29 September 2012

www.ihealth.net.au for cell food!  
http://www.baramay.com this is for an activation meditation.
  1. Lynne McTaggart is a best-selling author, researcher and lecturer ...

    Lynne McTaggart is a best-selling author, researcher and lecturer whose work has rightly been described as “a bridge between science and spirituality”.
  2. The Intention Experiment - The Largest Mind-Over Matter ...

    21 Sep 2012 – Lynne McTaggart has decided to make the Living the Field course ... Find out about our very latest Teleseminars with Lynne McTaggart, and ...
  3. Lynne McTaggart - The Intention Experiment

    Lynne McTaggart is the award-winning author of five books, including the international bestselling sensations The Field and The Intention.

23 September 2012


QUANTUM PHYSICS is at the cutting edge of Western science and in many respects goes way beyond Einstein's Theory of Relativity. The interesting thing about quantum physics is that the original impetus giving rise to it, namely the pursuit of the elemental building blocks of the Universe (separate elementary particles) has become meaningless with the discovery that the Universe appears to be an undivided Whole in a perpetual state of dynamic flux.
Like Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Quantum Physics reveals the Universe to be a single gigantic field of energy in which matter is just a 'slowed down' form of energy. Further, Quantum Physics has discovered that matter/energy does not exist with any certainty in definite places, but rather shows 'tendencies' to exist. (i.e. the 'Uncertainty Principle') Even more intriguing is the notion that the existence of an observer is fundamental to the existence of the Universe - a concept known as 'The Observer Effect' - implying that the Universe is a product of consciousness. (i.e. the Mind of God) 1
As American physicist, Barbara Brennan, states in her book 'The Hands of Light':
"Through experiments over the past few decades physicists have discovered matter to be completely mutable into other particles or energy and vice-versa and on a subatomic level, matter does not exist with certainty in definite places, but rather shows 'tendencies' to exist. Quantum physics is beginning to realise that the Universe appears to be a dynamic web of interconnected and inseparable energy patterns. If the universe is indeed composed of such a web, there is logically no such thing as a part. This implies we are not separated parts of a whole but rather we are the Whole." 2

Quantum Body Mechanics  The time has come for the renaming of Body Mechanics to Quantum Body Mechanics............

This modality is hands on, in the form of massage but in no way shape or form replaces the opinions of other professionals or your own intuition.  This is not a modality for illness, this is something that can assist those in physical pain or discomfort...........on saying that I have a client whose heart rate has stabilized, from using the Quantum Body Mechanics (it starts with the realignment of the body).
People from all walks of life have come to have this therapy, I will only ever treat a person with their permission taking the greatest of care with their well being.

Pain and illness is only information for you to seek out the answer to why this has arisen at that particular time it means there is an imbalance in the 4 bodies (mental, spiritual, emotional, and into the physical )and by looking within and seeking outside help (therapists and or doctors) to assist you enables one to participate in their own healing.

This can be a life changing experience............as this modality transmutes the energy in your body by changing the frequencies in your cells by hands on manipulation.  Below are just some of the things that can be transmuted
  1.   Stress which really creates havoc with the physical body let alone the mental and emotional bodies
  2.   Lower back, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, arm and shoulder pain
  3.   Past trauma's which means physical, mental or emotional
  4.  What you bring in energetically from family lines
  5.   Re balancing of all the bodies into alignment.
The last three from 3 to 5 takes time with extra effort to be made on your part by working on your own
unresolved issues it then resolves and transmutes old energy very quickly.

Please feel free to read client testimonials!
in Love and Light

Another great web site to peruse here is the link:  www.nibiruancouncil.com
                                                                         www.ihealth.net.au for cell food! 
http://cancerfightingstrategies.com/cancer-killers.html this is one for those that are in the need to know!
This site describes what control you can have over your own disease and come out the other side intact!

15 September 2012

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

FANTASTIC! Our friends at InLight Radio have produced their own Disclosure video: I Know My Galactic Family Is Here~~Do YOU?
Sheldan and I are so excited about this movement to disclose the truth about our Galactic Families~~that they are here and they are benevolent Beings.
Now the InLight Radio team needs our help. We, the Starseeds and Lightworkers have the ability to make this video go viral. Share it on all your social media networks and email lists.
The InLight Radio team produced this fantastic video, now it is up to us to distribute it. Many ask me, how can I help. This is one way you can help. Let's make YouTube history! DISTRIBUTE! DISTRIBUTE! DISTRIBUTE!
(Sirian for "Heartfelt Gratitude")

I Know My Galactic Family Is Here~~Do You?

This video has been produced and released for you to share with all your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues - and the world - to let them know that our Galactic family is here.
For too long, our governments, military leaders, religious leaders and the mainstream media have hidden the truth of our galactic history and the real presence of our star brothers and sisters from us. Not any more! Our Galactic family is here - and has been since the beginning of time. They come in peace, love and friendship to help us fix our planet and create the world we all deserve - a world of peace, pristine environments, equality on every level (racial, financial, sexual) and, importantly, love.
This video features the InLight Radio on-air team - Graham Dewyea, Steve Beckow, Geoffrey West, Linda Dillon, Dave Schmidt, Sierra Neblina and Stephen Cook - as they share their personal disclosure stories and ask you to share this video with everyone you know via your social media and online resources. We know our Galactic family is here - do you?
You can find out more about InLIght Radio

A Heart to Heart Talk With The Galactic Federation

Sheldan's webinar archive, A Heart to Heart Talk, is available in download format. Here's what it includes:
• The origins of the Galactic Federation
• The purpose of the Galactic Federation
• Why they have come here (to Gaia/Earth) at this time
• First Contact – how it will affect us
• Becoming a Star Nation and what it means
PAO has provided a youtube preview~~check it out!


Sheldan explains where we originally come from and outlines the evolutionary steps that will culminate in our genetic activation.
  • Activating a changing human genome
  • A meditation to activate your DNA
  • Who are we? ETs to the present and beyond
  • The human rebellion: our evolving world in crisis
  • Toward the rise of a new Lemuria
  • Our 5-D Future

Sunday, September 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, September 27, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk with Sheldan live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
REGISTER NOW! You won't want to miss it!


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Also, Please remember to add galactichumans@yahoo.com and galacticheart1@comcast.net to your address book or safe list for uninterrupted delivery. Thanks!

14 September 2012

Another week has passed by.........here are some more web sites to peruse

www.mothership-productions.com and watch the u tube version of Mary Rodwell, absolutely brilliant!

These sites are not for the faint hearted but for those that have their eyes wide open and wish to know more about the universe.

Another site is www.openheartresources.com ..... Kalie Marino for hints on working on oneself, with greater understanding!

www.cellfood.com.au ............last site for the day!

Something we all need to remember is the world is a big place, but the universe is even bigger........and all that we have been led to believe isn't always the truth, that is why I have added as many websites possible as through seeking and searching others opinions we can then make up our own minds.  Just don't forget to go within to seek the truth even if it looks like someone elses opinion seems scary...........its through opening our hearts and minds that the truth always remains the truth.........and the only thing that is real is LOVE!

10 September 2012

Beginning of another week, and I have come to learn that human behavior will never cease to amaze me.  I have found that there are times when people say things to others that they are actually talking about themselves.  This classic example is when someone has to put another person down.............this is about them not feeling good about themselves and making another person pay for their own inadequacy, bullying at its most primal.  I have been an active participant in studying human behavior for the last 20 years and even today it still amazes me how people can't seem to help themselves in their odd behaviors.  Its like telling me
that I operate from the dark side, as my energy signature indicates that!  All I can say is Wow!  What does that person know that I don't?  I seriously think one needs to evaluate themselves when making such a statement to another person.  Let the Divine Creator in all of us bring the best out in us...........I bless all that is.............I forgive all!  May the Divine Creator bless all!

Love and light

08 September 2012

This is another interesting site!

iHealth.net.au | Cellfood Australia, Dietary and Nutritional ...

I will add other sites through my blog as they come to my attention!

From one soul to another have a fantastic day everyone!

07 September 2012

This is an excerpt from a newsletter by Victor and Wendy Zammit that I found interesting!


Homepage http://www.victorzammit.com

 QUESTION: Victor, we see some religions who use violence against others - claiming to be legitimate according to their religion. How can that be spiritual?
Victor: I said it before and say it again - this is very important to understand: being 'religious' does not necessarily mean one is being 'spiritual'. Being spiritual means only good things are done or said - anything that will unselfishly help others. This also means that being spiritual there CANNOT be any violence or cruelty against others. Perhaps there may be some religions urging violence against those who are not of the same faith. That may be religious BUT that is NOT being spiritual. We can ONLY raise our spiritual-etheric vibrations of the soul when we are spiritual NOT necessarily when we are 'religious.' Of course, those who are highly spiritual can also be highly spiritual - but one should not accept that being religious will mean automatically one is being spiritual. Conduct, how we behave will determine if we are being spiritual.

PLEASE EXPLAIN: "I was reading that when a Catholic priest says, 'I absolve you form your sins' it means that the sinner's sins are totally forgiven - as if he did not commit those sins (sins=violations of spiritual laws). What do you say about that - do you think that priests can completely forgive sins? Carlos. Argentina.

Victor: This is a question of 'authority'. For those who have been researching transmissions from the afterlife by highly credible sources, the answer is that no priest, no mullah, no padre, no minister, no self-appointed holy-man has the power power to change in any way the universal Law of Cause and Effect and to erase karmic consequences. No person on earth, be he a pope, cardinal, archbishop, priest, nun or anybody else can be completely forgiven by confessing his spiritual transgressions to another priest. I say it is a good start if someone who has done awful things says and feels sincerely sorry. But we are told that the Law of Cause and Effect sooner or later will make the wrongdoer experience the pain and suffering of the victim. That is called Cosmic Justice - perfect in its operation. The Law of Cause and Effect works with mathematical precision and guaranteed, no one on earth has the power to change this Law.

05 September 2012

www.healthykidz.com.au  check out this site for more information on additives.

Today's subject is food preservatives, and what they are doing to us.  Most of us get lead around by the nose as we believe that food manufacturers are doing what is best for every one's health....think again it appears to be about the bottom line.  It isn't the manufactures problem but ours, until we all start working together to stop the manufactures putting all these dreadful additives into our food.  The hardest part for me when at the supermarket is if I have forgotten my glasses it is impossible to read the writing it is so small, this I believe is to make it appear insignificant to the goodness of the product ..........think again.  We all need to remember the baby formula that killed and maimed babies due to an additive put in by the manufacturer.  As time passes all these things seem to disappear from the minds of the media and us.

The other one is shampoo, conditioners and face and body lotions, I can remember going through a dreadful time with my scalp and skin (I am highly sensitive to additives) ..........I went to the chemist
searching for a natural face and body lotion that didn't cost the earth and the chemist himself said that most products are a by product of petroleum.  The additives in shampoo's can give you eczema
on your scalp, or, and,  dreadful itching.  Our bodies are so finely tuned that it can and will react to what we are ingesting.  Children are coming up with some terrible aliments and I believe it is mostly due to their sensitivety to all un natural things fed to them!

We need to wake up and say no more, we do count and so do our children.

Love and Light

03 September 2012

Another day, another thought about another day!  We as humans need to learn self responsibility, taking care of ourselves in every way from our thoughts to our actions and reactions.  Every moment of everyday we have the choice or option to live the we way choose, in love peace and harmony or hate loathing and reactionary.  Bullying, road rage, anger, hate crimes are all signs of fear, fear of not having enough, not being good enough and on and on the list goes.  If we all loved ourselves and worked toward helping and enabling others the world would be such a wonderful place of love and no fear.  This is a world I look forward to living in..........I take responsibility for myself with the people I will allow in my life and those I won't.  There are many people who have come and gone in my life, taught me a lesson or several lessons but each time it has made me a better and stronger person, without these lessons I would be unable to help or understand others in their pain and discomfort.

The boat people, if it was me or some of my family and we were being persecuted, I to would want to leave a war torn country...........are we as humans so unfeeling that we think it is okay to have people drown trying to enter a better country than the one they left.  One bad apple doesn't make all people of a country or culture bad, but without hope others then become tainted.  Black, pink, white or purple we are all here to learn, we all want the same things, to love and be loved!

Everyday let us think of a way that we can do something nice for someone else........I always think of the movie "Pay it forward" to this day it is still one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Have a fantastic life one that you can be proud of, its not the material possessions that count, but what one has done for others that really count, make a difference, be all you can be!

Love and Light

02 September 2012

Phew, got through the second moon of the month and now into September, but we need to remember anything left undone.........meaning forgiveness of self and others, now is the time to clear the past so we can move into the future clearer than we have ever been, that doesn't mean you forgive their behaviors, but the persons soul for not knowing any better.  I have always personally strived to imagine them as a perfect baby coming into the world, and then being damaged to the point where they in turn need to hurt others, as hard as it sometimes is there is always a lesson in it for us, as well as the perpetrator!   One other thing is that you need to forgive yourself as well for having those feelings, and the best way to do this work is to write them a letter (but never posting it) to whom ever the bad feelings involve, you finish the letter by writing anything that you would love to say to them, don't worry about spelling mistakes as no one is ever going to read it, because when you have written at the bottom of the letter I forgive you.................name of the person, and I forgive myself for having those feelings..........your name.  You then put that letter under your pillow, sleep on it and then burn the letter safely the next possible opportunity and imagine handing this over to the universe to take care of it for you.  Some times you may need to write letters several times before you actually get to feel the release.  You know when the forgiveness has taken place is when you can think of this person or persons and have no internal reaction.  This is one way for you to have control over your life, by letting go you are then never a victim of a circumstance that you had no control over in the first place. 

There are so many great alternative therapies out there that we can utilize to help us on our journey, including body workers that can also help with many emotional and physical aliments.

All these things should have been taught at school but never were!

Another great site and hosted by Lee Channing   is   www.spiritsevolving.com