Disrupting Xenoestrogens Be Found?
The most common endocrine disruptors are:
- Atrazine - is widely used as an herbicide to control broad-leaf weed
species that grow in crops such as corn, sugarcane, hay and winter
wheat. Atrazine is also applied to Christmas trees, residential lawns,
golf courses, and other recreational areas. Atrazine is the second
largest selling pesticide in the world and estimated to be the most
heavily used herbicide in the United States.
- BPA – used as a lining in most food and beverage cans. BPA global
capacity is in excess of 6.4 billion lbs per year and thus is one of the
highest-volume chemicals produced worldwide. Leaching of BPA has led to
widespread human exposure.
- Butylated hydroxyanisole, BHA is used as a food preservative.
- Bisphenol A is monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin; antioxidant in plasticizers.
- Dioxin is a group of highly toxic chemicals are released during
combustion processes, pesticide manufacturing and chlorine bleaching of
wood pulp. Dioxin is discharged into waterways from pulp and paper
- Erythrosine, FD&C Red No. 3 used in a wide range of processed foods and medications.
- Ethinylestradiol (combined oral contraceptive pill) is released into the environment as a xenoestrogen.
- Endosulfan is an insecticide used on numerous vegetables, fruits,
cereal grains and trees. Human exposure occurs through food consumption
or ground and surface water contamination.
- Nonylphenol and derivatives are used as industrial surfactants,
emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization, laboratory detergents,
- PBB are chemicals added to plastics used in computer monitors,
televisions, textiles and plastics foams to make them more difficult to
burn. Manufacturing of PBBs in the United States stopped in 1976,
however because they do not degrade easily PBBs continue to be found in
soil, water and air.
- PCBs are man made organic chemicals known as chlorinated
hydrocarbons. PCBs were manufactured primarily for use as insulating
fluids and coolants given their chemical stability, low flammability and
electrical insulating properties. PCBs were banned in 1979 but like DDT
continue to persist in the environment.
- Phthalates are plasticizers providing durability and flexibility to
plastics such as polyvinyl chloride. High molecular weight phthalates
are used in flooring, wall coverings and medical device such as
intravenous bags and tubing. Low molecular weight phthalates are found
in perfumes, lotions, cosmetics, varnishes, lacquers and coatings
including timed releases in pharmaceuticals.
- Parabens are used in a huge variety of cosmetics, and personal care products.
- Propyl gallate is used to protect oils and fats in products from oxidation.
- 4-hexyl resorcinol is used to prevent shrimp, lobsters, and other shellfish from discoloring.
- 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) is used in sunscreen lotions.
A Few Important Ways To Reduce Xenoestrogens In Your Life
Environment and house
- Organ chlorines, are one of the largest sources. They are found in
pesticides, dry cleaning, bleaching of feminine-hygiene products and the
manufacture of plastics. Choose organic feminine hygiene products and
avoid the rest.
- Avoid plastic goods - they leach into the environment and will eventually come right back to your plate.
- Avoid new carpet – it can give off noxious fumes.
- Be aware of noxious gas such as that from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, etc.
- Do not inhale and protect your skin from: electrical oils,
lubricants, adhesive paints, lacquers, solvents, oils, paints, fuel,
industrial wastes, packing materials, harsh cleaning products,
Food and water
- Avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides on produce. Wash
the fruits and vegetables in a solution of one part vinegar and 3 parts
water before consuming, to rid the pesticides.
- Have a good water filterfor your source of water. Reverse osmosis is
the best option. Do not leave plastic containers, especially your
drinking water, in the sun. If a plastic water container has heated up
significantly, throw it away – do not drink the water either.
- Use only organic based whole foods. Buy organic, pastured, hormone free, antibiotic free meats and dairy products, ideally from small, sustainable farmers.
- Propyl gallate, the preservative used to prevent fats and oils from
spoiling can be found in a range of foods including baked goods,
shortening, dried meats, candy, fresh pork sausage, mayonnaise and dried
- Do not microwave food in plastic containers, and especially avoid the use of plastic wrap to cover food for microwaving.
- Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food.
Medication and Conventional Medicine Procedures
- The birth control pill contains high concentration of synthetic
estrogen. Choose a condom or diaphragm gels without surfactants. Use a
condom without spermicidal.
- Don’t use hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
- Avoid X-rays as much as possible.
Personal care products and cleaning
- Don’t use fabric softeners as it puts petrochemicals right on your skin.
- Use a simple laundry and dish detergent with less chemicals.
- Buy non-toxic house cleaners like Seventh Generation or make your
own, using basic and effective ingredients like vinegar, lemon, baking
soda, and borax.
- Use organic soaps and toothpastes. Avoid fluoride.
- Avoid creams and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic
ingredients such as parabens and stearal konium chloride. Switch to more
natural and simple products. Cheap brands usually have more toxic
ingredients. To check the level of toxicity for your cosmetics you can
go to ewg.org/skindeep.
Better yet, you can make your own, non-toxic (even edible!) personal
care products, using essential oils, organic oils and other basic
ingredients. The simpler, the better!
- Avoid regular nail polish and nail polish removers. At health food
stores and online you can find non-toxic alternatives for these.
- Use only naturally based perfumes, like Pacifica. Most perfumes are petrochemically based.
Address Your Hormonal Imbalances Naturally
Hormones affect metabolic processes and have many, very powerful
effects and will result in change in metabolism, mood, weight, fluid
balance, to name just a few. The adrenals and the steroidal hormone
balance are involved in regulating virtually every aspect of body
The Adrenal Cortex, for example, is responsible for producing over 50
different types of hormones. Simply put: As goes the health and
functional efficiency of the adrenals, so goes the health and functional
efficiency of every aspect of metabolism in the body.
The biggest insult for our bodies when we want to balance our
hormones is to choose hormone replacement therapy. This contains
synthetic estrogens, which have been clearly associated with a
significant increase in breast cancer. Moreover, this allopathic and
dangerous approach doesn’t even come close to address the real cause of
hormonal imbalances.
A holistic, integrative and functional approach that is meant to give
your body all necessary nutrients in order to start producing hormones
as needed and maintain optimal levels is offered by the
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Advisors. They are highly trained to address your hormonal imbalances in a very effective, non-invasive and safe way.
And the best rule of all: LIVE A SIMPLE, “GREEN” LIFE AND STICK WITH
QUALITY AND LESS QUANTITY IN EVERYTHING! Read labels and make your own
whenever you can. This should offer a great deal of improvement in your
quality of life!
Berkson, Lindsey.
Hormone Deception
Gray Graham, Deborah Kesten and Larry Scherwitz.
Pottenger’s Prophecy-How Food Resets Genes For Wellness Or Illness
T. Colborn, D. Dumanoski, and J. Peterson,
Our stolen future. New York: Penguin, 1997
About the author
Raluca Schachter
is a passionate Nutritionist and Metabolic Typing Advisor®, with a
background in both nutrition and communication/PR. She believes in
traditional, unaltered food, ancestral wisdom, sustainable farming and
living. Raluca was able to naturally reverse chronic health conditions
she was struggling with most of her life, and now uses her knowledge to
help as many people as possible do the same. Her health programs and
diet plans offer a very unique and comprehensive approach to health,
where individual nutritional and biochemical requirements are firstly
met using specific nutrients and foods that each metabolism thrives on.
This approach reveals why and how ‘one diet/herb doesn’t fit all’ and
why ‘one man’s food is another one’s poison.’ Raluca currently resides
in Garden Grove, CA and offers her services for local and distance
clientele. For more information visit her website and blog
guide2health.net or join
Raluca on Facebook
www.wakeup-world.com /
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